6 quiet dog breeds who bark less than others (2024)

Bernese Mountain Dogs, Greyhounds and Irish Setters are among the quiet dog breeds that don't bark as much as others. While there are of course no silent dogs, some breeds are relatively less vocal than others.

"As dogs can't speak human, it's likely all dogs will bark at some point in their life, but some barks are definitely louder than others," PDSA Vet Nurse, Shauna Walsh, tells Country Living.

"A really important thing to understand is that barking is a normal behaviour for many dogs. In most cases, your dog is barking to try to communicate, so understanding what they're trying to say is important."

Remember: how much a dog is likely to bark is actually affected less by their breed than other factors such as their personality, energy levels, training, socialisation, and their environment. On that note, take a look at the breeds below:

1. Basenji

6 quiet dog breeds who bark less than others (1)6 quiet dog breeds who bark less than others (2)

"Basenjis are often described as 'barkless' dogs. Due to the shape of their larynxes (voice boxes), they actually can't bark in the traditional sense like other breeds," says vet Shauna. "But that doesn't mean they're totally silent - Basenjis will happily make a yodelling noise when they're excited!"

2. Bernese Mountain Dogs

"A working breed from the Swiss Alps, these gentle giants are calm and loving. They are great family dogs, and can be a fantastic and quiet companion for younger children," the Kennel Club tell us.

3. Shiba Inu

6 quiet dog breeds who bark less than others (5)6 quiet dog breeds who bark less than others (6)

"The Shiba Inu is a Japanese dog breed renowned for being tidy and quiet, apart from the occasional 'Shiba scream' – a unique sound that resembles a wolf howl."

4. Greyhound

"Greyhounds are known to be calm family dogs due to their affectionate, mellow and docile nature. They are generally quiet and calm dogs that enjoy sleeping throughout the day after a long walk."

5. Irish Setters

6 quiet dog breeds who bark less than others (9)6 quiet dog breeds who bark less than others (10)

"The original breeding purpose of Irish Setters was hunting, which means they don't tend to bark without a reason! These dogs enjoy a lot of active exercise and a well-deserved quiet nap afterwards."

6. Akita

6 quiet dog breeds who bark less than others (11)6 quiet dog breeds who bark less than others (12)

Despite common belief that they never bark, Akitas are also known for their regular howls. According to the PDSA, Akitas have a reputation for barking only when they deem is necessary. You may find they bark to alert you of strangers, especially if they are feeling anxious.

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6 quiet dog breeds who bark less than others (13)

6 quiet dog breeds who bark less than others (2024)
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