8 FHA Financing Requirements You Should Know - Under 30 Wealth (2024)

Federal Housing Administration (FHA) was created by Congress in 1934. During this period, the housing industry in the US was in distress. It was tough for over 60% of Americans to own homes. The mortgage terms were difficult to meet with high down payments of up to 50%.

To revitalize the housing market, the US government implemented FHA financing. The federally insured loan program significantly lowered the lender’s risk. This made it simple for homebuyers to qualify for mortgage loans.

The move saw homeownership rates in the US gradually climb up to a track record of 69.2% in 2004. Thanks to the FHA financing, as of the last quarter of 2020, 65.8% of Americans owned homes. But as per the trading economics, the rate has reduced to 65.6% in 2021 due to the pandemic.

Making a smart decision on your home financing option is a money saver. Are you looking for a fantastic mortgage loan to push you to realize your homeownership goals? FHA financing has got you covered.

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What is FHA financing?

This is a government-backed mortgage. It is insured by the federal housing administration. The loans are only issued by approved mortgage lenders.

It is a good option for first home buyers or anyone building or recovering their credit score. With an FHA loan, the down payments are as low as 3.5%. The loan terms are 15 to 30 years.

FHA financing requirements

To get an FHA loan, the lender must scrutinize your mortgage application to determine whether you qualify for the loan. This is in relation to:

#1: Credit score

Are you worried about your credit score? FHA lenders are flexible with credit score requirements. The minimum credit score is 500.

If you have been declared bankrupt you can still qualify for an FHA loan. You only need to reinstate your good credit and wait for two years to elapse.

In case you have any financial liabilities, make on-time payments for 12 straight months before applying for an FHA mortgage loan.

#2: Down payment

The down payment required depends on your credit score. If you have 500 to 579 you qualify for an FHA loan, but, with a down payment of 10%. With over 580 you will need a 3.5% down payment.

The amount used as a down payment must be from FHA-approved sources. The most common are; savings account, cash saved at home, retirement benefits, cash from the sale of property, and gifts.

Gifts can be from friends or family members. They can fully cover the down payment. For the gift to be accepted, the individual or organization giving the gift must give a letter indicating that they don’t expect repayment of the money.

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#3: Mortgage Insurance premiums

To protect the lender, you must have FHA mortgage insurance. The premiums are used for monthly mortgage payments in case you default in making payments.

The funds are deposited to an escrow account established by the US treasury department. There are two types of mortgage insurance premiums (MIP). They include:

1. The upfront MIP

It is paid when the borrower receives the loan. It is mostly added to the total loan. It amounts to 1.75% of the loan amount.

2. Annual MIP

These are monthly payments. The premium ranges from 0.45% to 1.05% of the loan amount. The premium amount depends on the length of the loan, loan amount, and the loan to value ratio.

If you pay a down payment of 3.5%, you will pay the annual MIP until the loan is fully paid. But for a 10% down payment, you remit the premiums for 11 years.

#4: Proof of employment history

You must have a stable employment record or have worked for one employer for at least two years. Alternatively, if you are self-employed, you should have a victorious self-employment history. This can be established from your income statements and tax returns.

#5: Principal residence

The home must be your primary residence. This means you have a plan of living in it within 60 days of closing the purchase. FHA financing is not meant for real estate investing. Condominiums, townhouses, detached, and semi-detached houses can be financed through FHA loans.

#6: Front end debt ratio

This ratio determines how much of your monthly gross earning is used for mortgage payments. It should not exceed 31% of the total monthly income.

#7: Debt to income ratio

The debt to income ratio is the percentage of your gross monthly income that is spent on paying debts. This includes; student loans, credit cards, and other financial obligations. Your back-end debt ratio should not exceed 43% of your monthly income before tax.

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#8: Property appraisal

It is conducted by an FHA-approved appraiser. They assess the home to ensure it meets the FHA property standards. A house should be safe, secure, and structurally sound. The appraisal checklist includes:

  1. Property access

The house must be reachable in a safer and adequate manner for both vehicles and pedestrians. The street surfaces must be all-weather for easy usage by emergency vehicles in any weather condition.

  1. The roof

The appraiser must check the attic to confirm there are no roof damages. The roof must not have more than 3 layers and must be anticipated to last for at least the following two years.

  1. Electrical and heating systems

The property must have a working heating system and an electrical system. The wires should not be exposed or loose.

  1. The walls must be free of chipping lead paint.
  2. The house must have clean water, gas, electricity, and a sewage system.
  3. Health and safety hazards should not be in the house.
  4. It must not be infested by wood-destroying insects.
  5. Underground tanks should be in a good condition with the absence of soil contaminants.

Bottom line

A first or second homebuyer, FHA financing is a good option. With your low credit score, you can qualify for a loan. The deal gets sweeter with the attractive low-down payments. Get an approved lender and commence your homeownership journey.

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 8 FHA Financing Requirements You Should Know - Under 30 Wealth (2024)


What will disqualify you from an FHA loan? ›

The three primary factors that can disqualify you from getting an FHA loan are a high debt-to-income ratio, poor credit, or lack of funds to cover the required down payment, monthly mortgage payments or closing costs.

What is the FHA 75% rule? ›

This means that the maximum monthly mortgage payment is limited to 75% of the total rental income. This percentage must be at least enough to cover the mortgage payment known as PITI (Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance).

What makes you qualified for an FHA loan? ›

FHA loans have a low minimum credit score and down payment requirement, which makes them especially popular with first-time homebuyers. You can get an FHA loan with a credit score as low as 580 if you have 3.5 percent of the home's purchase price to put down, or as low as 500 with 10 percent down.

What are the income documentation requirements for FHA loan? ›

FHA Loan Income Requirements

The FHA and its lenders want to know you will be able to consistently meet repayments and not default on the loan. The FHA will need to see proof of steady income over the past two years and will ask for information like pay stubs, W-2s, investment statements and annual tax returns.

Why would a FHA loan be denied? ›

Here are three reasons why an FHA loan denied before closing is possible:
  • #1 Low Credit Score. ...
  • #2 High DTI. ...
  • #3 Sourced Funds. ...
  • Find out why. ...
  • Provide missing information. ...
  • Improve your credit report. ...
  • Work with another lender. ...
  • Increase your down payment.
Mar 27, 2023

Why would I not qualify for an FHA loan? ›

There are three popular reasons – bad credit, high debt-to-income ratio, and overall insufficient money to cover the down payment and closing costs of a home.

What is FHA 30? ›

What is a 30-year FHA mortgage? Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages are low down payment, fixed-rate home loans with credit score requirements lower than those of conventional mortgages. The FHA guarantees these loans to approved lenders with the intent of helping low-to-moderate income buyers.

Is FHA always 3.5% down? ›

FHA loans require a minimum 3.5 percent down payment for borrowers with a credit score of 580 or more. Borrowers with a credit score of 500 to 579 need to put 10 percent down to get an FHA loan. Conventional conforming mortgages only require 3 percent down, and VA and USDA loans require no down payment.

What is the FHA 3 year rule? ›

FHA mortgage insurance for HUD-approved lenders. Eligible Activities: The property must contain at least 5 residential units with complete kitchens and baths and have been completed or substantially rehabilitated for at least 3 years prior to the date of the application for mortgage insurance.

What is the downside to an FHA loan? ›

FHA Loan: Cons

Here are some FHA home loan disadvantages: An extra cost – an upfront mortgage insurance premium (MIP) of 2.25% of the loan's value. The MIP must either be paid in cash when you get the loan or rolled into the life of the loan. Home price qualifying maximums are set by FHA.

Can you make too much money for an FHA loan? ›

FHA loans do NOT have the same type of income limitation that USDA loans have. Simply put, you can't make “too much” or have “too high” of an income. You have to make enough to qualify of course, but there is no such thing as making too much for an FHA Loan.

What does FHA underwriting look for? ›

The underwriter will review your application, credit history, and income to assess the viability of your loan. Your lender may also have extra questions throughout the FHA loan underwriting process. Minor problems that the underwriter finds may need a letter of clarification and perhaps other measures on your part.

What would cause a house to fail an FHA inspection? ›

The overall structure of the property must be in good enough condition to keep its occupants safe. This means severe structural damage, leakage, dampness, decay or termite damage can cause the property to fail inspection. In such a case, repairs must be made in order for the FHA loan to move forward.

How many months of bank statements for an FHA loan? ›

Whether you're applying for a conventional or FHA loan, most lenders ask for two months' worth of bank statements. So, you may need to wait for one to two months to make sure these questionable items don't make an appearance.

Does FHA require audited financial statements? ›

Preparing for FHA Approval

Audited financial statements must cover 12 months of operation. Operating for fewer than 12 months, submit audited financial statements covering all months of operation. End date of audited financial statements aligns with lenders' fiscal year end.

Why would someone not accept an FHA loan? ›

Some home sellers see an FHA loan as a “riskier” loan compared to a conventional loan because of the FHA loan's stricter appraisal requirements. Also, the loan's lenient financial requirements for borrowers may leave the seller with a negative perception.

What percentage of FHA loans are denied? ›

In 2022, 9.1% of applicants were denied a home-purchase loan, according to data collected under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. However, some loan programs have a higher denial rate than others. Here's how it breaks down. Federal Housing Administration loans: 14.4% denial rate.

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