Antminer S19 mining profitability calculator (2024)

Check ASIC hashrate and profitability

Data gathered from WhatToMine

Total Profit:

$0.00 / day

$0.00 / month





Numberof ASICs


Profitability30 days

Antminer S19 mining profitability calculator (2024)


How much can I earn with an Antminer S19? ›

Total Profit:
1.Antminer S19 XP HydroRevenue: $13.34 Profit: $3.15
2.Antminer S19 Pro+ HydroRevenue: $10.36 Profit: -$0.10
3.Antminer S19 HydroRevenue: $8.26 Profit: -$2.20
4.Antminer S19 XPRevenue: $7.32 Profit: $1.54
9 more rows

How much does the Antminer S19 make a day? ›

According to sources, the average S19 consumes about $0.06/kWh for electricity. However, the reports also indicate that in a single day, the Antminer can help generate $8.04 worth of crypto. The net electricity cost stands at $7.8. As such, on a daily, the average Antminer S19 generates profits of merely $0.24.

How much power does Antminer S19 Pro use per hour? ›

For the S19 Pro, it's 3.25 kW (3250W = 3.25kW). To determine daily consumption, multiply by 24 hours. So, 3.25kW x 24 hours = 78kW per day. Estimating Monthly Costs: Multiply the daily consumption by the cost of electricity in your area.

What coins can S19 mine? ›

There are several mineable coins, among which Bitcoin is the most profitable. Other coins to mine include Acoin, Curecoin, BitcoinCash, Terracoin, etc. You can mine over 30 bitcoins in total with this new mining rig. You can use this miner to join multiple mining pools.

Is Antminer S19 still profitable? ›

As of August 18, 2023, the Antminer L7 has a daily profitability of $2.00, while the Antminer S19 Pro has a daily profitability of -$2.34 . This is because the Antminer L7 has a higher hash rate of 9,500 Mh/s, which means it can mine more Bitcoin per day.

Which miner is most profitable? ›

The Bitmain Antminer S21 Hyd 335T is the most profitable Bitcoin mining machine currently, followed by the Canaan Avalon Made A1266, and MicroBit Whatsminer M50S. If you want to mine other cryptocurrencies, the Bitmain Antminer KS3, Bitmain Antminer D9, and Bitmain Antminer K7 are all solid choices.

What is the failure rate of Antminer S19? ›

Hardware efficiency improved from 40+ W/TH with Antminer S17's to as low as 29.5 W/TH with the S19 generation, while failure rates for S19's are reportedly below 2% and they come with 365-day warranties if new from the manufacturer.

How much profit does S19 make after halving? ›

In other words, pre-halving, one S19 produces 0.165 million BTC per day for a power consumption of 78kWh. So, if miners pay 1kWh at $0.07, the profitability point is ~$32,000 per BTC. That also means that post-halving, the profitability point for miners is ~$64,000 at this given electricity price.

How long does it take Antminer S19 to mine 1 Bitcoin? ›

According to Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro It mines 0.000762 BTC per day, so 1312 days to mine 1 BTC (around three and a half years).

How loud is an Antminer S19? ›

The Antminer S19 series, renowned for its exceptional hashing power in the realm of Bitcoin mining, comes with an inherent challenge – noise. Typically, these units operate at noise levels ranging between 75 to 90 decibels (dB).

Is Bitcoin mining still profitable? ›

With the right setup, Bitcoin mining is profitable. However, there is no definitive way to know how much money you will make from Bitcoin mining. This is because there are many variables that can determine profitability. For a start, you'll need to purchase Bitcoin mining equipment – known as ASICs.

How much does a S19 miner make a day? ›

5.74 USD / Day

*Please note that values are only estimates based on past performance - real values can be lower or higher. Exchange rate of 1 BTC = 66947.28 USD was used.

What is the most profitable coin to mine right now? ›

What's the best crypto to mine in 2024?
CryptocurrencyMining rewards per blockHardware requirements
Bitcoin (BTC)6.25 BTC (due to halve soon)ASIC
Monero (XMR)0.6 XMRCPU or GPU (ASIC-resistant)
Litecoin (LTC)6.25 LTCGPU, but ASIC recommended
Zcash (ZEC)3.125 ZEC (due to halve this year)GPU, but ASIC recommended
6 more rows

What currency is profitable to mine? ›

Historically, Bitcoin (BTC) has been one of the most lucrative cryptocurrencies to mine due to its high market value. However, other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and Monero (XMR) have also been profitable for miners, depending on market conditions and mining hardware efficiency.

How much can an Antminer make a month? ›


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