Backup Encryption: What It Is and Why It's Important | Spanning (2024)

It’s hard to ignore all the high-profile security incidents splashed all across the news, reinforcing how dangerous today’s business landscape has become. The harsh reality is anyone can fall victim to a cyberattack or data loss incident, meaning no business or individual is safe. To put this into perspective, a new study by Positive Technologies found that cybercriminals can penetrate 93% of company networks and gain access to resources.

Your data is extremely valuable to your business. Unfortunately, cybercriminals understand how valuable it is as well. Your company’s data is an attractive target for threat actors looking to make a quick buck through cybercrimes and other fraudulent practices. Having a backup is critical for quick recovery in the event of a cybersecurity incident. However, with cybercriminals now increasingly targeting backups — attempting to disable them from occurring, rendering them useless or deleting them completely — backups alone are inadequate. That is why encrypting your backups is crucial for the survival of your organization. Read on to learn more about what backup encryption means, its benefits and why it is more important than ever.

What is backup encryption?

TechTarget defines encryption as “the method by which information is converted into secret code that hides the information’s true meaning.” Backup encryption conceals the original meaning of the data, thereby preventing it from being known to or used by unauthorized personnel. Backup encryption helps maintain confidentiality and integrity of data by converting unencrypted data, also known as plaintext, to encrypted data or ciphertext. Backup encryption is a two-way function: first, it converts plain text into ciphertext or a secret code and then uses a key to interpret the secret code into plaintext. Once a backup is encrypted, anyone without the decryption key will not be able to read it.

What is the difference between encrypted and unencrypted backup?

An encrypted backup is a backup that is protected by encryption algorithms to maintain the authenticity, confidentiality and integrity of information as well as prevent unauthorized access. An unencrypted backup simply means data or information stored is not encoded by any algorithm. Encrypted backups are secured by complex algorithms and are readable to only those users with a key. An unencrypted backup is vulnerable to online breaches and cyberattacks, and since it is in an unsecured form or plaintext, the information can be easily viewed or accessed.

Why is it important to encrypt backups?

Cybercrimes are growing both in frequency and sophistication. Despite organizations implementing several security controls, threat actors still manage to penetrate defense systems and wreak havoc. According to The Global Risks Report 2022 by the World Economic Forum, cybersecurity infrastructure and/or measures taken by businesses, governments and individuals are being outstripped or rendered obsolete by increasingly sophisticated and frequent cybercrimes.

Backups are quickly becoming a hot target for cybercriminals because they want to get rid of your ability to recover and gain full control of the attack. Therefore, backup encryption is important not only for business continuity and disaster recovery but also to improve your organization’s overall security posture. Backup encryption is a security best practice that helps protect your organization’s confidential information and prevents unauthorized access. Most organizations today use encryption technology for securing their sensitive data. Encrypting backups adds an additional layer of security by converting sensitive information into an unreadable format. Even if threat actors manage to intercept the data while in transit, they will not be able to access or read it without the decryption key. Due to its high reliability, encryption is used for both commercial and military purposes.

What are the benefits of backup encryption?

It is important to back up your data for quick recovery from a data loss or cybersecurity incident. However, you must also ensure that your backups are protected by encrypting them. Backup encryption has several benefits, including:

Privacy: Encryption encodes your information, rendering it inaccessible to malicious third parties or untrusted users. It also gives you and your customers peace of mind knowing that sensitive information will not end up in the wrong hands.

Security: Encryption protects against identity theft and blackmail since hackers cannot access the information without a key. Backup encryption also makes data more resistant to tampering and corruption.

Data integrity: Encryption prevents misuse of information even if your laptop, hard drive or smartphone is hacked, lost or stolen. This ensures the content of your backups is reliable, accurate, valid and has not been altered.

Authentication: Encryption ensures only intended parties have access to the data.

Regulations: Encryption helps your business comply with regulatory requirements and standards like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) that require businesses to encrypt customer personal information when it is stored at rest and when transmitted across public networks.

How are backups encrypted?

Encryption converts data (messages or files) from plaintext or normal text into ciphertext using complex mathematical algorithms and encryption keys to improve data security. This ensures only intended parties can read or access the data. Once the encoded data is transmitted to the recipient, a decryption key is used to translate the data back to its readable state.

A simple example of transforming readable text into ciphertext is by swapping each letter with the one that is next to the ordinary text in the alphabet. It simply means “a” is replaced with “b,” “b” with “c” and so on. Here is how the encryption would appear: the word “confidential” would be converted to “dpogjefoujbm.” When data is encrypted, intruders can see that information is exchanged or transmitted; however, they cannot unlock the data without the correct key. This ensures data security both while in transit and at rest. Only authorized personnel with the secret key can decode and read the information.

The efficacy of encryption depends on the encryption algorithm used, the length or number of bits in the decryption key (longer keys are often much harder to crack) and the encryption method employed.

What is the difference between encryption at rest and encryption in transit?

There are several factors that need to be considered to effectively encrypt your data, including the state in which your data is in. This will ensure your valuable data is encrypted and protected at all times.

Encryption in transit: This means encrypting data while it is in motion between devices and networks or is being transferred to the cloud. Encryption in transit occurs between the backup source (a machine, server, Salesforce, Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, etc.) and the backup destination (Unitrends Cloud, Spanning-managed storage in S3, customer-managed storage, to name a few). It is like putting your data in an armored vehicle before being transported.

At Spanning, we use the respective app model and best practices for each SaaS provider in combination with OAuth2.0. This means all backups are transmitted securely, making it impossible for intruders to steal the data while its being backed up.

Encryption at rest: This means encryption of data once it resides on a storage “at rest” or the backup destination. In simple terms, encryption at rest is like keeping your valuable information in a vault and securing it with a PIN, password or key. In data encryption, a key is used to encrypt and decrypt data to prevent hackers from gaining access to data even if they have physical access to the device. This can be done with a Spanning-managed key hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS) or a customer-provided key hosted in AWS. This also means that even if hackers manage to steal data from a backup solution provider, they still will not be able to do anything with it since they do not have the key.

What is key management service in encryption?

Key management services like AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), Azure Key Vault, Google Cloud Key Management and others, allow easy management of cryptographic keys. Key management ensures the security of your keys and also provides an easy way to control and access your data.

With AWS KMS, you can easily create cryptographic keys to encrypt your data stored in the cloud and control the use of the keys across a wide range of AWS services. AWS KMS uses hardware security modules (HSM), and the keys are validated under the FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Validation Program, making the service highly secure and resilient. The centralized key management system allows you to import, rotate, delete, manage permissions and define policies on keys.

Azure Key Vault allows you to securely store and access secrets — API keys, passwords, certificates, cryptographic keys and so on. The cloud service enhances security and control over your cryptographic keys and other secrets using FIPS 140-2 Level 2 and Level 3-validated HSMs. Azure Key Vault allows you to easily create, import and define access policies to control access to your secrets.

A centralized key management system provides multiple benefits to businesses, including:

  • It makes accessing or reading your data extremely difficult for intruders.
  • At minimum, hackers must compromise the key stored AND the data destination.
  • Threat actors must compromise the solution provider (Spanning), cloud service provider (Amazon, Microsoft) AND the customer to steal information, which is much harder.
  • Keys can be rotated, which means attackers must hit all locations AND within a limited amount of time.
  • It helps you pass compliance audits by providing tamper-evident records.

What is the most popular encryption method?

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), also known as Rijndael, is the most widely adopted and trusted symmetric encryption algorithm. In fact, AES encryption is the U.S. Government standard for encryption. AES is a cryptographic algorithm used to protect digital assets. AES was developed to replace the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm after the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recognized that the DES was growing vulnerable with advancements in cryptanalysis.

AES supports three keys with 128-bit, 192-bit and 256-bit key lengths. AES 256-bit encryption is considered to provide the highest level of security. Due to its speed, resistance to attacks and compatibility, the U.S. Government and countless non-governmental organizations worldwide use AES encryption to protect their confidential data.

What is Bring Your Own Key encryption?

Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) is an encryption model that allows customers to use their own encryption software and keys to encrypt and decrypt data stored in the cloud. This gives you more control over your data and management of your keys. BYOK adds an additional layer of security to your confidential data. You can use the encryption software to encrypt data before sending it to your cloud service provider and decrypt is using your key upon retrieval.

Encrypt your backups for enhanced security with Spanning

Did you know that as of 2022, more than 60% of all corporate data is stored in the cloud?

Cloud offers multiple benefits, such as increased agility, scalability, productivity, reduced costs and so on. However, there are some critical security issues that you must be aware of, like data privacy and control, lack of visibility, programmatic errors and unauthorized access, to name a few. Your cloud service provider actually controls your backups stored in the cloud. It’s no surprise data loss and leakage (69%) were the top cloud security concerns in 2021, followed by data privacy/confidentiality (64%). To address these issues, businesses like yours can leverage BYOK encryption, which allows you to encrypt data before transmitting it to the cloud, and the best part is, the key to your backups lies with you.

Spanning Backup for Google Workspace, Microsoft 365 and Salesforce offers Customer-Managed Encryption Keys or Bring Your Own Key, which gives you increased control over your company’s data. Additionally, it allows you to control cloud service providers’ level of access to your data and enables you to suspend or shut off access at any time, thereby mitigating risks related to data security. Our encryption key self-management also provides data access transparency into how keys are used, as well as greater control via best practices in limiting key access.

Spanning protects your SaaS data with 256-bit AES object-level encryption, with unique, randomly generated encryption keys for every single object and a rotating master key protecting the unique keys. Additionally, Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption is used to protect all data in transit.

Discover how Spanning provides end-to-end protection for your SaaS data.

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Backup Encryption: What It Is and Why It's Important | Spanning (2024)


Backup Encryption: What It Is and Why It's Important | Spanning? ›

Data security: Encrypting backups protects your data from unauthorized access attempts. In the unfortunate event that a backup is stolen, encryption ensures that the encrypted data can't be read or, in the case of identity theft, used.

What is the importance of backup encryption? ›

Encrypting backups gives you personal control over your personal information. It's a level of protection that goes way beyond an email password, for example. If your iPhone gets stolen or you leave your computer or iPad on an airplane, your information is locked securely with the password only you know.

What is encryption and why is it important? ›

Encryption is used to protect data from being stolen, changed, or compromised and works by scrambling data into a secret code that can only be unlocked with a unique digital key.

Why is storage encryption important? ›

Storage encryption is a good way to ensure your data is safe, if it is lost. However, it is considered to be more secure to encrypt data in databases at the level of individual files, volumes, or columns.

Should you encrypt backup drive? ›

If you back up to an external disk and don't use disk encryption, any person who gains possession of that disk can read any data backed up to that disk. Be sure to physically safeguard your backup disk so untrusted users don't have access to it, and store it in a secure location.

What are two benefits of data encryption? ›

Encryption processes provide an additional benefit that is frequently overlooked but critical for all types of sensitive data. Encryption protects such data not only from theft but also from all forms of tampering. This is due to the fact that changing the content of encrypted data is as unlikely as decrypting it.

What happens to your data when it is encrypted? ›

Data encryption converts data from a readable, plaintext format into an unreadable, encoded format: ciphertext. Users and processes can only read and process encrypted data after it is decrypted. The decryption key is secret, so it must be protected against unauthorized access.

What is the main reason to encrypt a file? ›

Encryption protects the contents of a file from being read by anyone who doesn't have the encryption key.

What are the disadvantages of encryption? ›

Cons of Encryption

Encryption requires advanced hardware and software to be implemented, and this can be expensive. Furthermore, encryption hardware and software are often complicated and may require outside consultation or expertise to properly utilize, resulting in additional costs for businesses.

What is an example of encryption? ›

Most people will encounter encryption in their daily life when communicating. For example, messaging apps like Signal or Wire (both of them among the best WhatsApp alternatives) will encrypt your chats. Another good example is email, which, without strong encryption, can be intercepted by government agencies.

How encryption can prevent data breach? ›

Encryption is a process of converting plaintext into ciphertext, which is unreadable without a decryption key (read here for a more in-depth explanation). This ensures that even if a hacker gains access to the data, they will not be able to make sense of it.

What is the best encryption for data storage? ›

Symmetric-key data encryption:

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is considered more reliable because it uses a 128-bit, a 192-bit or a 256-bit key.

Why encrypt backup? ›

Encrypted data cannot be accessed in a readable format without authorization, even if it is intercepted while transferring online. So, this helps maintain the authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of information.

Should I encrypt my entire hard drive? ›

The Importance of Encryption

Encryption is the key to protecting the data on your hard drives. You can choose an encryption program that will make it more difficult for the thief to access the information, and prevent anyone who might find your portable drive from accessing it easily.

Why would you encrypt a drive? ›

Therefore, if you happen to lose or misplace your device, the encrypted state of the drive secures your data if someone else then attempts to access it. For businesses, drive encryption can play an integral role within a larger, comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to protect user data.

What is the importance of backup in data security? ›

The Importance of Backups

Making backups of collected data is critically important in data management. Backups protect against human errors, hardware failure, virus attacks, power failure, and natural disasters. Backups can help save time and money if these failures occur.

Why is the encryption of backup data critical? ›

Cloud backup providers have their own security in place to ensure the security of the physical servers, but data may be vulnerable while it is in transit. This is why data encryption is the most vital key to cloud security.

What is the benefit of end to end encrypted backup? ›

With end-to-end encrypted backup, you can add that same layer of protection to your iCloud and Google Account backups. When you create an end-to-end encrypted iCloud or Google Account backup, your messages and media are stored in the cloud. They're secured by a password or a 64-digit encryption key.

What are the benefits of drive encryption? ›

Data can't be extracted without a device password and encryption key. It helps protect data at rest against cyber attacks and data leaks. Temporary files are also encrypted. Users are authorized before the device boots.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.