Back Pocket Wallet or Front, Which is Better and Why (2024)

Front pocket wallet or back pocket wallet? It’s a question we’ve been asking ourselves for a long time. And while this may seem inconsequential - just hold you’re wallet wherever you want, right? - scientific evidence suggests that there is indeed one spot to carry your wallet that is better than all the others, but not for the reasons you may assume. In this article, we’ll explain the different aspects that come into account when choosing which pocket to hold your wallet in and why one pocket, in particular, is the superior option. (Spoiler alert: it’s your front pocket.)

Most men carry their wallets in their back pockets. It’s seemingly the most natural place to slip your wallet, but this is in fact engineered. Most wallets are huge, brick-like goliaths, that must be carried in your back pocket because, quite simply, they don’t fit anywhere else. With such a huge bifold, most men have no choice but to go with back pocket carry but this has some risks.

Back Pocket Wallet: Health Drawbacks

The biggest downside of carrying your wallet in your back pocket is the effect this can cause on your health. As we age, back pain becomes a part of daily life, with 80% of adults experiencing back pain at some point. In fact, lower back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide!

With such prevalence, it’s extremely important to care for your back health by making sure you have good posture and your spine is correctly aligned. When carrying a wallet in your back pocket, you are lifting up one side of your trunk slightly higher than the other.

If you continue to sit with a wallet in your back pocket, it will slowly misalign your spine. A misaligned spine can lead to severe back pain and even sciatica if left untreated.

Therefore, it’s always better to avoid sitting on a wallet if possible.

Back Pocket Wallet or Front, Which is Better and Why (2)

Back Pocket Wallet: Security Drawbacks

If potentially ruining your back health wasn’t enough, there’s another major drawback of carrying your wallet in your back pocket that puts your finances at risk. Depending on where you live, there may or may not be pickpockets or petty thieves. Regardless, carrying your wallet in a back pocket is an invitation to street thieves, almost like wearing a sign that says “steal me!”. This is because the back pocket is the most unprotected place on your person - literally behind your back, so you cannot see.

Pickpockets work by distracting you with a touch on your shoulder or arm, drawing your attention towards where they are touching so that you don’t notice your wallet being taken. If you carry your wallet in your front pocket, this technique isn’t as successful because you are able to physically see your wallet.

Various research suggests that there is only one proper place to carry your wallet, and that is the front pocket of your pants. This will help avoid future back problems and alleviate current back pain, protect your wallet more securely from pickpockets, and avoid the unattractive bulge of a back pocket wallet. But you may be starting to see the problem - if most wallets are too big to carry in your front pocket then what are you supposed to do?

Luckily, the new generation of slim and smart wallets are already here and they are all the perfect size for your front pocket.

Back Pocket Wallet or Front, Which is Better and Why (4)

Choose from several different slim EDC wallet styles at Ekster, with different options to perfectly match your lifestyle.

Back Pocket Wallet or Front, Which is Better and Why (5)

Aluminum Cardholder

This is an ultra-modern metal cardholder wallet built for slim storage and fast access. It holds 1-15 cards, with 6 inside the RFID-protected cardholder and up to 9 more in the expandable backplate. You can also put some folded bills there, too.

With fast-access cards, all you need to do is click the thumb button and all your cards will be ejected in a smooth, staggered fashion, making it super easy to grab just the card you need and go without fumbling or wasting time.

Thanks to RFID blocking technology, all the cards stored inside the cardholder are protected from wireless theft. And because of the super slim design, the Aluminum Cardholder can be comfortably carried in your front pocket, making it less attractive for pickpockets.

Choose from 14 different colors and patterns to find the style that matches your vibe.

Back Pocket Wallet or Front, Which is Better and Why (6)

Parliament Wallet

This is a modern reinvention of the classic bifold wallet, offering a smaller frame while maintaining the same carry capacity and modern upgrades for the 21st century. This front pocket leather wallet holds the same amount of cards as an average bifold but is a fraction of the size.

The Parliament also offers fast-card access so you can quickly and easily grab only the card you need with one hand, making checkout smoother than ever. Simply press the thumb button, eject your cards, and voilà - you’re done.

The Parliament also offers RFID protection for 6 cards inside the inner cardholder. Any cards placed inside are protected from wireless theft via skimming, so you never have to worry about accounts being hacked or identity theft.

The Parliament comes in many different materials. Choose from different types of genuine full-grain leather, matte leather, and even vegan leather made from recycled car windshields.

Back Pocket Wallet or Front, Which is Better and Why (7)


Since the conclusion has already been spoiled, you already know the answer to: “which pocket is best to hold my wallet?” Ding, ding! It’s your front pocket. Carrying your wallet in your front pocket prevents sciatica and back pain that can arise from sitting on your wallet, makes you less attractive as a victim of pick-pocketing, and gets rid of the unattractive “wallet bulge” that a big back pocket wallet can cause. In order to comfortably carry your wallet in the front pocket, go for a modern “front pocket wallet” like the Aluminum Cardholder or Parliament Wallet. These styles are ultra-slim and fit perfectly in small front pockets while offering modern upgrades like RFID protection and fast card access.

Back Pocket Wallet or Front, Which is Better and Why (2024)


Back Pocket Wallet or Front, Which is Better and Why? ›

Carrying your wallet in your front pocket prevents sciatica and back pain that can arise from sitting on your wallet, makes you less attractive as a victim of pick-pocketing, and gets rid of the unattractive “wallet bulge” that a big back pocket wallet can cause.

Should I keep my wallet in the front or back pocket? ›

No matter where you're going, carrying your wallet in your front pocket is the best way to help deter pickpockets and prevent back pain while still keeping your wallet close by and easily accessible.

Why do people put wallets in their back pockets? ›

For many people, the back pocket has become the default location for storing their wallets. It's a convenient spot, easily accessible and seemingly secure, without the need for an extra bag.

Is a front pocket wallet better? ›

You can comfortably sit down without having to remove your wallet. 2) A front pocket wallet looks better. A bulky back pocket wallet doesn't exactly look good – especially when you're wearing slim fit dress pants or skinny jeans. Asymmetry is not easy on the eyes.

Why shouldn't we keep our wallet in the back pocket? ›

Most men carry their wallet in their back pocket. But even though most men do this, it is not a good thing! A wallet in your back pocket hurts your posture and can cause back, neck and shoulder pain. This is because a wallet in the back pocket causes uneven pressure on the spine.

Where do most guys put their wallet? ›

It's not uncommon to see a man place his wallet in his back pocket. After all, considering how tight men's trousers are getting, there's no other place to put it. Additionally, bi-fold wallets for men tend to be big and bulky that you can't even force them into the front pocket.

What is the best way to keep your wallet? ›

Where is the best place to keep a wallet? It's better to keep your wallet safe in a coat pocket or inside a secure bag or briefcase, but if you really can't get out of the pants pocket habit, it's better to keep it in your front pocket.

Is it bad to have a wallet in the back pocket? ›

A Wallet or Phone Can Shift Your Seated Posture

As mentioned above, a wallet or phone in your back pocket can very well shift your standard seated position over time. This may cause pain directly in your buttocks area, radiating pain down your sciatic nerve, or even pain throughout your back.

Why do rich people use long wallets? ›

#1 They help you manage your money

Have you ever wondered why rich people pay with crisp cash? That's because long wallets let them carry their cash perfectly flat. This, in turn, lets them see how much money they've spent and saved.

Is it bad to put your phone in your back pocket? ›

Radiations directed to your back can lead to back issues. Furthermore, when we keep our cellphone in the back pocket, we sit in a manner to avoid putting force on the phone, thereby adjusting our posture, leading to structural imbalance. Verdict: Try to keep your phone away, especially before bedtime.

Which wallet is most secure? ›

Best Cold Wallet: Ledger Live: Crypto & NFT App. Ledger Live provides users with a hardware wallet that keeps their private keys offline, protecting them from online threats.

Why slim wallets are better? ›

If you carry a wallet in your pants, consider a slim wallet (either a bifold or a card holder) over a more traditional thick wallet. A slim wallet makes your silhouette look less lumpy and bulky, whether you tuck it in your front pocket or back pocket.

Why do people carry wallets in their back pocket? ›

The most prevailing reason for keeping a wallet in the back is that the front is too small. In both men's and women's pants nowadays, the front pockets are shrinking or flat-out disappearing. While we can't do anything regarding false or disappeared pockets, we can help with small ones.

Is wallet in back pocket bad for posture? ›

This hunch-like position puts more stress on the back and spine and can even cause a slouchy posture with slumped shoulders. Muscles work harder to compensate, and joints become stiff and achy. Sitting on a wallet or carrying a shoulder bag can also affect the nerves of our body.

Should you keep your ID in your wallet? ›

You should only keep items you need in your wallet, like your driver's license, credit and debit cards, and your health insurance card. On the other hand, you should avoid carrying items like your Social Security card and your birth certificate with you unless you need other forms of ID.

In which pocket should I keep my wallet? ›

Keeping your wallet in your front pocket is like creating a shield that guards your valuables against the clutches of would-be thieves. Imagine the peace of mind you'll have, knowing that your belongings are secure and just a hand's reach away.

Where should I hold my wallet? ›

The front pocket is a popular option because it can protect you from pickpocketing.

How do I keep my wallet lucky? ›

Using feng shui, there are many ways you can create the right environment to attract wealth to your wallet, such as:
  1. selecting the right color and shape,
  2. ensuring your wallet is stored correctly,
  3. and keeping your wallet uncluttered with space to lie your notes flat.
Oct 1, 2019

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.