8 Depression Era Money Saving Tips (2024)

You can start using these Great Depression Era money-saving tips today!

8 Depression Era Money Saving Tips (1)

When most people think of the height of frugal living, the depression era is often the #1 time they think about. It was a time when most people didn’t waste anything, used their creativity and ingenuity to solve problems and managed to make it through, even when times were extremely tough and budgets simply did not exist because there was nothing to spend.

When I think of the depression era, I am reminded of how much we waste now and how they managed to use everything without even a complaint. It just was the way things were and everyone contributed to the household. If you would like to employ some good, old-fashioned money-saving tips that they used in the depression era to save your household some money, here are 10 forgotten Depression Era money-saving tips to start using now.

8 Depression Era Money Saving Tips

Learn the art of haggling.

People in the depression era didn’t just take the first quoted price for something. They knew how to trade, haggle, and make deals. We may not haggle these days outside of the car lot, but that doesn’t mean we can’t save money on the things we want. I keep notes of the items I need and then watch for sales on them. But it never hurts to ask when a store’s next sale will be.

Trading is starting to come back. More stores are offering to give you credit on used electronics when you are upgrading. Some stores buy back CDs, Vinyl Records, Books, or DVDs. Others buy back gaming equipment or phones. When you need a new item, see if you can, at least partially, fund it with something you no longer use.

While most of us are not comfortable haggling, you can use the internet to find the best price on an item. If you can offer proof of that price, some stores have a price matching guarantee.

Don’t shop for fun.

Recreational shopping wasn’t really an option for most people during the Great Depression. It is amazing how much money we waste when we shop because we are bored. Make it a habit to not do so. Bored? Pick up a deck of cards, work on a puzzle, call a friend, read a book, work in the garden, or choose another no-cost hobby to entertain yourself.

8 Depression Era Money Saving Tips (2)

Buy used.

Many families bought things that their neighbors no longer needed in order to save money. This should be a priority for you if you are looking to save money especially when it comes to things like kids’ clothing, seasonal items, and even household basics. Check out your local thrift stores, Craigslist, eBay, or even Facebook Marketplace.

Shop locally.

You may be surprised by how cheap things are when you buy from local stores. Many people shop at big box stores because we have been trained as consumers to think they are cheaper. The truth is, they are often not cheaper and you can get great deals from local markets. This is usually true of farmers’ markets because you are shopping in-season as well.

Even if the price is higher, you may save money because you do not have to pay shipping costs. Have you ever had your online cart at $23 when the business reminds you that if you spend $35, you will get free shipping, so you buy a $13 item that you don’t really need to save $4.99 on shipping? Yeah, they trick you into spending more because you hate paying shipping costs.

Reduce the use of household products.

Most of us use too much dish soap, shampoo, and lotion as well as many other products. Reduce the amount you use and you may be surprised that it’s enough. This will save you from having to replenish personal care products, beauty products, and cleaning supplies as often.
If you read the back of the bottles, they will often say, “Use a pea-size amount”. Try just following the guidelines on the back of the bottle. Carefully look at the lines on the laundry soap measuring cup. Most of the time, you only need the amount at the lowest line, but we are in the habit of filling the whole cup using 3 – 4 times as much as we need.

My kids always use too much soap when watching their hands, so I fill the soap dispenser halfway with soap, then fill it the rest of the way with water. I put the lid on and then shake to mix the water into the soap.

Stretch your meat or skip it in meals.

Often, families did not have the money to have meat with most meals during the great depression. They stretched what meat they did have with beans and lentils. If you don’t feel you can go meat-free, try ubstituting beans or lentils for half the ground meat in your recipes. You will save money and consume much-needed fiber.

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Filling Depression Era Breakfast Recipes

Frugal and Flavorful Depression Era Recipes

Depression Era Tips to Stretch Your Food Budget

Don’t buy disposable things.

Disposable products simply didn’t exist during the Great Depression. Now, we live in a disposable era. But it is easy and much more frugal to trade paper towels for rags and sandwich baggies for reusable containers. Look at the disposable products you are buying and find a reusable resource in your home.

Try some holistic health.

In our grandparent’s time, it was expensive to see a doctor just like it is now, and it wasn’t unheard of to try weird concoctions for healing various ailments. Don’t use any of the disproved methods of former days! However, it may be smart to try things like essential oils for minor ailments before reaching for that medication or going to your doctor’s office for minor things like congestion from a cold.

More Old-Fashioned Money Saving Tips

More Money-Saving Tips from the Depression Era

60 Frugal Hacks from the Great Depression Era

Frugal Depression Era Gardening Tips

10 Frugal Uses for Scrap Wood

5 Frugal Ways to Conserve Water

5 Things You Can Reuse in Your Home

8 Depression Era Money Saving Tips (2024)


How did people save money during the depression? ›

To save money, families neglected medical and dental care. Many families sought to cope by planting gardens, canning food, buying used bread, and using cardboard and cotton for shoe soles.

What thrived during the Great Depression? ›

Communications. Print and radio boomed during the depression. Nowadays, streaming and teleconferencing.

How frugal were people during the Great Depression? ›

During the Great Depression, frugality wasn't merely a choice but a necessity. Every penny mattered. Each item, whether a piece of clothing or a food scrap, had potential value. Waste became a luxury few could afford, and conservation became the rule, not the exception.

Who didn't lose money during the Great Depression? ›

Not everyone, however, lost money during the worst economic downturn in American history. Business titans such as William Boeing and Walter Chrysler actually grew their fortunes during the Great Depression.

How were families able to save money during the Great Depression? ›

Farm Families and the Great Depression

Chickens supplied both meat and eggs, while dairy cows produced milk and cream. Many women had sewing skills and began producing much of their family's clothing. Wherever they could, families cut down on expenses. A major problem was taxes, which had to be paid in cash.

What was the safest investment during the Great Depression? ›

Many people who owned stocks that went down a lot would have been OK eventually, except they bought on margin and were ruined. The best performing investments during the Depression were government bonds (many corporations stopped paying interest on their bonds) and annuities.

What sells during depression? ›

Toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, toilet paper, and other grooming and personal care items are always in demand. Offering these types of items can position your business as a vital resource for consumers during tough times. People want to look good, even when times are tough.

Did anyone get rich during the Great Depression? ›

But some investors built their wealth during this era. Jesse Lauriston Livermore was one of those people. He wasn't afraid to short stocks and leaned on technical analysis for his investing decisions. Jesse's returns from the Great Depression earned him the nickname The Great Bear Of Wall Street.

What was cheap during the Great Depression? ›

On the other hand, quite a few items, such as rents, haircuts and cars, were tantalizingly affordable in the Great Depression. The 1930s were a time of struggle and heartache for millions. But for those who maintained solid employment, there were silver linings.

How to be extremely frugal? ›

12 Tips for Frugal Living
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

Who suffered the most during the Great Depression? ›

The problems of the Great Depression affected virtually every group of Americans. No group was harder hit than African Americans, however. By 1932, approximately half of African Americans were out of work.

What would be the hardest part of life during the Great Depression? ›

Family Life and Childhood. The hardships of the Great Depression threw family life into disarray. Both marriage and birth rates declined in the decade after the crash. The most vulnerable members of society—children, women, minorities, and the working class—struggled the most.

How to prepare for the Great Depression of 2030? ›

The best thing anyone – including those of younger generations – can do to prepare for the 2030s Great Depression is invest, invest, invest. Invest as much as possible.

What did everyone do during the Great Depression? ›

Often, people chose to spend time at home. Neighbors got together to play cards, and board games such as Scrabble and Monopoly—both introduced during the 1930s—became popular. The radio also provided a free form of entertainment. By the early 1930s, many middle-class families owned a home radio.

Who profited the most from the Great Depression? ›

9 People Who Made a Fortune During the Depression
  • John Dillinger. ...
  • Michael J. ...
  • James Cagney. ...
  • Charles Darrow. ...
  • Howard Hughes. ...
  • J. ...
  • Gene Autry. ...
  • Joseph Kennedy, Sr. Kennedy, patriarch of the Camelot clan, built up a tidy sum in the 1920s with a hearty amount of speculation, peppered with insider trading and market manipulation.
Jul 22, 2020

What companies profited from the Great Depression? ›

Five Great Depression Success Stories
  • Floyd Bostwick Odlum. Many investors lost everything during the market crash of 1929 because they has mistakenly assumed Wall Street's good times were never going to end. ...
  • Movies. ...
  • Procter and Gamble. ...
  • Martin Guitars. ...
  • Brewers.
May 5, 2009

Who fared best during the Great Depression? ›

White collar jobs fared better than blue collar jobs and those lucky enough to work for a city, county, state, or at one of the military facilities generally held on to jobs. Farm families were mostly well positioned (see "Kitsap County").

What industry did not suffer during the Great Depression? ›

Answer and Explanation: Despite the widespread impact of the Great Depression in America, two industries did not suffer. These industries included entertainment and alcohol.

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