15 Telltale Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back to You (2024)

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15 Telltale Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back to You (1)

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Dating Coach

This article was written by Connell Barrett and by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau. Connell Barrett is a Relationship Expert and the Founder and Executive Coach of Dating Transformation in New York City. Connell has over five years of experience as an international coach who helps men connect with women by unlocking their best, true, most confident selves. He is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Dating Sucks but You Don’t,” and has appeared on Good Morning America, the "Today" show, Access Hollywood, and in Best Life, Cosmopolitan, and The Oprah Magazine. In 2019 he was named Datezie.com's “New York City’s Best Male Dating Coach." This article has been viewed 547,551 times.

Co-authors: 9

Updated: July 2, 2023


Article SummaryX

A breakup can be devastating, but it doesn’t always mean the relationship is over for good. If your ex doesn’t cut off contact after the breakup, it’s possible that they’re not quite ready to let go. If you find out they’re still mourning the relationship and missing you for a long time after you part ways, that might also be a sign that they’ll try to patch things up. They might reach out to you to share memories, apologize for their part in the breakup, or just say “hi”. If you’re hoping things could work out, ask them what’s up. You might both feel better after you have a talk.

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As a seasoned dating coach and relationship expert with over five years of international coaching experience, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. My expertise extends to helping men connect with women by unlocking their best, true, and most confident selves. I am Connell Barrett, the Founder and Executive Coach of Dating Transformation in New York City. My credentials include being the author of the Amazon bestseller "Dating Sucks but You Don’t" and earning the title of "New York City’s Best Male Dating Coach" by Datezie.com in 2019.

I've had the privilege of sharing my insights on renowned platforms such as Good Morning America, the "Today" show, Access Hollywood, and in publications like Best Life, Cosmopolitan, and The Oprah Magazine. The trust and recognition I've gained in the field are reflected in the success stories of those I've coached and the impact of my teachings on relationships.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the article written by me, Connell Barrett, and wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau. The article discusses the possibility of a rekindled relationship after a breakup. Here are the key concepts addressed:

  1. Breakup Recovery:

    • The article acknowledges that a breakup can be emotionally devastating.
  2. Continued Contact:

    • It suggests that if an ex doesn't cut off contact after the breakup, it may indicate that they are not ready to let go entirely.
  3. Signs of Unresolved Feelings:

    • The article explores signs that your ex may still be mourning the relationship and missing you, which could hint at a potential desire to reconcile.
  4. Initiating Communication:

    • It mentions that an ex might reach out to share memories, apologize for their role in the breakup, or simply say "hi" as a way of testing the waters for a potential reunion.
  5. Communication and Resolution:

    • The article recommends addressing the situation by having an open and honest conversation if you hope to reconcile. Communication is portrayed as a potential path to resolution.
  6. User Interaction:

    • The article concludes with a user interaction section, asking readers if the information was helpful and encouraging them to send fan mail to the authors. This engages the audience and creates a sense of community around the shared experiences discussed in the article.

In summary, the article draws on my expertise as a dating coach to provide insights into the complex dynamics of post-breakup interactions and offers practical advice for those hoping to navigate the possibility of getting back together with an ex.

15 Telltale Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back to You (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.