Avoiding Account Garnishment | United Way Worldwide (2024)

Account Garnishment

Having debt can be stressful. When you owe money and do not pay, you risk having any money in an account at a bank or credit union automatically withdrawn to pay your debt. This is called bank account garnishment or bank account levy.

Creditors trying to collect commercial debtmust go to court to get an order of bank account garnishment. Commercial debt is anything not owed to the government or for child support or alimony. This type of creditor is often called a judgment creditor. If the court rules in the creditor’s favor, an order of account garnishment is sent directly to your bank or credit union. Judgment creditors often win orders of wage garnishment because people don’t show up to court. When thathappens, the courts generally find for the creditors.

There are no federal limits to the amount that can be taken in account garnishment. Your state may have laws that are more protective.

Some sources of income are considered protected in account garnishment, including:

  • Social Security, and other government benefits or payments
  • Funds received for child support or alimony (spousal support)
  • Workers’ compensation payments
  • Retirement funds, such as those from pensions or annuities
  • Amounts received as the result of a personal injury lawsuit
  • A certain percentage of wages

When a bank account garnishment order is issued for overdue child support or delinquent taxes, these exemptions may not apply. Banks or credit unions that receive garnishment orders must review the deposit records for the two months beforethe order to make sure amounts deposited from protected sources are exempt from account garnishment.

Once a bank or credit union receives an order for account garnishment, you funds are frozen. This means you can’t get them. You cannot use your debit card to purchase groceries. You cannot get money from an ATM. Any checks you have written may bounce or automatic payments made from your checking account may be unpaid. This is done to prevent you from withdrawing all ofyour funds before the creditor can be paid.

If this happens, consider getting legal help. Also, contact anyone you have written a check to or have an automatic payment scheduled with and explain the situation. If you have protected sources of income, be sure to explain this.

What are some ways to avoid account garnishment?

  • Pay your debts if you can afford it. Make a plan to reduce your debt.
  • If you cannot afford to pay your debt, see if you can set up a payment plan with your creditor. Account garnishment is expensive and time consuming for creditors. By offering to set up a payment plan, you are potentially providing them with a cheaper route to collecting money from you.
  • Challenge the garnishment. For judgment creditors, this means going to court when they sue you. For the federal or state government, this means requesting a hearing.
  • Do no put money into an account at a bank or credit union.
  • See if you can settle your debt. Settling a debt is not without risks. But, again, because wage garnishment is expensive and time consuming, the creditor may accept partial payment. Just remember, you may end up owing income taxes on any part of the debt that is forgiven.
  • Consider bankruptcy. If you think this is your best option, consult a lawyer. If you don't make much money,you may be able toget help from a legal aid attorney or an attorney through your community’s pro bono attorney network.
Avoiding Account Garnishment | United Way Worldwide (2024)


How to avoid garnishment of bank accounts? ›

  1. Pay your debts if you can afford it. Make a plan to reduce your debt.
  2. If you cannot afford to pay your debt, see if you can set up a payment plan with your creditor. ...
  3. Challenge the garnishment. ...
  4. Do no put money into an account at a bank or credit union.
  5. See if you can settle your debt. ...
  6. Consider bankruptcy.

How can I stop a garnishment once it starts? ›

If wage garnishment means that you can't pay for your family's basic needs, you can ask the court to order the debt collector to stop garnishing your wages or reduce the amount. This is called a Claim of Exemption.

How to stop creditors from taking money from your bank account? ›

Call and write your bank or credit union

Next, call your bank or credit union and say you have revoked authorization for the company to take automatic payments from your account. Customer service should be able to help you, and your bank or credit union might have a form for this online.

How do you write a letter to stop wage garnishment? ›

At a minimum, your written objection to the garnishment should include the following information:
  1. the case number and case caption (ex: "XYZ Bank vs. John Doe")
  2. the date of your objection.
  3. your name and current contact information.
  4. the reasons (or "grounds") for your objection, and.
  5. your signature.

Which states prohibit bank account garnishment? ›

What States Prohibit Bank Garnishment? Bank garnishment is legal in all 50 states. However, four states prohibit wage garnishment for consumer debts. According to Debt.org, those states are Texas, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina.

Can a creditor take all the money in your bank account? ›

The creditor won't necessarily see your exact account balance. However, if the amount they need to withdraw is available and they have a court judgment that allows them to do this, they can take that money directly from your account.

What is the most they can garnish from your paycheck? ›

Federal law places limits on how much judgment creditors can take. The garnishment amount is limited to 25% of your disposable earnings for that week (what's left after mandatory deductions) or the amount by which your disposable earnings for that week exceed 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage, whichever is less.

Can you settle a debt after garnishment? ›

The wage garnishment can be stopped immediately. Once you file your employer will be notified right away to stop taking money from your pay. You can make a settlement to deal with the debts subject to the garnishment. You will also deal with other outstanding debts you may have, giving you a fresh financial start.

Does debt consolidation stop garnishments? ›

Yes, in some cases, a debt consolidation loan can stop wage garnishment. A debt consolidation loan is a type of personal loan that combines existing debts into a new loan with its own terms. Your loan funds are then used to pay off debts, and you only have to make one payment to your new lender.

Can debt collectors follow you to another country? ›

Technically, nothing happens to your debt when you leave the country. It's still your debt, and your creditors and collectors will continue trying to get you to pay it back. Just as they would before, those efforts may include phone calls and letters.

Do creditors watch your bank account? ›

A debt collector gains access to your bank account through a legal process called garnishment. If one of your debts goes unpaid, a creditor—or a debt collector that it hires—may obtain a court order to freeze your bank account and pull out money to cover the debt. The court order itself is known as a garnishment.

How can a creditor wipe your bank account without notice? ›

Neither the creditor nor the bank is legally required to provide notice before placing the levy on your account. This is because if someone was notified that the money in their bank account was going to be seized, they would likely withdraw all the money from their account before the creditor could access it.

How do you respond to a garnishment letter? ›

You can reply to show the court clarifying facts, documents, or other evidence to support your Claim of Exemption. Your reply must be filed at least five court days before the hearing. You can use a Declaration (form MC-30) to write your reply.

How to write a debt forgiveness letter? ›

I am therefore asking you to consider writing off my debt as I can see no way of ever repaying it. If you are unable to agree to this, please explain your reasons. Thank you for your help and I look forward to hearing from you.

Can you be garnished twice for the same debt? ›

It is not legal for your wages to be garnished twice by two different employers for the same debt. This is known as double-dipping and it is not allowed by law. The court and/or IRS should provide you with an itemization of the alleged debt so that you can determine if it is accurate and why you owe it.

How much money can a creditor take from your bank account? ›

Creditors are limited to garnishing 25% of your disposable income limit for most wage garnishments. But there are no such limitations with bank accounts. But, there are some exemptions for bank accounts that are better than the 25% rule allowed for wages. This article will discuss the defenses to a bank account levy.

Can my wife's bank account be garnished for my debt? ›

a judgment creditor of your spouse can garnish your joint accounts, and. if you have your own separate bank account and a judgment is taken against your spouse, that creditor can also garnish your separate account to pay for your spouse's debt.

Can someone garnish your bank account without notice? ›

Even if the bank is not required to send any notice under federal law, it may still do so as a routine business practice or because it is required to under state law. If you did not receive a notice about the garnishment of your account, ask your bank for a copy of the garnishment order that it received.

How do creditors find your bank accounts? ›

A judgment creditor will review any payments previously made by the debtor. If they have written you a check in the past, the check will have their bank's information. Or, if you've made a payment to the judgment creditor (such as a prior bill), they will be able to see where the payment came from.

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