50 List of Symbol Name in English » Onlymyenglish.com (2024)

A complete list of different types of symbol Name in English. A symbol is nothing but a mark or sign that is used to represent something or indicate any idea, or communicate messages, or relationships. Knowing the names of symbols is essential for effective communication, as each symbol carries a unique meaning and purpose.

All communication or data processing is achieved by the use of symbols. The symbols may be explained in the form of words, letters, sounds, visual images, etc., to convey the message.

For example, a red octagon is a symbol of stop, and a green octagon is a symbol of ‘go’. Symbols make communication easy and provide a better way to represent something.

50 List of Symbol Name in English » Onlymyenglish.com (1)

Table of Contents

Symbols Name List

Sr. NoSymbolName of the Symbol
2..Full Stop
5.” “Quotation Mark
6.?Question Mark
7.( )Parentheses
9.!Exclamation Mark
12.[ ]Square Bracket
13.{ }Curly Brackets
17.>Greater Than
18.<Less than
19.@At the rate sign
24.©Copyright Symbol
26.Almost equal to
27.⟨ ⟩Angle brackets
31.¤Currency sign
33.÷Division sign
34.Estimated sign
36.¡Inverted exclamation mark
37.¿Inverted question mark
39.®Registered trademark
41.Sound recording
copyright symbol
Trademark symbol
44.Therefore sign
Servicemark symbol
46.±Plus-minus sign
47.Per mille
48.Numero sign
49.×Multiplication sign

Description of English Symbols

The comma (,) is a symbol used to make a pause in any clause or sentence.

Full Stop/Period
The full stop (.) is a symbol used at the end of the sentence, that represents the sentence is completed. This symbol is also called a Period.

Slash (/) is a symbol that looks like an oblique slanting line punctuation mark. Slash is most often used to represent exclusive or inclusive, division or fraction, and a date separator, also used in the webpage address.

A semicolon (;) is a symbol with a dot on the above side and a comma on the lower side commonly used as orthographic punctuation. This symbol is used to link two independent clauses that are merely related.

Quotation Mark
A quotation mark (“ ”) is a symbol that is used to highlight any word, phrase, clause, quote, thought, speech mark, or sentence. This symbol is always used in pairs to cover the entire part to highlight.

Question Mark
The Question mark (?) symbol is a symbol that is used to express a question or interrogation statement, clause, or phrase, in many languages.

Parentheses (( )) is a symbol used to enclose any word or phrase or clause or to express additional information, or a special remark.

The hyphen () is a punctuation mark used to join words and separate syllables of a single word. The use of this symbol is called hyphenation.

Exclamation Mark
The exclamation symbol (!) is used in a sentence of any phrase as a consonant ejective.

The Ellipsis symbol () is a series of dots that are used to indicate a word of intentional or omission.

The colon (:) is a symbol that has more than one meaning. The use of this symbol is to mark any ratio of a certain quantity.

Square Bracket
The square bracket symbol ([ ]) is used to enclose any special content in a sentence or a clause. It is also used to insert explanatory material.

Curly Brackets
The symbol of a curly bracket ({ }) is used in the enclosure of the sentence to mark repeats or joined lines and in the formulae to derive something. It is also called the brace.

An apostrophe () is a symbol used as a punctuation mark to indicate grammatical possession or the contraction of two words.

The percent symbol (%) is used to indicate the percentage for any calculations or to write a ratio as a fraction of 100.

The And symbol (&) is used rather than the word AND. While there is no symbol for OR.

Greater Than
The symbol greater than (>) is a basic mathematical symbol used to represent the inequality between two values.

Less than
The symbol of less than (<) is a basic mathematical symbol used to represent the inequality between two values.

At rate sign
The At rate symbol (@) is used as a commercial symbol which is also called at site or the rate of. This symbol is registered as a trademark with the German Patent.

The equal symbol (=) is a mathematical symbol used to indicate equality or to mention the total value of any calculation. It looks like two parallel lines placed horizontally.

The Hash symbol (#) is used for various purposes like the designation of an ordinal number derived from the word now-rare. This symbol is known as a number sign.

The underscore symbol (_) is a symbol that looks like a long hyphen positioned at the bottom of the line.

The bar symbol (|) comes from the origin of the Greek word “BAROS” meaning weight. It is also denoted as a horizontal line above any letter.

Copyright Symbol
The copyright symbol (©) or a sign is used in copyright notices for words other than sound recordings. The use of this symbol is used in the universal copyright conventions.

In the topography, the bullet point is a topographical symbol used to introduce items in the list. Bullets are of many shapes like round, dotted, circular, square, arrow, tick, etc.

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50 List of Symbol Name in English » Onlymyenglish.com (2024)


How many symbols are there in English? ›

The English language has 26 letters (A, B, C, etc.), as well as 14 punctuation marks that are regularly used (period, comma, question mark, colon, semicolon, apostrophe , exclamation point, quotation marks, parentheses, dash, hyphen, brackets, braces, ellipsis). Letters can also be uppercase and lowercase.

What is the '@' symbol called? ›

In American computer science, it is universally referred to as the "at sign", or "at" when reading out a sequence of characters or an email address. In Chinese, it's called a mouse (shu), confusingly enough.

What are words symbols? ›

Words are symbols for thoughts, and no matter what language you speak, you use them according to the thoughts you associate with those words.

Where are all the symbols in word? ›

Go to Insert > Symbol. Pick a symbol, or choose More Symbols. Scroll up or down to find the symbol you want to insert. Different font sets often have different symbols in them and the most commonly used symbols are in the Segoe UI Symbol font set.

How many American symbols are there? ›

You can add others, but the American symbols suggested to focus on are: the U.S. flag, the Statue of Liberty, the bald eagle, the Liberty Bell, Mount Rushmore, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

What is the 27th letter of the English alphabet? ›

Ampersand. The ampersand (&) has sometimes appeared at the end of the English alphabet, as in Byrhtferð's list of letters in 1011. & was regarded as the 27th letter of the English alphabet, as taught to children in the US and elsewhere.

What does '@' mean in texting? ›

Substitute for the word at

In informal writing, such as texting or on social media, the at sign may be used to represent the word at and would be read aloud as such. For example, the sentence I won $100 @ the casino would be read as I won $100 at the casino.

How does one pronounce the '@' symbol? ›

On the Internet, @ (pronounced "at" or "at sign" or "address sign") is the symbol in an E-mail address that separates the name of the user from the user's Internet address, as in this hypothetical e-mail address example: [email protected]. In business, @ is a symbol meaning "at" or "each."

What are 44 phonemes? ›

In English, there are 44 phonemes, or word sounds that make up the language. They're divided into 19 consonants, 7 digraphs, 5 'r-controlled' sounds, 5 long vowels, 5 short vowels, 2 'oo' sounds, 2 diphthongs.

What is the old English symbol for and? ›

That very first ampersand was a ligature—that is, a character consisting of two or more letters joined together. Its creator was joining the letters e and t, of the Latin word et, meaning "and."

What is (|) called? ›

The vertical bar, |, is a glyph with various uses in mathematics, computing, and typography. It has many names, often related to particular meanings: Sheffer stroke (in logic), pipe, bar, or (literally the word "or"), vbar, and others.

What is the old English ampersand symbol? ›

The character &, when used by itself as opposed to more extended forms such as &c., was similarly referred to as "and per se and". This last phrase was routinely slurred to "ampersand", and the term had entered common English usage by 1837.

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