Apex Legends characters’ official ages | Esports Tales (2024)

A list of the official ages of all the Apex Legends characters. All the info has been revealed by Respawn and it is available on the video game website.

Respawn provided a brief biography on each character in the game, which includes full name, age, home world, and background history. All the information is freely accessible on the Electronic Arts website under the section dedicated to Apex Legends.

I gathered all the data and will keep updating this page with fresh one as soon as new legends are released.

Season 18: The latest character added to the game is Conduit.

At the moment, the lore of Apex Legends is quitebasicif compared to games such as Overwatch and Rainbow Six Siege, so there isn’t lots of info to share.

Apex Legends is a game based on the Titanfall series, and it takes places about 30 years after the events displayed in Titanfall 2. We are talking about a deep and complex universe, so also this game has a great potential, and the developers might release more material on the past and the evolution of each character.

Meanwhile, I suggest checking out the video below by Esports Talk, which provides detailed information on the lore of the game and the stories of all the eight legends available at launch.

Apex Legends characters’ official ages | Esports Tales (2024)


Apex Legends characters’ official ages | Esports Tales? ›

Kairi "Valkyrie" Imahara, born in 2704 on Angelia, was the daughter of Viper, a notorious mercenary who worked for the Apex Predators. She held great respect and admiration for her father, and wished to follow in his footsteps as a Pilot. Viper would often humor her by taking her for joyrides in his modified Northstar.

Is Viper Valkyries' dad? ›

Kairi "Valkyrie" Imahara, born in 2704 on Angelia, was the daughter of Viper, a notorious mercenary who worked for the Apex Predators. She held great respect and admiration for her father, and wished to follow in his footsteps as a Pilot. Viper would often humor her by taking her for joyrides in his modified Northstar.

Can a 12 year old play Apex Legends? ›

Apex Legends is rated T (Teen 13+) with Content Descriptors for Blood and Violence and Interactive Elements that include Users Interact (meaning players can communicate online if they choose) and In-Game Purchases (meaning the game offers the ability to exchange real-world currency for in-game currency or items).

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