5 Best linux distros for Day Trading (Stock or Forex) (2024)

by Heyan Maurya

Trading become a popular way to invest especially after COVID. However, if you are a Trader who is switching to Linux and thinking about which Linux distro you should use for stocks or Forex day trading, then here are options to consider.

Well, trading can be done on any operating system even on Android or iOS; the thing which creates the problem is the availability of the Trading software for Linux OS by the brokers. Well, there are only a few brokers who offer Linux clients otherwise only for Windows.

Therefore, the only solution left is either use a web-based trading platform or use Wine on Linux to install your Trafing software meant for Windows. For example, if you are a Forex trader then it is possible to easily install MT4 or MT5 on a Linux system. Hence, here is a list of Linux distributions that are popular and easy to use.

Top Linux Distributions for day trading

If you are a Forex or Indices trader then can see our tutorial on How to install MT4 or MT5 on Ubuntu Linux/Linux Mint/Zorin OS/POP_!OS

1. Ubuntu Linux

Of course, Ubuntu Linux is one of the popular choices to install on your desktop or laptop. It comes out of the box with SNAP and APT package manager to install various packages. And due to its huge community support and tutorial available online, the new user can easily learn how to install various applications using Wine.

5 Best linux distros for Day Trading (Stock or Forex) (1)

2. Linux Mint

Another Linux for Day trading to use on Desktop or Laptop is Linux Mint, especially for those who are moving from Windows systems. It is also based on Ubuntu, which makes it compatible with thousands of Debian packages including access to the Debian community and tutorials. Installing Wine is easy and with tutorials available relating to it, the users can install most of the popular Windows software on Linux.

5 Best linux distros for Day Trading (Stock or Forex) (2)

3. MX Linux for traders with old or light hardware

For users who are looking for Mid-weight Linux for their Old systems but want it to be based on Debian, then MX Linux is the optimal solution. It is fast and comes with XFCE with access to APT and Flatpak package manager. Well, if you have a 32-bit system then MX Linux is one of the best to go.

Learn: How to install Thinkorswim on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS/Linux Min or MX Linux

5 Best linux distros for Day Trading (Stock or Forex) (3)

4. Zorin OS Linux- Best for Day trading

Zorin OS is another best Linux distro for Stock or Fores Day trading. Its developers have recently released the new version – Zorin OS 16. It is based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and is aimed primarily at those switching to Linux who have previously used Microsoft Windows. Installation is very straightforward. After downloading an ISO file of Zorin OS from the Zorin website, you can start immediately. The Appstore (software center) uses applications from the Ubuntu package sources. This means that a very large range of software from a wide variety of areas is available.If you want to use newer versions of applications, you can install Flatpaks or Snaps. Access to both formats has been established.

A lite version is also available. This is primarily intended for older computers and uses XFCE as a desktop environment. See: How to install Zorin OS 16 on VirtualBox Virtual Machine

5 Best linux distros for Day Trading (Stock or Forex) (4)

5. Manjaro Linux

Unlike the Arch, Manjaro Linux can be used immediately. While Arch Linux requires documentation for a guided installation, with Manjaro you will be guided through a graphically designed and simple setup. The XFCE desktop interface can be further customized using the programs, icon packs, and themes provided.

Wine installation is very easy on Manajro using its graphical user interface running Software Manager. Learn – Install Wine for Arch Linux such as Manjaro

5 Best linux distros for Day Trading (Stock or Forex) (5)

6. Pop!_OS

Pop_OS is another open-source Ubuntu-based Linux open-source for Stock or Forex software (Day trading) using Wine. It comes with a customized Gnome desktop. POP!_OS is easy to set up and ideal if you want to play games under Linux that means with the help of Wine-like software you can also install Trading software as well. “Pop OS” is a Linux distribution from the computer manufacturer System76, here are several features of it – integrated GPU support, standard hard disk encryption; optimized window management, keyboard shortcuts, and integrated power management profiles.

5 Best linux distros for Day Trading (Stock or Forex) (6)

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5 Best linux distros for Day Trading (Stock or Forex) (2024)
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