Apex Legends: Interesting Facts About the Legends (2024)

By Dalton Cooper

Much of Apex Legends' lore comes from character bios posted online by Electronic Arts, which reveal some interesting facts about every playable character in the game.

Apex Legends: Interesting Facts About the Legends (1)

Apex Legends is a unique game, combining the battle royale genre with hero-shooter elements, drawing many comparisons to Blizzard'sOverwatch in the process. And just likeOverwatch, much of the lore inApex Legends isn't really found in-game, but through other sources.

WhileApex Legendsdoesn't really have much in the way of comic books or animated shorts at the time of this writing, EA has uploaded bios for each character that give fans a little more insight into what everyone is about. After combing through these biographies, we selected the most interesting fact about each playable character inApex Legends.

1. Bangalore is An IMC Soldier

Apex Legends: Interesting Facts About the Legends (2)

Despite the lack of titans and wallrunning, Apex Legends is in fact set in theTitanfalluniverse, taking place 30 years after the events ofTitanfall 2. And it appears the war between the IMC and the Frontier Militia from the Titanfall games is still raging, with Bangalore (real name Anita Williams) serving as a soldier for the IMC side. InApex Legends, Bangalore was on a mission in the Outlands when her squad was ambushed, forcing her to fight in the Apex Games to raise enough money to get herself home.

2. Bloodhound Was Originally Designed for Titanfall

Apex Legends: Interesting Facts About the Legends (3)

Bloodhound, whose real name is unknown, is the tracker character inApex Legends, able to track enemy footprints and find those hiding around them. Bloodhound is one of the more mysterious characters on theApex Legends roster, and while not much is known about them from a lore standpoint, we do know that Bloodhound was originally designed for theTitanfall series, appearing in theTitanfall 2 concept art book. Considering this, it will be interesting to see if other unused character concepts from theTitanfallfranchise find a new lease on life through theApex Legends roster.

3. Caustic Is A Mad Scientist

Apex Legends: Interesting Facts About the Legends (4)

Alexander Nox was once one of the Frontier's best scientists, using his intellect to create a variety of toxic gases. Nox initially made pesticides, but his ambitions grew larger, and he started conducting experiments on living creatures. The specific details of these experiments aren't available, but we do know that they came to an abrupt halt when Nox was confronted by his superiors, and the ensuing battle destroyed his lab, leaving many to presume him dead. However, Nox has continued his toxic gas experiments with the Apex Games participants as his new guinea pigs.

4. Gibraltar Has A Boyfriend

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See Also

A common theme in hero-based games is being inclusive by having characters that represent a variety of races and sexualties, including those in the LGBT community.Apex Legends is no different, with its LGBT representative being Makoa Gibraltar, the tank-like defensive hero. According to his biography on the EA website, Gibraltar stole his father's motorcycle and went joyriding with his boyfriend. Unfortunately for Gibraltar, his recklessness ended in tragedy, as he and his boyfriend were trapped in a mudslide. Gibraltar's parents then went into action to try to save them, with his father losing his arm in the process.

5. Lifeline Comes from Wealth

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Lifeline, also known as Ajay Che, isApex Legends' resident healer character, with some useful abilities including a drone that can restore allies' health and a shield to protect her while she's reviving downed teammates. Lifeline's Ultimate ability also allows her to call in a supply drop, which stands as one of the more useful Ultimates in the game and directly benefits the entire squad. Some Lifeline fans may be interested to know that before she served as a medic in the Apex Games, Lifeline came from a wealthy family, with her parents accumulating their wealth by profiting off the IMC and Frontier Militia. Ashamed of how her parents amassed their fortune, Lifeline uses her profits from the Apex Games to benefit the civilians whose lives have been ruined by the war.

6. Mirage's Brothers Are Missing

Apex Legends: Interesting Facts About the Legends (7)

Along with Caustic, Mirage (Elliott Witt) is one of the unlockable characters inApex Legends. Known for his hologram technology and sense of humor, Mirage's backstory is actually quite tragic. All three of his brothers fought in the Frontier War, but none of them made it home. Mirage appears to have avoided military service himself, and has instead focused his efforts on the Apex Games, and trying to become famous from his performances in them.

7. Pathfinder is Searching for His Creator

Apex Legends: Interesting Facts About the Legends (8)

Everyone has a reason for joining the Apex Games, and that includesApex Legends' only robotic hero, Pathfinder. Pathfinder is a MRVN, which are robots created by Hammond Robotics to serve a variety of purposes. In pastTitanfall games, MRVNs can be found completing various tasks all over the multiplayer maps, but Pathfinder has set off on a path of his own. Pathfinder woke up in an abandoned laboratory decades before the events ofApex Legends, and is hoping that participating in the Apex Games will draw the attention of his creator, whoever that may be.

8. Wraith Has A Mental Illness

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InApex Legends, Wraith is best known for her teleporting abilities and Heirloom kunai knife, which stands as one of the most-coveted items in the game. Fans may also be interested to learn that Wraith has a mental illness, possibly schizophrenia with auditory hallucinations, that landed her in an IMC-ran mental institution. Wraith's unique powers are thanks to experiments that were conducted on her, and some of these facilities are actually located beneath the King's Canyon battle royale map. Unlike many of the other playable Legends, Wraith isn't in the Apex Games for fame or glory, but rather to learn more about her mysterious past, as she remembers nothing about her life before the institution.

Apex Legends is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Apex Legends: Interesting Facts About the Legends (2024)


Apex Legends: Interesting Facts About the Legends? ›

- Natalie Paquette (Wattson) was found by Bangalore, Lifeline, Gibraltar and Caustic after her father's death. She treats them as family. Also, she is the youngest legend with an age of 22. - Octavio Silva (Octane)'s legs were made by Lifeline after he blew them up with a grenade, just for fun.

What is a random fact about Apex Legends? ›

- Natalie Paquette (Wattson) was found by Bangalore, Lifeline, Gibraltar and Caustic after her father's death. She treats them as family. Also, she is the youngest legend with an age of 22. - Octavio Silva (Octane)'s legs were made by Lifeline after he blew them up with a grenade, just for fun.

What is special about Apex Legends? ›

Apex Legends includes a nonverbal communication "ping system" which allows players to use their game controller to communicate to their squad certain directions, weapon locations, enemies, and suggested strategies.

Who is the coolest legend in Apex? ›

Bloodhound is undoubtedly Apex Legend's best legend and one of the characters always present at the highest tiers of play. The reason is that he is the most effective scout in the game's roster, thanks to his robust skill set that focuses on detecting and hunting down prey.

How many legends does Apex have? ›

With nearly 25 unique Legends to choose from, the Apex Legends characters are designed specifically to work together with only one objective - winning.

Why people like Apex Legends? ›

What I still love about Apex is controlable recoil of guns, Wingman, movement like sliding downhill, not really a fan of tap strafing even tho its easy to do.

How old is Lifeline in Apex Legends? ›

Real NameAjay Che
11 more rows

What are Apex characters called? ›

The free-to-play battle royale-hero shooter game Apex Legends, developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts, features a diverse cast of playable characters known as Legends.

What is the main goal of Apex? ›

Overview. Battle Royale features a total of 60 players in each match. In Trios, this is divided into twenty squads of three, and in Duos, this is thirty squads of two. The objective of each match is to be the last squad standing; if one player makes it to the end, the whole squad shares the win.

Is Bloodhound a girl? ›

Bloodhound is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.

Who is the least popular apex legend? ›

Apex Legends: 8 Least Picked Legends
  • 8 Newcastle.
  • 7 Gibraltar.
  • 6 Catalyst.
  • 5 Seer.
  • 4 Revenant.
  • 3 Caustic.
  • 2 Vantage.
  • 1 Wattson.
Mar 4, 2023

What is Wraith real name? ›

Renee Hope Blasey

Is Ash older than Revenant? ›

Ash is 122, although she was eliminated when she was 46 years old. in her human form. Revenant is 359 years old, however, he was eliminated at 44 while humans.

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Crypto specializes in secrets. A brilliant hacker and encryption expert, he uses aerial drones to spy on his opponents in the Apex Arena without being seen. He also has a secret of his own: his name is Tae Joon Park, and he joined the Apex Games to find the people who framed him for murder.

Why Apex is the best game? ›

I love Apex Legends because it's a fast-paced, strategic game that I can play with my friends. We can work together to come up with plans and execute them, which is really satisfying. Plus, the game is always changing, with new Legends, maps, weapons, and gameplay modes being added all the time.

What created Apex Legends? ›

Apex Legends is a free-to-play hero shooter game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. It was released on February 4, 2019.

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