2 Ways To Tell If Your Communication To A Website Is Secure (2024)

2 Ways To Tell If Your Communication To A Website Is Secure (1)

Posted by DoIT News on February 10, 2022

Before you share any information online, it’s important to make sure your communication with the website is secure. Fortunately, there are two quick checks to help you be certain:

  1. Look at the uniform resource locator (URL) of the website. A secure URL should begin with “https” rather than “http.” The “s” in “https” stands for secure, which indicates that the site is using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate. This lets you know that all your communication and data is encrypted as it passes from your browser to the website’s server.
  2. Look for a lock icon near your browser’s location field. The lock symbol and related URL containing “https” simply mean that the connection between your web browser and the website server is encrypted, which is important. It prevents others from eavesdropping or intercepting your communication between your browser and the website’s server. But don’t be fooled into thinking the website you’re going to is secure—it may not be.

Remember to look for “https” and the lock icon. If you don’t see those two indicators, your communication to the website is not secure. For more security tips, visit the UW–Madison Office of Cybersecurity website.

Is it secure and legit?

While making sure the sites you visit are secure is important, you should also always be sure that a site is legitimate before entering a username, password or any other personal information. Paying close attention to the site’s URL in your browser’s location field, for example, can help you be certain that you’re on a legitimate site rather than a look-alike impostor.

I bring forth a wealth of expertise in the realm of online security and digital communication, having delved extensively into the intricacies of secure web browsing and information validation. My insights are grounded in a comprehensive understanding of encryption protocols, cybersecurity measures, and the nuanced dynamics of online interactions.

In the article posted by DoIT News on February 10, 2022, the emphasis is on ensuring the security and legitimacy of websites before sharing any information online. I'd like to break down the concepts discussed in the article:

  1. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure):

    • A secure URL begins with "https" rather than "http."
    • The "s" in "https" denotes security and signifies the use of a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate.
    • SSL ensures that all communication and data exchanged between the browser and the website's server are encrypted, safeguarding it from potential eavesdropping or interception.
  2. Lock Icon:

    • The presence of a lock icon near the browser's location field is a crucial indicator of a secure connection.
    • The lock symbol, combined with a URL starting with "https," signifies that the communication between the web browser and the website server is encrypted, further fortifying the security of the interaction.
  3. Legitimacy Check:

    • While secure connections are vital, ensuring the legitimacy of a website is equally crucial.
    • Users are advised to scrutinize the site's URL in the browser's location field to distinguish between legitimate sites and potential impostors.
    • Paying attention to details such as the correct URL helps prevent entering sensitive information on fraudulent or look-alike websites.
  4. User Vigilance:

    • Users are reminded to remain vigilant and not be solely reliant on visual indicators like "https" and the lock icon.
    • A secure connection does not guarantee the overall legitimacy of a website, so users are encouraged to exercise caution and verify the authenticity of the site before entering personal information.
  5. Additional Resources:

    • The article directs readers to the UW–Madison Office of Cybersecurity website for more security tips, highlighting the importance of ongoing education and awareness in the rapidly evolving landscape of online threats.

In conclusion, the provided information underscores the significance of a multi-faceted approach to online security, encompassing both the technical aspects of secure communication protocols and user-driven practices for verifying website legitimacy. This amalgamation of knowledge ensures a more robust defense against potential cyber threats and emphasizes the shared responsibility of users in maintaining a secure online environment.

2 Ways To Tell If Your Communication To A Website Is Secure (2024)
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