30 Day Summit Review – The Path To Online Income (2024)

Wonder what this 30 day summit from ClickFunnels is? What will you receive? Read my 30 day summit review to know more.


Hi there, my name is Richard, and I have joined the 30 day summit.

I got an email from Russell Brunson, the CEO of ClickFunnels, about a new product launch. I was so excited that I clicked the link at once.

There I was on the landing page to the 30 day summit. I skimmed through the page to find out this was about. You receive 30 interviews from two comma club award winners where you learn how they would start again if they had to earn money in 30 days. And this was free!

Two comma club award winners are people that have made more than $1 million during one year through one funnel in ClickFunnels.

I joined at once, and there I received an upsell. The price is $100, and I receive the physical book, lifetime access to all the interviews and behind the scene interview from them all! I also receive something more, but I was so excited that I didn't read it all.

What I missed was that I also joined the One Funnel Away Challenge, you can read my review of the challenge here.

30 day summit review - A free virtual summit from ClickFunnels

As you understand, I was a bit too excited to read the landing page. Russell Brunson is teaching us to read the landing pages thorough and analyze the page, but vel… I'm far from perfect.

Russell Brunson sent a mail to many 2 comma club winners with an imaginary challenge:

You suddenly lose everything...What would you do from day 1 to day 30 to save yourself...?

A letter from Russell Brunson

30 people took the challenge and answered the question where they wrote a detailed day for day plan of how they would do it. After they wrote the plan, each member gave an interview to Bailey Richert, hired by ClickFunnels to create this summit. You also learn the reason behind their plan.

You get access to all this for free. If you want to start a business, this is valuable information.

So the next 30 days, you will receive an email from ClickFunnels. Inside the email is a link to a new interview and a pdf file with his or her plan. The interviews last for approximate 30min.

The people in 30 days summit is:

  1. Trey Lewellen - Physical Product Sales
  2. Liz Benny - Life And Business Transformation
  3. Garrett White - Coaching & Consulting
  4. Alison Prince - Ecommerce Business
  5. Dana Derricks - Non-Broke Entrepreneurs
  6. Julie Stoian - Internet Marketing
  7. Stephen Larsen - Funnel Building / MLM
  8. Stacey Martino - Relationship Coaching
  9. Ed Osburn - Health Professionals /Chiropractors
  10. Tyler Shaule - Non Profit Children's Summer Camp
  11. Rachel Pedersen - Digital Marketing / Social Media
  12. Jeremy McGilvrey - Instagram Expert
  13. Peng Joon - Internet Marketing
  14. Myron Golden - Personal Dev. Sales and Marketing
  15. Jaime Cross - Organic Skincare
  16. Dan Henry - Facebook Ads
  17. Joe McCall - Real Estate Investing
  18. Spencer Mecham - Affiliate Marketing
  19. Anissa Holmes - Dentistry Practice
  20. Dean Holland - Internet Marketing
  21. John Lee Dumas - Podcasting Business
  22. Rob Kosberg - Publishing and Media
  23. Natalie Hodson - Fitness Business
  24. Pat Rigsby - Fitness Business
  25. Caitlin Pyle - Information Products / Work at Home
  26. Akbar Sheikh - Ethical Principles of Persuasion
  27. Rhonda Swan - Personal Branding
  28. David Asarnow - Funnel Marketing Agency
  29. Raoul Plickat - Sales and Marketing
  30. James Friel - Autopilot Entrepreneur

30 Days Summit pros & cons


  • You receive 30 written business plans you can model
  • You receive 30 interviews where you can listen more about their reasons behind their methods.
  • It's free!


  • You lose access to the interviews after 72 hours.

Who wants to join this summit?

The 30 Days Summit is for people that want to start an online business. You receive 30 different plans where you can choose between affiliate marketing, coaching, e-commerce, and information products.

You don't need to order ClickFunnels for this to work. The reason they made this summit is probably to make more people successful by using ClickFunnels.

30 Days Summit price

The summit is free and doesn't cost a dime.

You will receive an upsell, and the upsell are made for this summit. The upsell is The One Funnel Away Challenge where you are challenged to create your own successful funnel in 30 days. The price of the challenge is $100.

In this challenge you receive daily training videos on how to do:

  • Research
  • Create an offer
  • Create a funnel
  • Get people to your offer.

The one funnel away challenge is worth the money, and the price is minimal for what you receive in training.

The most important part of this upsell for this summit, is that you also receive lifetime access to the interviews and behind the scenes interviews. In addition to that, you also receive a physical book with all their plans.

You can read more about the one funnel away challenge here.

You also gain access to the Affiliate Bootcamp that is very similar to the 30 day summit. You gain access to 15 interviews, behind the scenes interviews and daily plans from each super affiliate for ClickFunnels. They teach how they would do it to become a super affiliate in 100 days if they had to start all over.

You can read more about the Affiliate Bootcamp here.

ClickFunnels have something named order bump and the order bump in this funnel is Russell Brunson's Funnel Audibles Presentation he held during the 2018 Funnel Hacking Live. Its a 57 min long presentation where he teaches how to optimize a funnel. In addition to the presentation, you also receive the transcripts and a digital workbook.

The cost of this presentation is only $37.


The 30-day summit is worth to join since its free. You will receive 30 different plans on how to start a business from experienced people. If you want to start your own business, this is a no brainer.

I also recommend you to accept the upsells that don't cost much, but you can start with the free summit. If you like what you receive, you can upgrade later.

30 Day Summit Review – The Path To Online Income (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.