4 Ways To Make Money As A SAHM - Mother Distracted (2024)

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I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for ways to make money as a SAHM. (Stay At Home Mum). When you’re at home looking after little ones, particularly if you have given up a good job, your mind quickly turns to ways in which you can boost the family’s income. Having been independent for so long, I hate the thought of being totally dependent on someone else’s wages and I’m always looking for ways to contribute to the family coffers.

4 Ways To Make Money As A SAHM - Mother Distracted (1)

There are so many get rich quick schemes out there waiting to trap the unwary (and usually getting you to part with cash into the bargain), so here’s some sensible advice in this guest post from Jon who runs The Money Shed, a great website dedicated to earning money from home. He has loads of ideas for money-making ideas for stay at home mums and dads.

Over to Jon…

Who wouldn’t want an extra £1500 each month? What would you do with that money? An extra holiday or maybe a house repair that needs doing. No matter what getting that money is easier than you might think and I’m going to show you 3 easy ways to earn an extra £1000 from home without any trouble.

Just before we get going I better introduce myself. My name is Jon and I run The Money Shed which is the UK’s largest community website dedicated to earning money from home so I spend my time helping others (ESPECIALLY stay at home parents) earn money from home so they can look after their little ones and not have to return to work. With that in mind here are 4 easy ways to earn an extra £1000 form home

Web Search Evaluator – £500+ a month

Ever wondered how search engines give you the results that they do? There’s actually a human element attached to it all and you can get PAID to help out!. Leapforce is a company offering you the chance to work as a Web Search Evaluator. The job is paid BY THE HOUR and you just log in to work whenever you want so there are no set hours or anything. The role basically involves you helping to critique the results that you get when you search for something, for example checking that when someone searches for ‘pictures of cats’, they don’t get presented with a page full of dog photos!

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Racing at Arlington Park: Paul Kehrer

Risk-Free Matched Betting – £1000+ a month

Betting in NAME ONLY, Risk-Free Matched Betting is a fantastic way to earn a HUGE amount of money for very little work. In a nutshell, Matched Betting is where you take advantage of the endless amount of bookie offers along the lines of ‘Bet £10 get £20 free’ using a systematic and mathematical approach which is why it’s RISK-FREE and you make money endlessly no matter what the outcome.

I’ve made over £25,000 from it so far over the last 18 months and have had 2 trips to Florida, a new conservatory and a car so far so it’s WELL WORTH doing.

If you fancy giving it a go I’ve written a VERY EASY TO FOLLOW Beginners guide to it here on Slummy Single Mummy. or head on over to Profit Accumulator a great website where you’ll find all the information to get going today.

Evaluating Websites – £60-£100+ a month

Ever used a website and thought it could look better? There are companies out there who will pay to hear your opinion on websites. WhatUsersdo and uTest are two such companies who will pay you £15 a time and more to record your experience on some BIG NAME retailer websites. They use some clever software to record your screen and microphone as you narrate using a particular website. What works well? What could be improved? You can let them know! The reviews take around 15 minutes to do and payment is very quick so if you have an eye for detail you have nothing to lose by applying!

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Image credit: Jason Howie

Smartphone Apps – £200+ a month

These ‘task’ based smartphone apps have exploded in the last few years and you can earn more money than ever on them now. The main players are Task360, Field Agent, Roamler, BeMyEye and StreetSpotr. All are available to download from the App Store or Play Store on your phone.

A basic task usually involves going into a store taking a photo or two of a display, answering a question and then submitting all that via the app. It takes a few minutes to do and best of all your can loop the task together if you can see a load all near you on the app.

So there you have it. Just a few ideas to think about. I hope this post has helped you out. If you ever fancy earning even more than please pop over to The Money Shed as we’d love to have you on our forum and help get you earning the most you can for the time you have available!

What do you think of these ideas? Would you give any of these ways to make money as a stay at home mum or dad a try? Let me know in the comments below.

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4 Ways To Make Money As A SAHM - Mother Distracted (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.