2024 Best International Schools in Seoul | Korea School Experts (2024)

2024 Best International Schools in Seoul | Korea School Experts (1)

Moving to Seoul or South Korea, the city of Seoul offers a variety of choices when it comes to education. The question of where your child should enrollmay loom over your heads: public Korean schools, private international schools, private alternative international schools, or just move back home? If you’re in Korea because you’ve been relocated, your relocation package probably covers your children’s international school tuition, completely or partially. Either way, we all want the best educational environment for our kids and there are hundreds of questions that need to be answered before making the best decision. Korea is an excellent country for education considering families prioritize a high-quality education. But this focus can have downsides - high stress and intense competition.Gain information on all you need to know about international schools in Korea and whether or not it is the right choice for your family.

International Schools in Seoul - Tuition & Fees

The first question people ask is, “How much does it cost?” Tuition for international schools in Korea, in general, is extremely expensive. The average salaryman in Korea would put himself in debt to pay for one child’s yearly tuition. Therefore, international school communities are made up of expat children and children of Korea’s wealthy and elite. It can be a great place to network as you will be exposed to many different cultures, but also to the community of affluent locals -- great for one’s networking portfolio. That being said, you can expect the tuition to be a minimum of 25 million won per year (USD $22,000). And the cost only escalates with the school’s location and ranking. Quite the hefty price tag, but if your company is covering costs, even partially, it might be worth considering.

If you’re looking for financial aid, there are little to no resources available regarding this issue. It’s not unheard of for some to contact each international school requesting scholarships or financial assistance. But unfortunately, international schools in Korea are not well-known for this.

International Schools in Korea: Eligibility for enrollment

Eligibility is simple if you’re a foreigner. Either one or both parents should hold a non-Korean passport. If both parents are Korean, your child can still enroll as long as they have lived abroad for more than 3 years.

If one or both parents hold non-Korean passports, obtain copies of:

  • The passport title page of the child, father, and mother

  • The child’s birth certificate and/or Korean Family Registry 가족관계증명서

  • The front and back side of parents’ Alien Registration Card

If both parents hold Korean passports and the child has lived abroad for at least 3 years, obtain copies of:

  • The passport title page of the child, father, and mother

  • Copy of the child’s Korean Family Registry 가족관계증명서

  • Certificate of Child’s Exit and Entry of Korea that proves his/her residence outside of Korea for more than 3 years 출입국에 관한 사실증명

  • In case of dual citizenships, you must obtain copies of both passports, plus copies of both Exit and Entry Certificates for both passports

International Schools:Seoul(Gyeonggido)and Jeju

A complete list of international schools in Korea is accessible here. View availability and wait-list options. Pre-K to grade 12, global teachers and students, diverse curriculums and programs, balanced holistic education. IB World Schools, British Schools, American Schools, Advanced Placement courses, Foreign Language Education, and more. Invest in your child's future by reviewing your international school options in Korea in our International Schools in Korea category.Best schools for expats in Seoul. For the 2021school year, there are 9 English-speaking foreign schools in Seoul. Compare the Seoul area's top foreign/international schools. The average foreign school tuition is $20,000 to $35,000. The average university acceptance rate is 99%. Ethnically Korean enrollment is pretty high in all English-language based schools in Seoul. Some foreign schools are religiously affiliated.

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2024 Best International Schools in Seoul | Korea School Experts (2024)
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