A Collection of the Best Wordle Tips and Tricks (Published 2022) (2024)



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Beyond the crossword

We gathered a list of the best tips for a strong strategy and successful game of Wordle.


A Collection of the Best Wordle Tips and Tricks (Published 2022) (1)

There are thousands of five-letter words in the English dictionary, but it only takes one to win Wordle.

Whether it’s your first time playing, or you’re a seasoned Wordler who plays at midnight when a new word drops, these tips will help you build a strategy or improve upon one you’ve already created. Let’s get started.

How to play Wordle

1. Click this link.

2. You have six tries to guess the five-letter Wordle of the day.

3. Type in your guess and submit your word by hitting the “enter” key on the Wordle keyboard.

4. The color of the tiles will change after you submit your word. A yellow tile indicates that you picked the right letter but it’s in the wrong spot. The green tile indicates that you picked the right letter in the correct spot. The gray tile indicates that the letter you picked is not included in the word at all.

5. Continue until you solve the Wordle or run out of guesses. Good luck!

Tips and Tricks from Wordlers

Start with the same word every time.

Although it doesn’t come with a guaranteed success rate, starting with the same word every time can give you a baseline strategy for every game. Eventually, you might pick the right word on your first try. Redditors, TikTokers and YouTubers have even done statistical analyses on letter frequency, so you can use their data as a resource.

Or, start with a new word every time.

Mix it up and try something new each game. This is the strategy of the author John Green. “My Wordle strategy is to begin each puzzle with a word I have never previously used,” Mr. Green said in an email. “I know this is not the ideal strategy, or even a good one, but I like it,” he added. “I usually get it in four, which is perfect for me because the stress of the fifth and sixth guess is almost unbearable.”

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A Collection of the Best Wordle Tips and Tricks (Published 2022) (2024)
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