Astrological Remedies: Avoid Doing These Things On Thursday Unless You Want To Invite Misfortune (2024)

Astrological Remedies: Avoid Doing These Things On Thursday Unless You Want To Invite Misfortune (1)

Astrological Remedies:Thursday or Veervar is ruled by the planet Jupiter (Brihaspati), a planet of good fortune. Jupiter should always be in a powerful position in a person's horoscope. When it is in a position of advantage, brings happiness, opens up opportunities for marriage, and bestows prosperity. On the other hand, if Jupiter is weak in a person's horoscope, it may cause problems in various aspects of their life. One can skip the ill effects of Brihaspati by following the correct astrological remedies and avoiding certain things on Thursday.

Also Read: Thursday Remedies To Attract Money And Good Fortune

Things To Avoid On Thursday

Do Not Wash Your Hair:According to the sacred Hindu scriptures, women must refrain from washing their hair on Thursday. In a female astrological chart, Jupiter functions as a planet for the spouse and also affects children, which explains why this is the case. Jupiter therefore only has a direct impact on a woman's husband and children. Washing your hair on Thursday can make your Jupiter less powerful and less fortunate. Although it may or may not directly affect you, there is an increased probability that your husband or child will experience its ill effects. Their progress might be impeded, or they might run into obstacles in their studies and personal lives.

Astrological Remedies: Avoid Doing These Things On Thursday Unless You Want To Invite Misfortune (2)

Do Not Trim Your Nails & Hair:One must refrain from trimming their nails and hair on Thursday. According to the ancient scriptures, Jupiter is considered to be a living entity (Jiva). It is believed that Jiva denotes life, and life is directly related to age. As our body includes both our nails and hair, they both have a direct impact on vitality or life. If someone cuts their hair and nails on Thursday, Brihaspati's favorable impacts on their horoscope will be diminished.

Do Not Wash Clothes & Take Out The Garbage: Jupiter poses a big impact on our physical health, home and family members. According to Vastu Shastra, Brihaspati rules the northeast portion of the house. It also influences the children and the younger members of the family. Additionally, the direction also controls religion and education. Thus, it is forbidden to wash clothes on Thursday and discard garbage. Additionally, cleaning or mopping the house on Veervar weakens and negatively impacts the northeast corner of your house. All of this eventually decreases the positive impact of Jupiter and puts adverse effects on children’s education and the well-being of the family members.

(Disclaimer: This is based on general public information. Jagran English does not confirm its veracity. Before adopting any measures, consult an expert from the relevant field.)

Astrological Remedies: Avoid Doing These Things On Thursday Unless You Want To Invite Misfortune (2024)
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