Argon2 Hash Generator, Validator, Verifier and Resources. (2024)

Argon2 Hash Generator, Validator, Verifier and Resources. (1)

Generate password hashes with Argon2 algorithm, the winner of thePassword Hashing Competition

Argon2 Hash Generator

What is Argon2?

Argon2 is cryptographic hashing algorithm, most recommended for password hashing.

It is designed by Alex Biryukov, Daniel Dinu, and Dmitry Khovratovich from University of Luxembourg.

Argon2 has 3 variants:
Argon2d, Argon2i and Argon2id. Argon2i is optimized for password hashing. Argon2 has 6 input parameters: password, salt, memory cost (the memory usage of the algorithm), time cost (the execution time of the algorithm and the number of iterations), parallelism factor (the number of parallel threads), hash length.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Password Hashing?

Password hashing is a one-way process of securing plain text password by creating a bit string of a fixed size called hash using cryptographic hash function. Cryptographic hash functions designed to be a one-way function, that is, a function which is infeasible to invert.

What is Password Hashing Competition?

Password Hashing Competition, organized by cryptography and security experts, is an open competition to raise awareness of the need of strong password hashing algorithms and to identify hash functions that can be recognized as a recommended standard. Argon2 was selected as the final PHC winner on 20 July 2015.

Resources, Articles and Tutorials

Secure Password Generator

Strong Random Password Generator

Secure Password Hashing in 2019

Password Hashing: Scrypt, Bcrypt and ARGON2

Argon2 Libraries (Argon2 PHP, Argon2 Java, Argon2 NodeJs)

Argon2 Hash Generator, Validator, Verifier and Resources. (2)
How to Use Argon2 for Password Hashing in Java

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Argon2 Hash Generator, Validator, Verifier and Resources. (3)
Protecting passwords with Argon2 in PHP 7.2

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Argon2 Hash Generator, Validator, Verifier and Resources. (4)
Zero to Hashing in Under 10 Minutes: Argon2 in Nodejs

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Note #1: We do not store any passwords, never.

Note #2: Always choose a strong password, containing special characters, lowercase and uppercase letters and numbers.

Note #3: Always use trusted libraries for creating password hashes.

Note #4: Stop using weak hashing algorithms such as md5, sha1, sha256, etc.

Argon2 Hash Generator, Validator, Verifier and Resources. (2024)


How to verify Argon2 hash? ›

In essence, the steps to do this check are:
  1. Extract the salt and parameters from the encoded password hash stored in the database.
  2. Derive the hash of the plaintext password using the exact same Argon2 variant, version, salt and parameters.
  3. Check whether this new hash is the same as the original one.
Dec 10, 2018

Is Argon2 still secure? ›

Argon2 is a secure password hashing algorithm. It is designed to have both a configurable runtime as well as memory consumption. This means that you can decide how long it takes to hash a password and how much memory is required. In September 2021, Argon2 has been standardized by the IETF in RFC 9106.

How do you choose the right parameter for Argon2? ›

Choosing Parameters
  1. Choose whether you want Argon2i, Argon2d, or Argon2id ( type ). ...
  2. Figure out how many threads can be used on each call to Argon2 ( parallelism , called “lanes” in the RFC). ...
  3. Figure out how much memory each call can afford ( memory_cost ). ...
  4. Select the salt length.

Is Argon2 better than bcrypt? ›

Argon2 is a great memory-hard password hashing algorithm, which makes it good for offline key derivation. But it requires more time, which, for web applications is less ideal. bcrypt can deliver hashing times under 1 second long, but does not include parameters like threads, CPU, or memory hardness.

How do you validate a hash? ›

How do I validate a hash value? It is important that the tool you use to validate a digital hash is from an independent, and preferably, open source. You will use the tool to convert the file into a hash value which you can then manually compare with the hash value from a trusted source.

Can we decode a bcrypt password? ›

How to decrypt an encrypted password in Mendix app set to bcrypt? You cannot do this because: Passwords are hashed, not encrypted. Hashing is one way only, you cannot reverse it.

What is Argon2 password hash? ›

What Is Argon2? Argon2 is a password-based key derivation function. It's a secure password hashing function designed to have many parameters that can be adjusted.

What is the Argon2 password hashing algorithm? ›

Argon2 is a secure password hashing algorithm. It is designed to have both a configurable runtime as well as memory consumption. This means that you can decide how long it takes to hash a password and how much memory is required. In September 2021, Argon2 has been standardized by the IETF in RFC 9106.

What is the max length of Argon2 hash? ›

SynopsisThe length of the produced hash.
Default value32
Allowed valuesAn integer. Lower limit: 4. Upper limit: 32768.
4 more rows
Dec 14, 2023

What algorithm does Argon2 use? ›

Argon2 is a cryptographic hashing algorithm specifically used to hash passwords. It provides better protection against password cracking than other hashing algorithms like Bcrypt, Scrypt, and PBKDF2. The Argon2 function takes in the password and outputs the hash of the specified length.

Does Argon2 need salt? ›

Normally you'd use a KBKDF such as HKDF instead of a PBKDF such as Argon2 (but preferably not just a hash). If you have 256 bits worth of keying material. However, if it is stored as a password I can imagine the requirement. The salt is technically not required, but neither is Argon2, so yeah...

Is Argon2 better than PBKDF2? ›

In short, argon2 is better. Do beware that iOS auto-fill still seems to cause some issues, so if you use iOS, lower your “memory” setting to 48 MiB. More technical explanation: Argon2 was specifically crafted to fix the inherent flaws of compute bounded key derivation functions like pbkdf2.

What is Argon2 hash code? ›

What Is Argon2? Argon2 is a password-based key derivation function. It's a secure password hashing function designed to have many parameters that can be adjusted.

What is Argon2 hash format? ›

Argon2 is a cryptographic hashing algorithm specifically used to hash passwords. It provides better protection against password cracking than other hashing algorithms like Bcrypt, Scrypt, and PBKDF2. The Argon2 function takes in the password and outputs the hash of the specified length.

Is Argon2 a hash function? ›

Argon2 is a secure password hashing algorithm. It is designed to have both a configurable runtime as well as memory consumption. This means that you can decide how long it takes to hash a password and how much memory is required. In September 2021, Argon2 has been standardized by the IETF in RFC 9106.

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