5 Ways Active Chlorine Dioxide Mouthwash Stops Bad Breath (2024)

If you’re trying to get rid of bad breath, you’ve probably walked down the oral care aisle in your local market or superstore and been confused by the manytypes of mouthwash, ranging from brands that have been around for years to newer “hybrid” mouthwashes and everything in between. Most promise to get rid of bad breath, but how do you knowwhich mouthwash ingredient is the most effective at getting rid of the bacteria (the culprit!) that cause bad breath odors?

Here are five reasons why the National Breath Center only recommends SUPREME BREATH Tru-Active Chlorine Dioxide mouthwash:

  1. 5 Ways Active Chlorine Dioxide Mouthwash Stops Bad Breath (1)

    Supreme Breath Active Chlorine Dioxide Mouthwash

    Works Instantly.
    Active chlorine dioxide mouthwash stops bad breath odors on contact. This active, oxygenated formula attaches itself to the odor molecules and eliminates the stink instantly.

    Related article: 6 Reasons Why Popular Bad Breath Remedies Just Don’t Work.

  2. Most Effective Bad Breath Odor Eliminator.
    “Active” chlorine dioxide (ClO2) mouthwash is proven more effective at killing bad breath bacteria than popular premium mouthwashes that contain “stabilized” chlorine dioxide. In fact, the stabilized products are stabilized chlorite, and not chlorine dioxide at all!

    Related article: The Ideal Mouthwash and Toothpaste.

  3. Super Tough on Odors, Gentle on Your Mouth.
    Active chlorine dioxide mouthwash seeks out and destroys the anaerobic bacteria that cause gum disease and bad breath. It surpasses Peridex, the most commonly recommended rinse for gum disease by periodontists. Even with all this odor-destroying power, active chlorine dioxide mouthwash remains very gentle on the mouth tissue and can be used daily with complete confidence to destroy odors and odor causing bacteria under the gum which cause bad breath.

    Related article: Professional or Home Treatment for Bad Breath — Which Option is Right for Me?

  4. It’s Research-tested.
    With a pH formulation similar to mouth saliva, active chlorine dioxide (ClO2) mouthwash is optimized for daily oral use. It is non-toxic, has a pleasant taste (not bleachy!), and won’t stain your teeth. Plus, the bad breath bacteria cannot build up any resistance to active chlorine dioxide mouthwash. SUPREME BREATH Tru-Active chlorine dioxide mouthwash is recommended by halitosis specialist, Dr. Richard Miller, and is the only mouthwash used at the National Breath Center for maintaining the bad breath Total Cure as it prevents tongue biofilm from forming again.

    Related article: Bad Breath Balancing Act — 3 Ways to Win the Bad Breath War in Your Mouth for more information on biofilm and bad breath bacteria.

  5. YOU can regulate its strength!
    This is because active chlorine dioxide mouthwash is a two-part system that you mix and use on demand. By simply adjusting the time before each use, you can control the strength of your mouthwash. This is especially useful when you need to create a personalized concentration for different circ*mstances, such as using in an oral irrigator to kill bacteria and odors under the gums. Plus, since the solution is stored in two separate bottles, it has a long shelf life and does not lose its power like other one-bottle formulations.

    See Dr. Miller’s Beating Bad Breath Protocol for step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of bad breath.

5 Ways Active Chlorine Dioxide Mouthwash Stops Bad Breath (2)

Tru-Active Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2)

  • Kills bacteria on contact
  • Superior oxidizing actioninstantly neutralizes bad breath odors
  • Heals mouth tissue & can alleviate gingivitisandgum disease
  • 2-part systemallows you to create active product on demand AND control the strength

Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2)

  • Is not chlorine dioxide at all! Products that claim to be stabilized chlorine dioxide actually consist of stabilized “chlorite” — which does not have the efficacy of active chlorine dioxide.
  • Weaker bacteria killermeans you need more product to do the job.Does not come close to the oxidizing power of active chlorine dioxide to kill bacteria or eliminate odor
  • Less effective odor neutralizer. Bad breath comes back sooner.

Don’t Buy Another Bottle of Mouthwash Without Knowing the #1 Most Effective Ingredient for Stopping Bad Breath!

SUPREME BREATH Tru-Active chlorine dioxide mouthwashis recommended by halitosis specialist, Dr. Richard Miller, and is the only mouthwash used at the National Breath Center for maintaining the bad breath Total Cure as it prevents tongue biofilm from forming again.

5 Ways Active Chlorine Dioxide Mouthwash Stops Bad Breath (3)
Buy Now!

Supreme Breath Complete Bad Breath Elimination System
Contains everything you need to eliminate bad breath.

I'm a dental health enthusiast with extensive knowledge in oral care and bad breath prevention. I've researched and stayed updated on the latest advancements in oral hygiene. Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article about bad breath and mouthwash.

The article emphasizes the importance of choosing an effective mouthwash to combat bad breath. The recommended product is SUPREME BREATH Tru-Active Chlorine Dioxide mouthwash, and here are the key concepts discussed:

  1. Active Chlorine Dioxide Formula:

    • The mouthwash contains an active chlorine dioxide formula that works instantly to eliminate bad breath odors. It attaches to odor molecules, providing immediate relief.
  2. Effectiveness Compared to Other Mouthwashes:

    • The article claims that "active" chlorine dioxide (ClO2) mouthwash is more effective at killing bad breath bacteria compared to premium mouthwashes with "stabilized" chlorine dioxide. Stabilized products are said to contain stabilized chlorite, not chlorine dioxide.
  3. Gentle Yet Powerful:

    • Active chlorine dioxide mouthwash is described as tough on odors and anaerobic bacteria causing gum disease and bad breath. It surpasses the effectiveness of Peridex, a commonly recommended rinse for gum disease, while remaining gentle on mouth tissues.
  4. Research-Tested and pH Formulation:

    • The mouthwash is research-tested and has a pH formulation similar to mouth saliva, optimized for daily oral use. It is non-toxic, has a pleasant taste, and won't stain teeth. The formulation prevents the buildup of resistance by bad breath bacteria.
  5. Regulatable Strength:

    • The active chlorine dioxide mouthwash is a two-part system that users can mix and use on demand. Users can control the strength by adjusting the time before each use. This feature is highlighted as useful for creating personalized concentrations for different circ*mstances.
  6. Comparison with Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide:

    • Stabilized chlorine dioxide, as claimed in the article, is not chlorine dioxide at all. Products labeled as stabilized chlorine dioxide supposedly consist of stabilized "chlorite," which is less effective in killing bacteria and eliminating odor. It is suggested that stabilized chlorine dioxide requires more product and is a less effective odor neutralizer.
  7. Recommendation by Halitosis Specialist:

    • The article mentions that SUPREME BREATH Tru-Active chlorine dioxide mouthwash is recommended by halitosis specialist Dr. Richard Miller and is used at the National Breath Center for maintaining the bad breath Total Cure.

In conclusion, the article provides detailed information about the features and benefits of SUPREME BREATH Tru-Active Chlorine Dioxide mouthwash, positioning it as a superior choice for combating bad breath.

5 Ways Active Chlorine Dioxide Mouthwash Stops Bad Breath (2024)
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