3 Best Cards to Use in The Philippines - Debit, Prepaid and Credit Cards (2024)

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Wise is our best value travel debit card for The Philippines.

With this card:

  • Convert Australian dollars to Philippine pesos at the market exchange rate
  • It's very easy to set up and order
  • You can receive foreign currency into a free multi-currency account linked to the card
  • You can transfer money to a bank account overseas

It's not all good news though

  • There is a 2% ATM withdrawal fee when you withdraw over $350 during a month
  • It takes 7-14 days for delivery

Click here to see the full list of cards and how Wise compares

3 Best Cards to Use in The Philippines - Debit, Prepaid and Credit Cards (1)

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What are the different types of travel cards?

With so many options out there, how do you know which travel card to take to The Philippines?

The best cards give you the freedom to spend in Philippine pesos and widthdraw cash from local ATMs.

There are three main types of travel card:

  1. Prepaid travel cards
  2. Travel debit cards
  3. Travel credit cards

We hand-picked the three best travel cards for you below. Let's have a look at each one.

Debit Cards offer the convenience of a credit card, but work differently. They draw money directly from your bank account when you make a purchase. It's designed for everyday money transactions and means that you're not accumulating debt.

A debit card could make you stick to your travel budget, because you can't overdraw money from your account. And for daily purchases, we think a debit card can help you stick to your travel budget, because you can't overdraw money from your account.

Generally, we recommend having the combination of a travel debit and travel credit card for safety, flexibility and convenience on your trip.

3 Best Cards to Use in The Philippines - Debit, Prepaid and Credit Cards (2)

Wise is our best value travel debit card.

  • No annual fee, hidden transaction fees, exchange rate markups
  • No minimum balance requirements
  • Allows you to make payments and withdrawals wherever you are in the world in over 40 currencies
  • Local bank account details in Australia (AUD), the UK (GBP), the USA (USD), Europe (EUR) and New Zealand (NZD)
  • It takes 7-14 business days to receive the card
  • Can't always access local technical support depending on where you are
  • Free cash withdrawals limited to under $350 every 30 days
  • Only currently available in the US, UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand

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Prepaid Travel Cards

For prepaid cards, you're able to load the card with a set amount of money in the currencies you need. Ideally you do this before your trip, but often you can reload them as well.

Most prepaid travel cards allow for multiple currencies to be loaded onto the card. So it's important to know what currency you'll be using on your travels. Airlines also offer prepaid cards so the money you spend can earn you reward points.

With prepaid travel cards you need to be careful. They can have numerous fees and charges, which can make it more expensive than other options. But if you're organised and travelling to multiple cities a prepaid travel card is a good option.

3 Best Cards to Use in The Philippines - Debit, Prepaid and Credit Cards (3)

Revolutis our best value prepaid travel card.

With this card:

  • No purchase fee, load fee, reload fee, exchange rate margin or minimum balance requirements
  • Unlike other Travel Cards, its free and easy to use the balance of your currency or convert it back to AUD
  • The exchange rates are unbeatable. They use the same rate you see on XE or Google with no hidden mark-up

It's not all good news though

  • For the free Standard account, there is a 2% ATM withdrawal fee when you withdraw over $350 during a month
  • The premium account costs $10.99 a month, which can really add up if you are not using it often

Click here to see the full list of cards and how Revolut compares

3 Best Cards to Use in The Philippines - Debit, Prepaid and Credit Cards (4)

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  • Very easy to use app
  • Free to set up
  • No hidden fees or exchange rate mark-ups (except on weekends)
  • You can use it to transfer money to a bank account overseas
  • Additional fees for using the card on a weekend
  • 2% ATM fee once you withdraw more than $350 in any 30 day period
  • 3-4 business days before you receive your card
  • Ongoing subscription fee for Premium and Metal cards

Travel Credit Cards

Credit cards have obviously been around for a long time. But now there are specialised travel credit cards. Generally, these cards give you longer to pay back what you've spent but the interest rates after this time can be quite high.

The main advantage with credit cards are the reward points you get in return for your customer loyalty when you spend. But it only works if you pay off the balance in full each month.

Credit cards are great to use for car hire, restaurants and accommodation - larger expenses that are easier for you to pay back over time. Some services only take credit cards to hold purchases so they can definitely be handy while you're travelling.

28 Degrees is our best value travel credit card.

The28 Degrees Platinum Mastercardis our best value travel credit card. With this card:

  • There are no annual fees
  • No overseas purchase fee or currency conversion fee
  • You get 55 days interest free on purchases
  • Access to free 24/7 concierge service
  • Emergency card replacement worldwide

The 28 Degrees Platinum Mastercard has additional benefits including shoppers and repayments benefits cover.

3 Best Cards to Use in The Philippines - Debit, Prepaid and Credit Cards (5)

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  • Can have 9 additional cardholders
  • No overseas purchase fee, or currency conversion fee
  • No foreign transaction fee
  • Free Replacement Card
  • High interest rates after the initial 55 days
  • Minimum credit limit is $6,000
  • No introductory offers or rewards

Read also:

  • Best cards to use in Fiji
  • Best cards to use in Vietnam

3 Best Cards to Use in The Philippines - Debit, Prepaid and Credit Cards (6)

Freddie Larkins


3 Best Cards to Use in The Philippines - Debit, Prepaid and Credit Cards (7)

Freddie Larkins

Hi, my name is Freddie! I write at the TheCurrencyShop about all things travel and money.

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Last updated

November 2nd, 2023

3 Best Cards to Use in The Philippines - Debit, Prepaid and Credit Cards (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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