7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (2024)

One unique aspect of Bitcoin is a user’s ability to self-custody his coins.

But like any financial asset you custody yourself, it is possible to lose it.

There are probably hundreds of would-be millionaires who can tell you all about it:

7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (1)

Source: New York Times

When a wallet is lost, it’s usually gone forever - depending on how one loses it.

It also happens far more often than you think.

Key Takeaways

  • The largest lost wallet we know of holds about 80,000 Bitcoins
  • Wallets with as many as 1,000,000 coins are believed to be lost.
  • In almost all cases, these coins will never be recovered.

It is widely believed that around 4,000,000 coins (or about 20% of the total issued supply) are lost forever.

In this post, let’s explore the ways a Bitcoin wallet can become ‘lost’ and explore the most famous cases of these lost wallets.

By the end, we should have a good idea of how we can learn from what went wrong so we don’t lose our Bitcoin wallet too.

Ways to ‘Lose’ a Wallet

Bitcoin wallets can be lost through a variety of circ*mstances, each with its unique complications and implications.

Here are the most common:

Losing the Keys

This is the most common way a wallet can be lost.

Bitcoin wallets require ‘private keys’, a kind of digital password, to access and manage the coins.

You can think of them like the password to your email account. If you lose your password, you can’t access your account and read your email until you reset the password.

7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (2)

Email logins are a good way to think of public and private key cryptography. But you can't recover your wallet's private key if you lose it.

There’s just one problem: in Bitcoin there is no password reset. Once you lose your password (private key), you can’t access the coins ever again.

However, when someone claims to ‘lose’ their private keys, it is very difficult to verify, since anyone can claim they owned any publicly visible Bitcoin wallet and lost the keys to it.

It would be like pointing to a random car on the street and saying, “I own this car. I just lost the key to it.” Hard for anyone to prove one way or the other.

Stolen Coins

Sometimes, coins may be lost due to theft.

This happens when a user accidentally or carelessly exposes their private keys, allowing a thief to steal their coins.

In most cases, these are the result of exchanges poorly managing platform security.

7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (3)

A list of all exchange hacks. Source: Crypto Deep Tools

But individual users frequently experience this theft as well.

Coins could also be “physically” stolen through coercion, known as a $5 wrench attack, where someone attacks you in person and threatens to hurt or kill you if you don’t send your coins to them.

7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (4)

A List of $5 Wrench Attacks. Source: Jameson Lopp

In this scenario, the user can easily prove their ownership of the wallet (by signing a message from the wallet using the private key).

The tricky part here is proving the coins were stolen as opposed to the user choosing to transfer them.

That’s because whether the coins were stolen or voluntarily moved by the owner, it looks the same on the blockchain.


This is an often overlooked but very real way a wallet can be lost.

If a Bitcoin holder dies without leaving information about their private keys or plans for the transfer of their coins, those coins become inaccessible.

Consequently, the wallet is essentially lost.

Dormant Wallets

Some wallets are considered lost because the coins in them have not moved for an extended period. It’s possible that the owner has chosen to ‘HODL’ their coins (a crypto term for long-term holding), or they’ve lost access to the wallet. Either way, from an outsider’s perspective, these wallets appear lost.

Noteworthy ‘Lost’ Wallets

Identifying the biggest lost wallets can be challenging due to the anonymous and decentralized nature of Bitcoin. Still, here are some known instances that fall into the categories outlined above:

Satoshi Nakamoto’s Wallets (Dormant Wallet / Maybe Death)

The pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, reportedly owns around one million Bitcoins that have not been moved since they were mined.

While it’s impossible to confirm if these wallets are genuinely lost or if Nakamoto has chosen not to use them, they represent the most significant potentially lost Bitcoin wealth.

Other speculate that Nakamoto died and the keys were lost with him.

That is because he very abruptly left the development scene, and he never left another message ever again.

7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (5)

Satoshi Nakamoto's final correspondence

When you mix this with the fact that he never moved the coins, it paints a dreary picture of what might have happened Bitcoin’s mysterious inventor.

As Bitcoin Developer Luke Dash Jr. tweeted:

“If he isn’t dead, why would he allow frauds to masquerade as him unchallenged (it would be trivial for him to prove them liars with a PGP or Bitcoin signature)?” he said to Decrypt via Twitter. “Would he really hoard his stash while development lacks funding? If not dead, at least he must have lost his keys…”

Unknown Mt Gox Wallet

One wallet from the Mt Gox hack houses over 80,000 Bitcoins and not a single coin has ever been spent from it.

7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (6)

Wallet info for this particular wallet. Source: BitInfo Charts

As the coins stolen from Mt Gox are watched very closely, it would be very difficult to sell these coins. For that reason, the wallet is considered essentially lost.

It would be too risky for the thief to do anything with these coins at this point.

Stefan Thomas’s Wallet (Lost Keys)

Stefan Thomas, a programmer, allegedly lost his password for a digital wallet containing about 7,002 Bitcoins.

The wallet’s security mechanism threatens to “encrypt” the data after ten unsuccessful password attempts. As of early 2021, Thomas had made eight attempts without success.

7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (7)

Source: Yahoo Finance

As stated before, it is very difficult if not impossible for anyone to verify Thomas’s claims. He could be making the whole story up and there might be nothing on his hard drive.

Many have questioned the story, focusing on why the hard drive wouldn’t be encrypted by the password itself. Since, were it not encrypted by a password, it should be fairly easy to extract the key.

James Howells’ Wallet (Lost Keys)

James Howells, an IT worker, accidentally threw away a hard drive containing the private keys to 8,000 Bitcoins.

Despite numerous attempts, he hasn’t been able to recover the hard drive from the local landfill, effectively losing access to a substantial Bitcoin fortune.

7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (8)

Source: The Guardian

Gerald Cotton’s Wallet (Death / Maybe Lost / Maybe Stolen)

Gerald Cotton, CEO of QuadrigaCX, died unexpectedly in 2018 while on honeymoon with his wide in India.

7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (9)

Source: CNN

He was the only one who had access to the private keys for the company’s wallets, holding an estimated $200 million in cryptocurrency.

The coins have never been recovered, symbolizing a considerable lost wallet due to death.

Many were not convinced this was the full story, believing that Cotton may have faked his death simply because he lost the coins himself and couldn’t keep the exchange solvent.

They may have been half right…

Since Cotton’s death, some 100 Bitcoins inside of the exchange’s wallet were transferred to other wallets.

7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (10)

Source: Coindesk

This has led many more to believe Cotton attempted to fake his death so that he could take the coins for himself.


7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (11)

The list of lost wallets in this article is by no means exhaustive. There are likely thousands (if not tens of thousands) of lost wallets.

The important thing to know is there are many ways to lose a wallet.

Some are due to user error, while others stem from theft.

In either case, it is always on the user to make sure their funds are safe and accessible.

That is the responsibility of holding Bitcoin.

If you can’t accept that responsibility, don’t be surprised if you get added to this list next.

7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List) (2024)


7 Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets (List)? ›

Largest Traditionally Lost Bitcoin Wallet

A great example of this is James Howells, a British Computer Engineer who lost his hard drive, containing details for a Bitcoin wallet that holds 7500+ BTC. It may be the largest Bitcoin wallet that has been classified by the owner as lost.

What is the largest lost Bitcoin wallet? ›

Largest Traditionally Lost Bitcoin Wallet

A great example of this is James Howells, a British Computer Engineer who lost his hard drive, containing details for a Bitcoin wallet that holds 7500+ BTC. It may be the largest Bitcoin wallet that has been classified by the owner as lost.

Who is the 7th largest Bitcoin wallet in the world? ›

Tether becomes seventh largest Bitcoin holder.

How many BTC wallets are dormant? ›

According to a Fortune report, a total of 1.75 million Bitcoin wallets have remained inactive for over a decade. Many of these wallets contain significant BTC holdings estimated to be bought when the BTC price was trading in double digits and is currently valued in millions.

How many bitcoins are in a dead wallet? ›

$121 billion

These 1.8 million “lost” coins account for around 8.5% of the total supply of 21 million—93% of which have already been mined—that will ever exist. In most cases, it's impossible to know for sure what became of a given wallet, but it's a safe bet many are indeed gone forever.

How can I find forgotten Bitcoin wallets? ›

How to restore your wallet from manually inputting a recovery phrase. As long as you have written down the words of your recovery phrase (typically between 12 and 24 words), you will always be able to restore your old/lost wallets by using that phrase. Steps will differ slightly from wallet to wallet.

Who owns the most Bitcoin wallet? ›

Key Takeaways

Who owns the most Bitcoin in the world? The top Bitcoin holder is still believed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, who reportedly holds around 1.1 million BTC across many wallets.

Who owns 90% of Bitcoin? ›

As of March 2023, the top 1% of Bitcoin addresses hold over 90% of the total Bitcoin supply, according to Bitinfocharts.

Who is the richest Bitcoin holder? ›

Who Are the Biggest Individual Bitcoin Billionaires?
  • Satoshi Nakamoto. Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, is more a legend than a person we can pinpoint. ...
  • Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss. ...
  • Changpeng Zhao (CZ) ...
  • Tim Draper. ...
  • Michael J. ...
  • Others. ...
  • MicroStrategy. ...
  • Galaxy Digital Holdings.
Mar 22, 2024

What wallets do rich people use? ›

What Wallets Do Billionaires Use? The wallets that billionaires use vary widely, but many prefer high-end luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton or Gucci. These brands are known for their quality and craftsmanship, and often feature unique designs and materials.

How long does a Bitcoin wallet address last? ›

Bitcoin addresses don't expire Once Bitcoin addresses are generated they never vanish. Always remember to hold the private keys. Once Bitcoin addresses are generated they never vanish.

How many Bitcoin wallets can one person have? ›

According to Chainalysis, more than 460 million Bitcoin addresses have been created. However, this doesn't help us determine how many people actually use Bitcoin. After all, one person can create as many addresses as they like. Moreover, one person might have multiple wallet addresses across various crypto exchanges.

Does crypto in a cold wallet still grow? ›

If you want to see your assets grow, it is advisable to store them in a cold wallet for maximum security. Doing so can help protect your holdings and increase your chances of seeing growth. There are no guarantees in the cryptocurrency market, so always do your research before getting started.

What is the oldest Bitcoin wallet? ›

The Genesis wallet is the first wallet ever created on the Bitcoin network. It was created by the pseudonymous entity known as Satoshi Nakamoto, who created the Bitcoin network. Nakamoto also likely mined a high number of other blocks in the network's early days but it's unclear exactly how many.

Can you access a dead wallet? ›

The Owner of The Bitcoin Wallet is Dead

Without proper estate planning that includes the transfer of private key information, a deceased person's Bitcoin wallet can become permanently inaccessible.

What happens to lost bitcoin wallets? ›

Permanent loss: In most cases, when access to a Bitcoin wallet is lost, the Bitcoins controlled by it are effectively lost forever. That's because, without the keys, you don't have a way to prove to the network you are the owner of those coins (because you can't provide the signature required to unlock the funds).

What is the largest crypto wallet in the world? ›

Currently, the largest single BTC wallet with 252,597 BTC belongs to Binance. This exchange also owns two other cold storage addresses in the most prominent 10 BTC wallets, with 143,314 BTC and 125,351 BTC.

What is the largest Bitcoin wallet address? ›

⭐ First place goes to 34xp4vRoCGJym3xR7yCVPFHoCNxv4Twseo, which is defined as a Binance cold wallet: This address holds a whopping 248,597 BTC or just over $6.4 billion at the current Bitcoin price.

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The Best Bitcoin Wallets for May 2024
  • Best for Security: Trezor Model T.
  • Best for Integration: Ledger Nano X.
  • Best for Advanced Bitcoin Users: Electrum.
  • Best for Beginners: Exodus.
  • Best for Mobile Users: Mycelium.

What is the most private Bitcoin wallet? ›

Zengo. Zengo stands out as the most secure non-custodial wallet in the Web3 arena, eliminating the vulnerabilities associated with private keys. It's not just safe; it's simple. With a quick registration process taking less than 60 seconds, Zengo ensures that you are the valid owner of your cryptocurrency.

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.