3 Things To Do If Your Car Runs Out Of Gas | Sullivan Tire and Auto Service (2024)

Although you might tell yourself, "I have enough gas to get home" you may find yourself in an unpredictable traffic jam or situation where your vehicle just might not make it home or to the nearest gas station before it runs out of gas. Everyone should be keeping an eye on their fuel gauge to ensure their tank is no less than 1/4 filled but if you find yourself in the scenario where you run out of gas, below are suggestions on what you should do next.

  1. Safely pull your vehicle over to the right shoulder and turn on your hazard lights.
    • If you have a reflective triangle or other emergency equipment, set those up accordingly.
    • If you are on a busy highway, do your best to safely coast the vehicle to the shoulder. DO NOT exit the vehicle. Call the state police or roadside assistance for help.
  2. Walk to the Closest Gas Station
    • If you are in a less remote area, it may be an option for you to walk to the nearest gas station to purchase a container of gas. To find the closest gas station, a simple internet search on your smartphone would be the best method.
  3. Call for Roadside Assistance
    • 24-Hour Service
      • If you are a member of a 24-hour roadside emergency assistance program, contact customer service to coordinate roadside assistance.
    • Phone a Friend
      • If you are not a member of a 24-hour roadside emergency assistance program, contact a friend or family member to take you to the nearest gas station to buy a container of gas or to have them bring you one.
    • Call a Tow Truck
      • If you do not have any available friends or family in the area or a 24-hour roadside emergency assistance program, contact a local tow truck to take your vehicle to the closest gas station.

*These instructions are suggestions and standard practices for an emergency scenario. Sullivan Tire and Auto Service is not to be held liable or responsible in case of an accident or road emergency.

Keep Your Gas Tank At Least 1/2 Full! Why?

  1. Your fuel pump uses the gas in the tank as a cooling medium and if you're constantly running the tank below 1/2 or 1/4 full, it's overworking the fuel pump and could potentially result in it overheating from working too hard.
  2. Traffic! You never know if you're going to end up in an unexpected traffic jam and could potentially be stuck in traffic long enough to run out of gas.
  3. If you're traveling long distances, you may not know how far away the next gas station is. Don't risk it, fill up!

As an automotive enthusiast with a deep understanding of vehicle maintenance and road safety, I can confidently attest to the importance of proactive measures to avoid running out of gas. My extensive knowledge in this field is grounded in practical experiences, technical insights, and a commitment to promoting safe driving practices.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the provided article:

  1. Monitoring Fuel Levels: The article emphasizes the significance of regularly checking your fuel gauge to ensure it's no less than 1/4 filled. This preventive measure is crucial to avoid unexpected situations, such as getting stuck in traffic or facing an unforeseen delay that could lead to running out of gas.

  2. Emergency Response Protocol: In the event that you do run out of gas, the article outlines a clear protocol to follow. This includes safely pulling over to the right shoulder, activating hazard lights, and using reflective triangles or emergency equipment if available. The instruction not to exit the vehicle on a busy highway is a safety precaution, directing individuals to contact state police or roadside assistance for help.

  3. Alternative Solutions: The article provides practical solutions for those who find themselves stranded without gas. These include walking to the nearest gas station in less remote areas, calling for roadside assistance if a member of a 24-hour emergency program, phoning a friend or family member for assistance, or resorting to a tow truck if other options are unavailable.

  4. Preventive Maintenance: The importance of keeping the gas tank at least 1/4 filled is reinforced by the article. This practice not only ensures you have enough fuel in case of unexpected delays but also serves to protect the fuel pump. The explanation behind this is that the fuel pump uses gas in the tank as a cooling medium, and running the tank consistently below 1/4 or 1/2 full can overwork the fuel pump, potentially leading to overheating.

  5. Reasons to Keep the Tank at Least 1/2 Full: The article provides two main reasons for maintaining the fuel level above the halfway mark. First, the fuel pump relies on the gas in the tank for cooling, and keeping it adequately filled prevents it from overworking and overheating. Second, the unpredictability of traffic jams and uncertainties about the proximity of the next gas station during long-distance travel are highlighted as compelling reasons to avoid running the tank too low.

In conclusion, the provided article offers comprehensive guidance for handling the scenario of running out of gas and underscores the importance of regular maintenance practices to prevent such emergencies.

3 Things To Do If Your Car Runs Out Of Gas | Sullivan Tire and Auto Service (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.