4 Reasons Why Shared Reading Should Happen In ALL Grade Levels EVERYDA (2024)

    • 2 min read

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

Shared Reading is not just for primary students!

Shared Reading is for ALL students at ALL grade levels!

All students in EVERY grade level should have opportunities to co-create meaning WITH the teacher.

And here's why...

Shared Reading should be part of the literacy block everyday!

It doesn't matter what grade level you teach. Readers are experiencing texts with increasing difficulty. We cannot just plop a text in front of them and say, 'go forth and read'.

Readers need experiences.

Readers need to see how proficient readers approach texts.

Readers need guidance through the increasingly difficult texts before independence is expected.

4 Reasons Why Shared Reading Should Happen In ALL Grade Levels EVERYDA (2)

When teachers select a text for shared reading the choices are based on student needs to better comprehend grade level appropriate texts. Choices should be based on literary elements, structures, devices, etc that are instructional requirements. A shared text does not have to be a full story or article. Shared reading texts could be a poem, or an excerpt from a longer piece of literature or article.

4 Reasons Why Shared Reading Should Happen In ALL Grade Levels EVERYDA (3)

When teachers create time each day for Shared Reading experiences with their students, the children are provided guidance from a proficient reader to demonstrate and facilitate strategies to deepen understanding and comprehension of a text. When we are learning something new, it's always helpful to have a shared experience first. We must approach reading and writing in the same way for our students at ALL grade levels.

When Shared Reading experiences are a daily part of the literacy block, students are provided more opportunities to have a literature discussion facilitated by the proficient reader in the room. Students need opportunities to observe how a proficient reader approaches text to build understanding. When the students and teachers build those moments together, students learn.

4 Reasons Why Shared Reading Should Happen In ALL Grade Levels EVERYDA (5)

When a proficient reader tackles a new text, he/she usually revisits the text on multiple occasions to build understanding and test out new theories about the content. Shared Reading experiences provide these opportunities for students. When the teacher intentionally builds experiences for students to revisit text for different purposes, students are provided a model that shows how it's appropriate for a proficient reader to return to a text to fulfill a different purpose set by that reader.

Check out these

FREE Shared Reading Tools...

Plan out which Shared Reading texts to use each quarter (or the year) to ensure that students are receiving repeated exposure to different genres and/or text structures.

Use this printable Shared Reading Text Rotation Planner (shown below) as a suggested cycle of the kinds of texts you could use throughout a school year.

Click on the image to the right to grab this Shared Reading Year Planner and BONUS... it comes with a sample shared reading lesson plan.

4 Reasons Why Shared Reading Should Happen In ALL Grade Levels EVERYDA (7)

Until next time...

4 Reasons Why Shared Reading Should Happen In ALL Grade Levels EVERYDA (8)


4 Reasons Why Shared Reading Should Happen In ALL Grade Levels EVERYDA (2024)


What are the benefits of shared reading? ›

Shared reading helps young readers understand the relationship between oral language and print. They begin to see that, like talk, print language has a set of rules. Like talk, print also holds a very specific message: writers use letters and spacing to make words so that they can share ideas.

How does shared reading help children? ›

Shared reading of predictable text can build sight word knowledge and reading fluency. Provides an opportunity for explicit instruction in phonics. Provides opportunities for building vocabulary and comprehension. Supports the development of oral language skills.

Why is reading at grade level important? ›

Grade-level reading proficiency is fundamental to academic success. Early on, children learn to read, and as they progress, they read to learn. Falling behind in reading by the end of third grade can result in ongoing academic challenges, as many subjects rely on written texts.

What is unique about shared reading? ›

During shared reading, you and your students read aloud an enlarged version of an engaging text that provides opportunities for your students to expand their reading competencies. The goals of the first reading are to ensure that students enjoy the text and think about the meaning.

Does shared reading help with fluency? ›

Shared reading establishes an enjoyable and supportive context for reading. It allows all students to participate as readers in a classroom with diverse literacy needs. Shared reading also provides struggling readers with necessary support, enhances sight word knowledge and builds reading fluency.

How often should you do shared reading? ›

A: You should spend 10 minutes each day doing shared reading, and each shared reading book should be revisited several times over multiple days. How many days you stay with a book depends on how engaged the students are with the text.

What are the 4 main goals of reading? ›

Emergent Reading, Engagement, Print Work, and Fluency are some of the most important reading goals we work on with our students.

What are the 5 goals of reading? ›

Learning to read is a complex process made up of five key components, which means teaching reading essentials is also a complex task. The five essential reading components are identified as phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

How long should shared reading last? ›

Shared reading is a highly beneficial way to spend 10-15 minutes of your instructional time daily. Shared reading is a time in which the teacher and students read an enlarged text at the same time (choral reading). Often the text is written on chart paper or projected by some means.

How does reading improve grades? ›

Students who read independently have greater reading comprehension, verbal fluency and general knowledge than those who do not. They become better readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and have greater content knowledge than their non-reading peers.

Does reading affect grades? ›

The findings include: (1) One in six children who are not reading proficiently in third grade do not graduate from high school on time, a rate four times greater than that for proficient readers; (2) The rates are highest for the low, below-basic readers: 23 percent of these children drop out or fail to finish high ...

Does reading improve school grades? ›

The more students read, the greater their chances of performing well academically. By participating in frequent reading, students will, not only perform well in school, they will also expand their vocabulary, improve their writing skills, and sharpen their critical thinking skills.

Why is it important to share books with children? ›

What are the benefits of sharing books and stories with babies and toddlers? Time spent reading together is not just a great opportunity for parents and carers to bond with their children - it helps with brain development too, which is particularly important in the first two years of life.

How does shared reading strengthen the caregiver-child relationship? ›

Book sharing promoted a perceived improvement in parenting capabilities and improved relationships between caregivers and children. Book sharing allowed for, and encouraged, both the caregiver and the child to actively participate in the reading process.

How does shared reading develop writing skills? ›

Benefits of Shared Reading to Improve Student Writing.

Through the use of simple big books that provide students with ample vocabulary and rhyming or repeated patterns, student writing can improve through using the author's craft to write independent stories.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.