5 Tips for a Telephone or VTC Security Clearance Interview (2024)

One of the backlog mitigations measures implemented in order to reduce the number of pending investigations was the approval to implement VTC or telephonic interviews for some Enhanced Subject Interviews (ESIs) or Special Interviews (SPINs) that would need to be conducted in the course of applying for a security clearance.

An ESI is generally a requirement for a Top Secret security clearance or a Secret clearance where Special Access Program (SAP) access is required. The ability to conduct those interviews via phone or video was a major boost during COVID, where restrictions made any in-person meetings more complex. In many cases, a phone or VTC interview may be more common than meeting with an investigator in person. The idea is it saves both the investigator and applicant time, while still addressing issues that need to be discussed directly.

Unfortunately, some people don’t know how to talk on the phone. A recent complaint from background investigators is applicants taking the phone interview process to a new level of casual. The reality is some applicants may not know what they’re getting into – or maybe they just don’t care. Either way, here are five considerations for a phone or VTC subject interview.

1. Act like it’s in person.

Follow the same advice as if you were being interviewed in-person. Be on time (be ready for the call/have your phone), bring a copy of your SF-86, and be prepared.

2. Don’t be a time stuffer.

Okay, this is me – I underestimate how long all activities will take and am therefore late for every appointment in my life. Don’t let this be you when it’s time for an interview with a background investigator. If you’re working the SCIF life, the reality is you may need to time the interview around your work schedule – be up front with the investigator about your time constraints, how much time you have, and how much time it will really take. Don’t squeeze the interview in between two other important meetings – give yourself a buffer.

3. Don’t interview and drive.

This was a specific complaint from several background investigators – applicants who now felt the need to conduct their ESIs while driving. In one case, it wasn’t until the interviewer asked about car noise that he admitted to LYING about being in the car earlier in the interview. Bad move. It is perfectly within the rights of the background investigator to ask if you’re in your car when they call, and to postpone the interview if that’s the case. We get it, you have a long commute and you like to multi-task. But your ESI is not the time.

4. Watch what you wear.

Interviews may be conducted via phone or VTC. You should obviously know which one applies to you and be ready accordingly. One applicant recently conducted the interview in a bathrobe. Which was awkward for everyone. Especially when it came time for the sexual behavior questions (if it were me, I would have been forced to ask if the individual ever worked in the bathrobe…). We get it – a security clearance interview isn’t a job interview. But you should take the process as seriously as if it work. No, the investigator doesn’t make the determination. Yes, they can write in their notes that you weren’t properly dressed.

5. Don’t Multitask.

The benefit of the in-person interview is that if you’re sitting across from someone you’re not going to be tempted to do something different while you’re talking – like do the dishes or watch your kids. Background investigators overall report the phone interview format can cause some individuals to treat it like a check-in with their mom – not like it’s a vetting call for a critical national security position.

It’s true – the background investigator isn’t the one making the clearance determination. But it’s also true that a background investigator plays an absolutely critical role in your ability to obtain a security clearance. Treat the investigator, their time, and your interview – it whatever format it happens – with every ounce of respect you can.

5 Tips for a Telephone or VTC Security Clearance Interview (2024)


How to answer the phone for a phone interview? ›

Use Proper Phone Interview Etiquette

When you answer the phone, answer with your name i.e. Jane Doe (in a perky tone of voice) so the interviewer knows they have reached the right person. Use the interviewer's title during the conversation (Mr. or Ms. and their last name.). Only use a first name if they ask you to.

What questions are asked in a security clearance interview? ›

Questions about experience and background
  • Name three responsibilities you had in your last job and describe what you learned from them.
  • Can you tell me about your law enforcement experience?
  • Have you ever held a security clearance before?
  • Have you ever had access to classified or top-secret information before?
Mar 10, 2023

What questions do security clearance investigators ask references? ›

Your references will also be asked questions about your past and present activities, employment history, education, family background, neighborhood activities and finances.

How to impress a recruiter on the phone? ›

A smile on your face is easily conveyed over the phone, recruiters will pick up on the positive energy. As well, using their first name shows you are interested in them. Make sure you have good posture, as it can affect your delivery. Keep the tone of your conversation upbeat, positive and cooperative.

How do you introduce yourself in a phone interview? ›

To make sure you sound professional when answering the phone for your interview, start out by stating your name in an upbeat tone, and when the interviewer states who they are, confirm that you were anticipating their call. This way, the interviewer will know who you are and that they reached the correct individual.

How to answer security clearance questions? ›

How to Respond to Interrogatories During the Security Clearance
  1. Always Tell the Truth. This is not the time to “forget” to mention something questionable about your past, nor is it wise to mislead investigators in any way. ...
  2. Be Clear. ...
  3. Be Thorough. ...
  4. Get Assistance.

What disqualifies you from secret clearance? ›

You are not a U.S. citizen. You were dishonorably discharged from the military. You are currently involved in illegal drug use. You have been judged as mentally incompetent or mentally incapacitated by a mental health professional.

What is the top secret clearance interview like? ›

Candidates are interviewed personally and have the opportunity to correct any inconsistencies between the record and their personal account. They're also subject to a polygraph test.

What is the #1 question asked on a phone interview? ›

1. TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF. Recruiter's perspective: This is a question you will be asked in every interview. You have to have a 60-to-90-second pitch prepared for the employer that summarizes your experience.

How to rock a phone interview? ›

When you're on the call you should:
  1. be polite and professional.
  2. tell the interviewer if the line is bad or you cannot hear.
  3. try to sound engaged and interested.
  4. be clear and confident.
  5. leave a small gap at the end of each question before answering, to avoid talking over the interviewer.

How long should phone interview answers be? ›

Interview answers should be 30 seconds to four minutes, depending on the context of the questions. Your response may be short (30 seconds to two minutes) if the question is simple.

Does everyone get interviewed for security clearance? ›

Some lower-level clearances, such as Security Check (SC) or Counter Terrorism Check (CTC) roles, will often only require a written questionnaire and a background check. For higher level clearances, an interview is a must.

Is there always an interview for security clearance? ›

However, if the level of clearance requested is Confidential or Secret, and your job application and SF-86 contains no issues that require resolution, no interview may be required. If your position requires a Top Secret security clearance, you will be contacted for an interview by the investigator.

Do you always get interviewed for security clearance? ›

If you are being investigated for a Top Secret clearance or for a Secret clearance that requires access to a designated Secret Special Access Program (SAP), an Enhanced Subject Interview (ESI) is a regular part of the investigation.

How to respond to "Are you available for a call?"? ›

Please let me know which date and time work best for you, and I will make sure to prioritize it. If none of the suggested options work, please let me know your preferred date and time, and I will do my best to accommodate it. Thank you again for considering my availability, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.