Axie Infinity | MMR Rewards & Reset Guide: Increase MMR - GameWith (2024)

MMR Rewards & Reset Guide in Axie Infinity. Learn about MMR ranking, reset, rewards, 800 MMR restriction, and how to increase MMR above 1200 MMR upwards!

Table of Contents

  • MMR Rewards Per Ranking
  • MMR Reset Explained
  • MMR Restriction Changes
  • How To Increase MMR
  • Related Articles
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MMR Rewards Per Ranking (Updated)

Players Win More SLP On Higher Ranks

Axie Infinity | MMR Rewards & Reset Guide: Increase MMR - GameWith (4)

The amount of SLP you earn from winning in Arena Mode depends on your MMR Ranking.The higher your ranking, the more SLP you are rewarded with.

Arena Mode SLP Per Win By MMR:

MMR SLP Reward Changes
0-999 1
1000-1099 3
1100-1299 6 → 5
1300-1499 9 → 6
1500-1799 12 → 8
1800-1999 15 → 10
2000+ 18 → 12
2500+ 14

SLP AXS Rewards Guide

MMR Reset Explained

Seasonal & Offseason MMR

There are currently 2 MMR systems, one for the normal season and one for the off-season. With the latest update regarding the off-season MMR, both of the seasonal and off-season MMR will automatically reset to 1200 MMR every time the season or off-season ends.

Seasonal・ Used to rank players in the Season Leaderboards.
・Top ranking players will receive corresponding AXS rewards based on their rank.
・Seasonal MMRs are reset to 1200 at the start of a new Season.
OffSeason・Once the season is over your MMR will transition into offseason MMR and it will reset back to 1200.
・Not used to rank players in the leaderboards .
・No AXS rewards for the top ranking players.

MMR Restriction Changes

Players Below 800 MMR Can Earn SLP

Axie Infinity announced that they will be lifting the SLP earning restriction starting on Season 20, players below 800 MMR will be able to earn SLP by winning in Arena Mode.

How To Increase MMR

How To Stay Above 1200 MMR

Axie Infinity | MMR Rewards & Reset Guide: Increase MMR - GameWith (5)

Since 1200 is the starting MMR for every season. These are some tips to help you stay above 1200 MMR in Axie:

  • ▼Check Your Enemy's Cards
  • ▼Learn To Count Energy
  • ▼Know Damage Advantages
  • ▼Optimize Your Resources

Check Your Enemy's Cards

Axie Infinity | MMR Rewards & Reset Guide: Increase MMR - GameWith (6)

The way that Axie Infinity cards work is that your deck consists of two of each of your Axies’ cards. You can only draw 2 of each card per Axie until you run out of cards in your deck, and it gets reshuffled.

With this information, you can track which cards your opponent has used and know which ones they can still potentially play.

Learn To Count Energy

Axie Infinity | MMR Rewards & Reset Guide: Increase MMR - GameWith (7)

Keeping track of your opponent’s energy per turn is one of the most basic ways to improve your win rate.

If you’re able to discern how much energy your enemy has every turn, you can make decisions based on whether you think they’re going to attack into you or pass their turn.

Predict Your Opponent's Moves

Predicting what your opponent is going to do next is one of the best ways to win games.

This goes hand in hand with card and energy counting, and can be the difference between winning and losing.

Know Damage Advantages

Axie Infinity | MMR Rewards & Reset Guide: Increase MMR - GameWith (8)

Each Axie has a damage boost to another Axie. By knowing damage advantages, you can make it a little bit harder for your opponent to play the game optimally by applying combos, critical damages, buffs, & debuffs.

Best Combo List

Axie Damage Advantages

  • Reptile, Plant, Dusk deal 15% more damage vs. Aqua, Bird, Dawn
  • Aqua, Bird, Dawn deal 15% more damage vs. Beast, Bug, Mech
  • Beast, Bug, Mech deal 15% more damage vs. Reptile, Plant, Dusk

Optimize Your Resources

In an Arena game, you and your opponent start with the same resources; 3 energy and 6 random cards drawn from your deck.

With this information, you can outwin your opponent by stealing and destroying energy, or discarding their cards.

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Axie Infinity | MMR Rewards & Reset Guide: Increase MMR - GameWith (9)
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Axie Infinity | MMR Rewards & Reset Guide: Increase MMR - GameWith (2024)


How to increase MMR in Axie Infinity? ›

How to Increase Your MMR on Axie Infinity
  1. Learn to Read Cards. Your cards and those of your competition have a lot of power in Axie Infinity. ...
  2. Know Your Axie. There are multiple Axie traits, and you need to know which ones make your pet if you want a better shot at winning. ...
  3. Assess Your Speed. ...
  4. Strategize Your Morale.

How to earn SLP in Axie? ›

Axie trainers can earn Smooth Love Potion [SLP] rewards by winning battles against their opponents in Ranked Arena mode. A small portion of SLP can also be earned as participation reward if you lose Arena matches, provided that certain criteria are met.

What is the reward of Arena Axie? ›

Arena. Axie Classic Arena uses the regular PvP rules and format that will let trainers earn 75 AXP/axie per win if their MMR is above 800. Trainers will be able to queue in the Arena without restrictions and will be able to earn as much as 4500 AXP/day capped for each axie inclusive of all other game modes.

How do I make my AXIE stronger? ›

Players need to acquire AXP to level up their axies. You can earn AXP through the various games in the Axie ecosystem, and there's a daily cap per axie in each of the games. For example, you can earn 4,500 AXP per axie in Axie Origins and in Axie Classic, but only 1,000 AXP per axie in Project T or Sky Smash.

How many SLP can you earn per day? ›

You don't need energy to play PvE, but the number of SLP tokens you can earn each day in PvE is limited to 50 SLP. Daily quests are another way to earn SLP through playing.

How many MMR to get SLP? ›

Axie SLP Per MMR in Arena Mode
4 more rows

Can we still earn SLP? ›

SLP can only be earned from stamina-consuming matches. This means that you can no longer earn SLP once you have consumed all your stamina for the day. You must wait for the daily reset to replenish your stamina in order to earn SLP from your matches again. View our Stamina Guide for more information on stamina.

How much is SLP per win? ›

Axie Inifinity Rewards System
1500-179912 SLP per win
1800-199915 SLP per win
2000-219918 SLP per win
2200+21 SLP per win
5 more rows

Is axie still using SLP? ›

Previously, players could earn SLP by playing player-versus-environment (PVE) and player-versus-player (PVP) matches in Classic, however, it can be remembered that last August 2022, SLP was removed and integrated to then-upcoming Axie Infinity: Origins, the current main gameplay.

Can you get money from Axie Infinity? ›

Axie Infinity is built on the Ethereum blockchain, where all game assets are tokenized and player-owned. This means that Axie Infinity's assets have real-world value, giving you the opportunity to earn tangible rewards from playing the game.

What is the max level in axie? ›

Note: At the moment, you can only ascend your axie six times. This means that it will no longer gain any more AXP after it gets to Level 60, and cannot be ascended further until higher levels of ascension are unlocked.

How do you breed the best axie? ›

Step 1: On one of the axies that you will be breeding, click the "Breed" button.
  1. Step 2: On the next screen, select your second axie for the breeding pair.
  2. Step 3: You will then see the SLP and AXS amounts needed to breed your axies. ...
  3. Step 4: You will then get a confirmation screen from the Ronin wallet.
Mar 18, 2024

What makes an axie expensive? ›

The number of active users and their engagement within the Axie Infinity community play a significant role in determining the token's price. As more players join the game and actively participate in battles and marketplace activities, the demand for Axie Infinity tokens rises, potentially driving the price upward.

What is MMR means in Axie Infinity? ›

Play-to-earn game Axie Infinity published a clarification earlier regarding the MMR (matchmaking rating) reset for the Season 19 off-season which came unannounced and different from the initial setting.

How much SLP per win in Axie? ›

Axie Inifinity Rewards System
Lvl. 1-41 SLP per win
Lvl. 10-144 SLP per win
Lvl. 15-166 SLP per win
Lvl. 17-205-10 SLP per win
Lvl. 21-3610-20 SLP per win
1 more row

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