2FA vs MFA: How to Choose the Right One for Your Business? (2024)


All types of businesses, whether well-established enterprises or budding start-ups aiming to set their foundation in the industry, all are at risk of cybercrime or threat. As per Trends, hackers attack around 40% of small businesses, and the average cost of a global data breach is around USD 4.45 million, which marks a 15% rise over three years.

As per IBM’s Cost of Data Breach Report 2023, around 51% of businesses are planning to invest heavily in strengthening the security of their IT infrastructure. Secure authentication is one of the crucial aspects of protecting your assets and data by preventing unauthorized access. Two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) are pivotal tools to fortify access tools; however, which one is the best?

Let’s understand the difference between two-factor and multi-factor authentication and find out which is a safer and more secure option.

Introduction to Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Long gone are the times when businesses used only traditional passwords to grant access to their users to their services and applications. The modern world requires robust and more resilient data security solutions to reduce the risk of cyber crimes and data breaches. That’s why businesses are focusing on implementing multiple layers of authentication to verify the identity of an individual.

Implementing multiple layers of authentication or a multi-step login process is multi-factor authentication. In MFA security, the users have to complete more than two types of digital verification rounds to gain access to the accounts or information.

However, on the other hand, two-factor authentication is a specified type of MFA where there will be only rounds of digital identity verification. In 2FA, there will be an additional layer of security checks above the same old traditional password-based authentication method.

MFA and 2FA methods protect against phishing, social engineering, and password brute-force attacks, and avoid hacking the account due to poor or weak passwords. Two-factor authentication is a subset of multi-factor authentication, but while discussing 2FA vs MFA, it becomes essential to understand how MFA strengthens security.

Exploring Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication comprises different methods or factors to verify the identities and authenticate the access. The MFA security methods are broadly classified into four categories:

  1. Knowledge-based - Knowledge-based authentication is when the user knows about something. For example, asking a secret security question whose answer only the user knows.
  2. Possession-based - Possession-based authentication is when the system verifies the identity of the user's device. For example, asking the user to enter a time-based code sent to their respective email or phone number.
  3. Inherence-based - Inherence-based authentication is the process of verifying a person's identity through unique biological qualities or characteristics they possess, like fingerprints or facial features.
  4. Location-based - Location-based authentication is a crucial part of ensuring safety in a zero-trust environment. The user’s physical location is taken into consideration to grant access, as some apps and services will require the users to be in a particular location to access the information.

Based on the combination of the above methods, it is easy to implement two-factor authentication and multi-factor authentication.

However, when it comes to two-step verification vs two-factor authentication, there is a fine line between these two methods. Any two factors can be used in two-factor authentication to verify identities. In two-step verification (2SV) authentication, there should be two sequential steps using authentication factors. For example, Google uses 2SV, where the users have to enter the credentials and then enter an additional time-based code.

Considerations for Choosing Between 2FA and MFA

Both two-factor authentication and multi-factor authentication approaches aim to provide advanced security. So, 2FA and MFA are both better than single-factor authentication. However, when it comes specifically choosing between 2FA and MFA security, then here are three considerations to consider:

1. MFA is only secure as the authentication factors are chosen.

The multi-layered approach adds security; however, if businesses combine weak authentication methods, then overall, the strategy’s security remains low. For example, authentication relying on passwords, OTPs, and biometrics is more secure than using passwords, but both passwords and OTPs are weak in security.

2. 2FA can be more secure than implementing three authentication factors.

On the other hand, if businesses utilize only two powerful authentication methods, like biometrics or push notification, then a 2FA is deemed to be more secure than an MFA security with three different authentication factors.

3. Sometimes, more authentication steps can frustrate users.

More authentication steps highlight more security, but sometimes, it creates friction in the user journey. Complex authentication methods will stop the bad attackers from infiltrating; however, if the users have to face high friction to access their accounts, they might switch over to other platforms.

Users hate friction, but safety is also necessary. In such cases, recognition signals on mobile are one of the authentication methods that offer high security with the lowest friction. Businesses can prevent mishaps from happening by detecting anomalies in user and device behavior, like location behavior, which is unusual for the user.

Wrapping up,

To simplify the two-factor authentication vs multi-factor authentication debate, 2FA requires two types of authentication factors; however, MFA requires at least two authentication factors, if not more types of authentication. All 2FA are types of MFA, but not all types of MFA will be 2FA.

So, when it comes to choosing which one is better, well, it depends upon the use case. 2FA is a better option if businesses want to ensure a frictionless and secure user journey and experience. However, MFA is a secure solution, and it can be implemented for a seamless user journey, but it should rely on the highest security standards and lowest friction methods possible.

2FA vs MFA: How to Choose the Right One for Your Business? (2024)


2FA vs MFA: How to Choose the Right One for Your Business? ›

2FA is a better option if businesses want to ensure a frictionless and secure user journey and experience. However, MFA is a secure solution, and it can be implemented for a seamless user journey, but it should rely on the highest security standards and lowest friction methods possible.

How do I choose a 2FA method? ›

Here are some of the most effective 2FA methods: 1 SMS or Text Message Codes widely supported, easy to implement 2 Time-based One-Time Passwords (TOTP) widely supported by authenticator apps 3 Universal Second Factor (U2F) Security Keys: Physical key highly secure against phishing attacks 4 Biometric Authentication: ...

Why is multifactor authentication a better system than single factor authentication? ›

Multi-factor authentication is a quick and simple way to add an extra layer of protection to confidential data. This additional step acts like an extra lock designed to protect accounts from hackers or a cybersecurity weakness. In some cases, MFA might require biometric verification like a fingerprint or facial scan.

When would it be advisable to use two-factor authentication over single factor authentication? ›

Two-factor Authentication (2FA)

2FA was designed to add an additional layer of security to sensitive information. Primary credentials and passwords are often forgotten or compromised, so 2FA can be used to help ensure that sensitive information is secure.

What's the preferred multi-factor authentication method? ›

Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP)

This is one of the most secure forms of MFA because the codes are protected and difficult to intercept.

What are the 3 ways of 2-factor authentication? ›

2FA does this by requiring two types of information from the user—a password or personal identification number (PIN), a code sent to the user's smartphone (called a message authentication code), or a fingerprint—before whatever is being secured can be accessed.

What's the main disadvantage of two-factor authentication? ›

Potential downsides to two-factor authentication

Increased login time – Users must go through an extra step to login into an application, adding time to the login process.

What's the difference between 2FA and MFA? ›

MFA vs 2FA. So, two-factor authentication (2FA) requires users to present two types of authentication, while MFA requires users to present at least two, if not more types of authentication. This means that all 2FA is an MFA, but not all MFA is a 2FA.

Is email OTP considered MFA? ›

OTP is a form of multi-factor authentication (MFA) designed to make it much harder for hackers to access protected information. MFAs require additional credentials beyond a simple password before the end user can gain access to an application or system.

Do I really need two-factor authentication? ›

Even if a hacker knows your username and password, they can't log in to your account without the second credential or authentication factor.

Which method of two-factor authentication is least secure? ›

That being said, SMS is among the least secure 2FA methods. The SMS protocol is not very secure and SMS messages can be intercepted by attackers. There are other ways to implement 2FA using a mobile device that are more secure: for example, sending the verification code through a secure app that uses strong encryption.

What is the strongest authentication factor? ›

Biometric and possession-based authentication factors may be the strongest means of securing a network or application against unauthorized access.

What is the most secure 2 factor authentication? ›

Using U2F hardware keys is the most reliable authentication method available today and a recommended option for valuable accounts.

What is the most secure two factor authentication? ›

The Best Two-Factor Authentication App

After a new round of testing, Duo Mobile remains our top pick, and Google Authenticator is an also-great option. Along with using a password manager, the most important thing you can do to secure your online accounts is to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) everywhere you can.

What are the different types of 2FA? ›

Two-factor authentication products can be divided into two categories: tokens that are given to users to use when logging in; and. infrastructure or software that recognizes and authenticates access for users who are using their tokens correctly.

What is an example of a 2FA authentication? ›

Examples of Two Factor Authentication

Knowledge factors like your zip code may also be passwords or a personal identification number (PIN). Possession factors like your credit card include (but are not limited to) a physical key, fob, and personal cell phones.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.