11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (2024)

This will be the year you do your taxes in March, like the grown-ass adult you are.


by Julia FurlanBuzzFeed Staff
by Meg CramerBuzzFeed Staff

Take a deep breath and check your bank account balance.

11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (3)

Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

Money sucks. We get it.

There's something about how money interjects itself into your life (thanks a lot, capitalism) that makes the worry and anxiety that comes with it hard to ignore. The episodes listed here might not make you millions of bucks, but we hope that they'll help you take a step back and think a little differently about the money-related stress in your life. At best, you can escape your own money ~feelings~ for a few minutes; at worst, you'll have a new podcast in your feed that will make you smile.

1. When changing your habits feels impossible:

Jesse Vs. Cancer, "Episode 1"

11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (4)

Sally Grossart

Getting your sh*t together is easy. Keeping it together is not. But before you give up on yourself, listen to the first episode of Jesse Vs. Cancer, in which comedian Jesse Case talks about getting sober again, finally getting health insurance, and moving back in with his parents to start his cancer treatment. It will make finally canceling the Hulu subscription you never used after signing up for a free trial 7 months ago feel like NBD.

2. When you're cursing the recession, your student loans and the entire concept of money, but are glad you still share your family's data plan:

Millennial, "The NYC Fairy Tale"

Megan Tan is looking for a lot of the usual things: stability, creative freedom, a paycheck, the approval of the people she respects and admires. In this episode, Megan hops on a Megabus and heads to NYC to ask her friends and acquaintances in public radio for a job. To anyone who has watched their friends succeed and wondered when they would too, this episode is a perfect example of how universal that feeling actually is.

3. When you're tryna Sheryl Sandberg but still skeptical of what she's talking about:

The Broad Experience, "Leaning In"

11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (7)

The Broad Experience / Via thebroadexperience.com

Yep, it's time for that book. But it's a good time because host Ashley Milne-Tyte sits down with some really smart women to talk about the privileges and pitfalls of leaning in if you're *not* Sheryl Sandberg. (If one of those voices sounds familiar, that's because Stacy-Marie Ishmael is one of the MVP guests on Another Round! Listen to her appearance here.)

4. When one podcast about leaning in is not enough:

First Day Back, "Getting Back Out There"

11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (8)

Tally Abecassis

It's hard to realize that you might never get your act together in a way that you or anyone else can recognize. That's what documentarian Tally Abecassis tries to wrap her head around in the first episode of First Day Back, a podcast about returning to work after a long maternity leave. She explores her complicated feelings about her career by interviewing her husband, brother, even her kids, about parenthood and work.

5. When you're ready to take one tiny step in the right direction:

Happier with Gretchen Rubin, "#23 Nothing Stays in Vegas"

11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (9)


11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (10)


There's something really soothing about hearing detailed specifics of how people put their lives together. Gretchen Rubin and her sister Elizabeth Craft have a lot of ideas about how to live a better life, often by taking small, specific steps in one direction or another. Their non-judgmental support of one another makes it easy to forgive yourself for your latest drunken Amazon spree.

6. When your friends don't want to hear you yell about the capitalist bureaucracy anymore:

On Being with Krista Tippett, "Money and Moral Balance with Nathan Dungan"

11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (11)

Via onbeing.org

Sometimes, you look at the giant inflatable pizza raft in your Amazon cart and you think: "I NEED this." In this old-but-still-good episode, Krista Tippett and her guest Nathan Dungan unpack moments like these so that listeners can distinguish better between essential needs (pizza raft, first edition of The Babysitters Club #62: Kristi and the Worst Kid Ever, a red keytar) and things you simply want. Our spending habits say a lot about who we are as people and what things we value; Krista and Nathan encourage us to slow it down a bit and bring some mindfulness to your Amazon cart. They're probably right, (but you should still get the pizza raft.)

7. When you're drunk-shopping on Amazon:

Note to Self, "Why Online Shoppers See Different Prices for the Same Item"

11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (12)

Via wnyc.org

WNYC's clever and interesting podcast about life in a digital world looks at how price optimization works. What it means is that your online shopping habits follow you around and may be used by companies to price products up or down. The episode explains that there's not much you can do about it, but it's also a good reminder that comparison shopping yields results. (So go ahead and buy the cheapest pizza raft you can find.)

8. When you block the student loan people on your phone:

Planet Money, "The Real Price of College"

11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (13)

NPR / Via npr.org

This is a #tbt episode, but the message stands true: paying for college means spending bucketloads of money often translates to terrifying amounts of debt. As is its style, Planet Money breaks things down in a way that's easy to understand — even if the hypocrisies of the system itself aren't.

9. When you realize the eco-friendly products are way more expensive than the regular ones:

Ask a Clean Person, "Stop Swiffering!"

11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (14)


11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (15)


You guys, swiffers are really bad. They waste your money and they make trees cry because they're so wasteful — or so say Jolie Kerr and her guest Adam Clarke Estes on this show. But you know what? You do you, swiffer afficionado. We're just here to tell you this podcast is good and you should listen to it, we don't make any moral judgments on what cleaning implement you use while listening.

10. When you want to know how other people feel about money:

Open Account with SuChin Pak, "Who Among Them Are Happy"

11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (16)

11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (17)

Ben Gabbe / Getty Images

SuChin Pak interviews Baratunde Thurston, author of How To Be Black and supervising producer for The Daily Show, about his approach to money and how to get paid for doing what you're passionate about. If talking about money makes you uncomfortable, this podcast might make your palms sweat. But Pak's direct questions and Thurston's openness will put you at ease. Because talking about money is really easy and not at all stressful and I love it ha ha see how much fun we're having?

11. When you have feelings about money that you don't understand:

Death, Sex & Money, "Where is Lisa Fischer's Backup?"

11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (18)

Imeh Akpanudosen / Getty Images

Singer and songwriter Lisa Fischer has been close to fame—she toured with The Rolling Stones and Tina Turner—but after a 30 year career in the music industry, she's still worried about money. "When I think about the money that I have gone through, I have to laugh to myself," she says. "I don't like to look at how much I have, because it's never enough." In her conversation with Death, Sex & Money host Anna Sale, she talks about her early career spending habits, and why lifestyle creep is more complicated than treating yourself to fresh flowers on payday.

  • Julia FurlanBuzzFeed Staff
  • Meg CramerBuzzFeed Staff
11 Podcast Episodes That *Might* Help You Get Your sh*t Together (2024)


How do I find a specific podcast episode? ›

Find an episode of a subscribed podcast
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Google Podcasts .
  2. To find: All available episodes of a podcast: Tap the podcast. Episode details: Tap the episode name. In-progress or downloaded episodes: At the bottom, tap Activity . New Episodes: At the bottom, tap Home .

How many podcast episodes should you launch with? ›

So how many episodes to launch with? While there is no 100% definitively right answer here we generally recommend starting with three. The goal here is to give your audience a good, representative sample of your content so they know what to expect from the show.

How do I find the best podcast episodes? ›

The quickest and easiest way to find podcasts is Google. Just choose your niche, and type in “business podcasts,” “health podcasts,” “relationship podcasts,” or whichever topic interests you the most.

What is a good first podcast episode? ›

Introduce yourself

When listeners tune in to your show every week, they feel like they know you even though you've never met! Start that relationship off on the right foot by sharing who you are, some fun facts about yourself, your education, your area of expertise, and what you do in your first podcast episode.

How do I access podcasts? ›

Step one: Download and open the Google Podcast app. Step two: Select the topics or categories you're interested in from the options at the top, under the search bar. Step three: Browse recommendations, or find a podcast with the searchbar. Step four: Choose the podcast you want to listen to, and click play to begin.

Is Google Podcasts free? ›

Google Podcasts is totally free to use. This is true for both listeners and podcasters.

How many podcasts make it to 10 episodes? ›

There Are More Than 150 Million Podcast Episodes

44% of podcasts have less than three episodes, and there are around 720k podcasts with more than 10 episodes. With an average of 50 episodes per podcast, the number of episodes will add up to 150 million as of 2024.

How long before a podcast is successful? ›

There are no shortcuts to building a podcast audience. Generally, you can expect it to take at least six months to see a significant uptick in your podcast downloads. Following all of the steps listed above helps you put your best foot forward and set your show up for success—but still, growing a podcast takes time.

How many listeners does a podcast need to be successful? ›

Some sponsors consider a podcast with 5,000 listeners per episode to be successful—while others prefer to work with podcasts with 10,000 listeners or more.

What is the number 1 most listened to podcast? ›

1 ▶–Joe Rogan The Joe Rogan Experience
2 ▶–Tucker Carlson Network The Tucker Carlson Podcast
3 ▶–This Past Weekend This Past Weekend
4 ▲1Ballen Studios MrBallen Podcast: Strange, Dark & Mysterious Stories
5 ▶–audiochuck Crime Junkie
45 more rows

What is the #1 podcast today? ›

1. The Joe Rogan Experience. Up first is The Joe Rogan Experience, the most listened-to podcast in the US, which is estimated to bring in 11 million listeners per episode.

What is the number one rated podcast in the world? ›

What is the most listened-to podcast? The Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) is the most listened-to podcast in the world with about 11 million listeners per episode.

How long should a podcast be? ›

There isn't a specific rule that dictates how long your podcast should be. An hour-long podcast show can be as successful as one that's under 20 minutes. You don't have to constrain your content to fit into a specific time length. On the other hand, you don't want to bore your audience by over-extending your topic.

How long is a typical podcast episode? ›

Overall average length

Considering these extreme outliers, I decided to look at the median average: Based on a sample of 10 million episodes, the median podcast duration is 38 minutes and 42 seconds. In other words, half of all currently published podcast episodes are longer than 38:42. The other half are shorter.

How long should my first podcast episode be? ›

If you want your podcast to appeal to a broad audience, aiming for about 44 minutes is a good starting point. But, if you have a specific group of people in mind, you might want to think about making your episodes shorter or longer. Take a close look at your audience to figure out what they like.

Can you search for specific episodes on Apple Podcasts? ›

Tap a suggestion or finish typing your query and tap the Search button to see the most relevant results. To search all channels, shows, and episodes available on Apple Podcasts, tap All Podcasts. Toggle to Your Library to search only the shows you follow and episodes you've saved or downloaded.

How to search for specific podcast episodes on Spotify? ›

How to Search Podcast Episodes on Spotify
  1. Open up the Spotify app or desktop web-player.
  2. Click the search icon on the left hand side.
  3. Enter the name of the podcast you're looking for or the topic of the type of podcast you'd like to find.
Oct 16, 2023

How to search within a podcast on iPhone? ›

Search by title, person, or topic: Tap Search at the bottom right of the screen, enter what you're looking for in the search bar on the top of the screen, then tap Search on the onscreen keyboard.

How to listen to Podcasts from episode 1? ›

In the settings for that podcast, look for the section that says Episode Order. You have a few options depending on the order you want to prioritize. If you have continuity problems, select Oldest to Newest.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Views: 6272

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.