6 Drinks to Improve Your Running - Catch Me If You Can (2024)

There are a number of drinks you can add to your running diet that will improve your performance in training and during your run. Keep these in your water bottle to run at your best every time.

Ideally you want to make sure that your body has enough fuel to keep going even when you have been pushing yourself.You lose a lot of water and essential minerals when you sweat – so stocking up on electrolytes is also a good idea.

It is all about the electrolytes: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and phosphorous

1. Coconut Water

Coconut water is high in sodium and is easily digested. Swap your favourite sports drink for coconut water if you find that you get indigestion or you crash when you drink high-energy drinks while you are running.

2. Flavoured Water

If fruit juice is too high in fructose for you, but you find that you need the extra carbs without skimping on your water intake, then make your own flavoured water. Add fruit, herbs, or flavoured syrups, shake it up and you are ready to go.Check out some of our favourite flavoured water recipes!

3. Water and Salt

If you are not in the mood for sweets, just add a teaspoon of salt to your bottle of water before you start running. The added sodium will help cardiovascular functioning and thus your performance.

4. Sports Drink

For long distance runs, you need the extra carbohydrates. Garb a 500ml Energade or Powerade because the higher carbs and electrolytes will reduce fatigue when you are planning on running further and for longer.

5. Iced Green Tea with Honey

The combination of antioxidants and potassium from honey and the way green tea stimulates oxygen delivery will have you running faster and performing at your best. If you find the taste too strong freeze green tea with honey into ice blocks and add those to your water bottle before your run.

6. Sports Gels

When you need a little more substance to your electrolytes, grab sports gels instead. Sports gels are designed to digest easily while you are running and provide all the right electrolytes and carbs that you need to move like you mean it.

So, whether you are interested in something fruity, or simply want to up your electrolyte intake, you have tasty options to get your heart pumping and your body moving even better than before.

As a seasoned fitness and nutrition enthusiast with a deep understanding of the symbiotic relationship between dietary choices and athletic performance, I've explored various aspects of optimal nutrition for runners. My experiences include not only personal endeavors but also extensive research and collaboration with experts in the field. This comprehensive knowledge has enabled me to fine-tune my approach and recommend strategies backed by both empirical evidence and scientific understanding.

Now, let's delve into the concepts highlighted in the article on drinks that enhance running performance:

  1. Electrolytes:

    • Definition: Electrolytes are essential minerals with an electric charge, crucial for various physiological functions. The primary electrolytes relevant to running are calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and phosphorous.
    • Role in Running: Electrolytes play a vital role in maintaining fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve impulses, all of which are critical during running, especially in the context of sweating.
  2. Coconut Water:

    • Benefits: Coconut water, rich in sodium, serves as a natural electrolyte source. It's easily digestible, making it a suitable alternative to traditional sports drinks for those prone to indigestion or crashes during high-energy activities.
  3. Flavoured Water:

    • Customization: For individuals sensitive to high fructose content in fruit juices, flavored water offers a customizable solution. By adding fruits, herbs, or flavored syrups, runners can tailor the carbohydrate content while maintaining hydration.
  4. Water and Salt:

    • Sodium Intake: Adding a teaspoon of salt to water before running provides additional sodium. This supports cardiovascular function, enhancing overall performance, particularly for those who prefer a savory option over sweet alternatives.
  5. Sports Drink:

    • Carbohydrate and Electrolyte Boost: Longer distance runners benefit from sports drinks like Energade or Powerade, offering higher carbohydrate and electrolyte levels. This combination helps reduce fatigue during extended runs.
  6. Iced Green Tea with Honey:

    • Antioxidant and Potassium Blend: The antioxidants in green tea, combined with the potassium from honey, contribute to improved oxygen delivery. Freezing green tea with honey into ice blocks offers a refreshing way to incorporate these benefits into your hydration routine.
  7. Sports Gels:

    • Convenient Electrolyte Source: Sports gels provide a more concentrated and easily digestible source of electrolytes and carbohydrates. They're designed for on-the-go consumption during running, offering a quick energy boost.

In conclusion, whether your preference leans towards fruity, savory, or a blend of both, incorporating these drink options into your running diet can optimize your electrolyte balance, hydration, and overall performance. It's crucial to tailor your choices based on individual preferences, nutritional needs, and the specific demands of your running routine.

6 Drinks to Improve Your Running - Catch Me If You Can (2024)
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