4 strategies insurance companies use to lowball you in Milwaukee (2024)

Insurers will use 4 common strategies to avoid paying you what you deserve:

  1. Using your words against you.
  2. Scaring you with baseless accusations.
  3. Intentionally stalling.
  4. Pushing paperwork onto you until you sign.

An auto insurance adjuster is a full-time, professional low-baller. The BEST thing you can do to fight back ishire full-time professional auto accident lawyerswho have made their living fighting for Wisconsin’s injured.Hereare some things to think about as you do so.

Like any business, an insurance company tries to maximize revenue while minimizing expenses. Your normally pleasant relationship with an insurance company could turn nasty after an accident. Their strategy isn’t to offer you what you need, but what they think you’ll accept without a fight. In this day and age, it can be surprising that a large auto insurance company would try to screw its customers. The fact is, this sort of behavior is common, widespread, and profitable.

In an ideal world, an insurance company would deliver prompt and courteous compensation for your injuries and expenses as promised. In the real world, they will hire professional negotiators to stall, intimidate, and weasel their way out of any payment they can.

There are 4 common strategies that an insurer will use after an accident to avoid paying enough

1. An insurance company WILL use your words against you

Assume anything you say to a representative of an insurance company is being recorded and analyzed for them to use against you. When you’re speaking with an insurance adjuster following an accident it is important that you NEVER:

  • Agree to their version of events
  • Admit any fault
  • Agree to any figures or costs they present to you

While it is important to represent your side of the story truthfully, the answer to any question they ask or offer they make should be: “Let me consult my attorney.”

2. An insurance company WILL hurl baseless accusations to scare you

Once you begin to defend yourself against an insurance company they may fire back with scare tactics. They might claim that you’re inflating the costs of your medical expenses and committing fraud. They may threaten to get your driver’s license taken away. They may even tell you that their offer is final.

Don’t believe them. An insurance adjuster is not a lawyer, a fraud investigator or a judge, and they have no legal authority. As long as you’ve represented your case aggressively but truthfully they will not waste money to follow through on these threats.

They know that good, honest people are terrified of being falsely accused of a crime, getting wrapped up in a court battle, or losing out on an insurance settlement that they need. Exploiting these fears with empty threats is often an effective strategy for them.

3. An insurance company WILL intentionally stall and take too long

There is no law that says an insurance company MUST provide prompt service. They know that they can wear many people down and run out the clock by taking their sweet time until the statute of limitations passes. An insurance company may kick the can down the road by:

  • “Losing” your paperwork
  • Transferring your to another adjuster
  • Not returning your calls
  • Lowballing you to begin a drawn out negotiation process

If scaring you doesn’t work, an insurance company’s next tactic is to frustrate you until you cave and take whatever they put in front of you. They know that nobody wants to be dealing with the fallout of a car accident months after the dust has settled. You have bills to pay from the accident and the longer they stall the more dire your situation becomes. Don’t let an insurance company push you into desperation.

4. An insurance company WILL push paperwork at you until you sign

The most effective strategy that an insurance company has is the ‘fishing expedition.’ They will keep sending you paperwork that says “Sign here and collect your check.” DON’T SIGN ANYTHING until you’ve reviewed it with an experienced personal injury attorney and made sure that their offer satisfies your financial needs.

Their letters may become more aggressive as time goes on, insisting that this is their FINAL OFFER and if you don’t sign you will miss out on any hope of compensation for your damages. Do not believe them. With a calm head, the facts on your side, and a personal injury lawyer on your team, you CAN get the compensation that you deserve.

4 strategies insurance companies use to lowball you in Milwaukee (2024)


4 strategies insurance companies use to lowball you in Milwaukee? ›

Once you begin to defend yourself against an insurance company they may fire back with scare tactics. They might claim that you're inflating the costs of your medical expenses and committing fraud. They may threaten to get your driver's license taken away.

Do insurance companies use scare tactics? ›

Once you begin to defend yourself against an insurance company they may fire back with scare tactics. They might claim that you're inflating the costs of your medical expenses and committing fraud. They may threaten to get your driver's license taken away.

What makes insurance companies drop you? ›

Filing Excessive Claims

Too many claims reads as high-risk behavior, and once an insurer views you as too high a risk to cover, it may decide to drop you as a customer. Having an excessive claims history could hurt your ability to find cheap car insurance from a new insurer.

How do you answer an insurance adjuster question? ›

You may provide the most basic details such as your name and contact info, the location and date of the crash, and what car you were driving. Other than that, politely decline to give more details. You have the right to refuse to answer the adjuster's questions or to consult with a car accident lawyer first.

What are scare tactics examples? ›

An example of scare tactics is, "If you don't buy this product, you risk injury and death." Scare tactics do not provide evidence. Ignoring evidence, a scare tactician dares you not to believe their conclusion. Someone might use scare tactics because its claims are untrue, quick, and powerful.

What do scare tactics do? ›

What are scare tactics? Emphasizing the worst dangers of drug use in order to create fear and anxiety, in hopes that fear alone will prevent or stop risky behaviors.

How do scare tactics work? ›

The foundation for using scare tactics seems relatively straightforward: well-meaning adults focus on creating fear and anxiety in the hopes those emotions will prevent risky behavior in youth. Think for example of schools teaching kids about drugs and having police officers deliver the message.

Why do insurance companies lowball? ›

No matter how unfair it may appear, lowball settlement offers are commonplace in personal injury cases, given the sky-high insurance premiums some insurer charge. The reason is simple – these companies always try to restrict their liability.

Why do insurance companies ignore you? ›

Insurance companies may ignore even valid claims for a range of self-serving reasons: They want to avoid paying out money whenever possible to maximize profits. They are chronically overwhelmed and disorganized with high claim volumes.

Is it hard to get insurance after being dropped? ›

If your insurer nonrenewed or cancelled your policy because your house needs repairs or you filed too many claims, you may have difficulty finding an insurance company willing to insure your home.

How do I succeed as a claims adjuster? ›

As an insurance adjuster, you deal with clients, claimants, witnesses, and other professionals on a daily basis. To succeed in this role, you must have excellent communication skills. You should be able to communicate clearly and concisely, listen actively, and build strong relationships with your clients.

How do you respond to an insultingly low offer? ›

A lowball salary offer can be frustrating and insulting, but don't let your emotions get the best of you. Don't accept or reject the offer on the spot, or express your disappointment or anger. Instead, thank the employer for the offer and ask for some time to think it over.

What if a car insurance company is not offering enough money? ›

File a Lawsuit

Negotiating with the insurance company should be your first step in trying to get a larger insurance settlement. However, it may not be successful, and you should be prepared for that outcome. You may need to take your case to court if you cannot negotiate a settlement.

Why do insurance companies offer low ball offers? ›

They quickly offer you a lowball settlement in hopes that you'll take it before you learn from a lawyer what your claim is really worth. Don't fall for lowball offer tactics. Contact a lawyer instead. In virtually all cases, a skilled lawyer can get you far more than what the insurer initially offers.

How to counter offer car accident settlement when they low ball you? ›

Rather, ask why the adjuster has provided this extremely low figure. You should then write a formal letter of response in which you state that you don't find the initial low settlement offer acceptable, listing the reasons why and concluding with a demand for a higher settlement offer.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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