10 Ways the NSA Is Spying on You Right Now | ExpressVPN Blog (2024)

In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed the NSA collects personal data on every American, as well as many more people worldwide. The shockwave of the revelations still ripples today.

What is the NSA?

The NSA is the U.S. National Security Agency. Although it ostensibly works to protect U.S. citizens and interests, the NSA monitors every American and the people of many allied countries—all with the backing of the U.S. government and large portions of Congress.

But it’s not only the NSA spying on its own people. Its counterparts at the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) are also spying on and hacking targets of interest.

Here are ten ways the NSA is still spying on you, right now, according to documents leaked by Edward Snowden and further investigation by the press.

How NSA surveillance works in America

1. The NSA can still access your phone records

In 2018, the NSA acquired data from over 600 million phone calls and text messages. It proceeded to delete many of them, citing “technical irregularities” but didn’t specify how many were expunged from servers. The USA FREEDOM Act, passed in 2015, puts the onus on telecommunication providers to hold on to phone records, after which they can be requested by the NSA rather than the spy agency keeping tabs on them directly.

This has meant that the overall extent of phone records collected by the NSA has gone down—but it’s hard to take their word at face value. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time that the NSA has straight up lied about its surveillance policies.

2. Big Tech passes your data to the NSA

Facebook, Google, Apple, and six other leading online services have all gone on record as having given their customers’ data to the NSA, as legally required by the “PRISM” program. Data shared includes emails, messages, and documents.

3. The NSA can hack your devices

When the NSA finds a security hole in a popular consumer device, it does not fix the security hole, but instead exploits it. The NSA’s hacking unit, Tailored Access Operations, has developed a whole range of hacking exploits. These enable the NSA to break into consumer electronics devices and IT systems as it sees fit.

4. The NSA puts “backdoors” in your devices

The NSA has made the job of hacking security devices easier for itself by coercing many manufacturers to build vulnerabilities into products. The NSA supposedly created new guidelines surrounding this practice after the Snowden revelations but refuses to say what those guidelines are.

If that isn’t enough, the NSA is known to intercept shipments of computers and phones to put “backdoors” on them. The backdoor circumvents security measures of the device, allowing the NSA to spy on the end user.

5. The NSA can track you wherever you are

When you move around town, cell phone towers can calculate your exact position. Though the NSA claims it no longer collects this bulk data itself, cell phone providers are still required to do so, and they, in turn, must surrender those records to the NSA when ordered by a court.

By far the worst aspect of this unwieldy power is that you don’t even have to be the subject of an inquiry yourself. The data of millions can be handed over, without notice, because you had even the most tangential connection to a person under surveillance.

How the NSA spies on you overseas

6. The NSA has tapped internet lines worldwide

The internet connects different continents via undersea fiber optic cables that carry staggering amounts of data. In some places, the NSA has deals with local intelligence agencies to tap into these cables; in others, it does so on its own. The NSA even uses submarines to attach snooping bugs to wires deep beneath in the ocean.

7. The NSA hacks foreign companies

In Brazil, Germany, and other countries, the NSA has broken into the internal networks of major telecommunications providers, intercepting the data they gather and weakening the security of their systems. It collects every email and phone call it can.

8. The NSA knows everything you own and buy

Through agreements and hacking, the NSA can access credit card networks, payment gateways, and wire-transfer facilities around the world. This monetary surveillance allows the NSA to follow every cent of your money and know where it comes from and what you spend it on.

9. The NSA spies on foreign leaders

Another revelation in the Snowden documents was that the NSA asks senior officials in the White House, State Department, and Pentagon to share personal information they have on foreign leaders.

The leaked memo revealed that over 200 confidential phone numbers were handed over to the NSA, which proceeded to tap their conversations. The NSA didn’t spare countries friendly to the U.S. either, with German leader Angela Merkel also one of the ones targeted.

10. The NSA can spy on tracking cookies

Cookies, or small packets of data that relay location history and used to serve you with targeted ads, have also been collected by the NSA. The spy agency has honed in on them to identify users around the world as prime hacking targets.

Protect yourself from NSA surveillance

While NSA surveillance extends across the globe, there is still a lot you can do to safeguard your internet privacy. Check out this list of top privacy tips and always be conscious of what you’re sharing, with whom you’re sharing, and how you share it.

FAQ: About NSA spying

Why does the NSA spy on us?

The NSA conducts mass surveillance (otherwise known as spying) for the alleged purpose of “national foreign security intelligence and counterintelligence purposes and to support military operations,” according to the NSA itself.

The 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon spurred the U.S. government to pass the USA Patriot Act, a landmark piece of legislation with the stated goal of tightening U.S. national security against the threat of terrorism. The act made it easier for the NSA to monitor the phone and email communications of ordinary Americans, as well as track their activities on the internet.

The Prism program is another reason the NSA spies on American citizens. The U.S. government claim that Prism is used exclusively for gathering information about foreign targets seeking to commit acts of terrorism against the United States.

However, Edward Snowdon revealed the true reality of Prism, warning that the scale of the mass data collection was greater than the public was aware of, including spying into the communications of American citizens.

When did the NSA start spying?

The NSA was spying as far back as 1919 in its precursory guise as Black Chamber. The Black Chamber persuaded Western Union and several other telegram and communications companies to give them illegal access to the telegram traffic of foreign embassies and consulates.

It’s difficult to know exactly when the NSA started the modern mass surveillance of American citizens. The public first became aware of this mass surveillance in late 2005 following a series of news reports. Thanks to these reports and evidence provided by whistleblower Mark Klein, a former AT&T technician, we know that the NSA has been spying on ordinary Americans since at least 2001.

How can you stop the NSA from spying on you?

Use encryption whenever possible, including moving to more secure instant messaging apps such as Signal. It’s also a good idea to avoid using ride sharing apps and online shops, as these can track your location as well as your personal and financial information.

Another step you can take is to use cash or Bitcoin rather than credit and debit cards when making payments. It’s also worth avoiding social networks, where your activity can be monitored. Using a VPN and Tor can also make it harder for anyone to track your location or know your identity when you go online.

Of course, the NSA can still track your movements via your phone. This is because your phone is in constant communication with cell phone towers. Turning your phone off or getting rid of it completely will also make it more difficult for the NSA to spy on you.

Does the NSA spy on other countries?

Yes, the NSA has the authority to spy on 193 countries. Only four countries are exempt from the NSA’s surveillance: the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The U.S. has signed no-spying agreements with these four countries, and the five of them together are known as the Five Eyes.

As a cybersecurity expert with a profound understanding of surveillance technologies and privacy issues, I bring forth a wealth of knowledge on the NSA's activities and the broader landscape of government surveillance. My expertise extends to the methods employed by intelligence agencies, the technological intricacies involved, and the implications for individuals and societies. I've closely followed the developments in this field, staying abreast of the latest revelations and analyses.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the provided article:

NSA (National Security Agency)

The NSA, or National Security Agency, is a U.S. government agency responsible for signals intelligence and information assurance. It was established to monitor and collect foreign communications and intelligence but has been implicated in widespread domestic surveillance.

Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden is a former NSA contractor who, in 2013, leaked classified documents revealing extensive global surveillance programs conducted by the NSA and its Five Eyes alliance.

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)

The CIA is another major U.S. intelligence agency responsible for national security and intelligence gathering. Like the NSA, the CIA has been implicated in surveillance activities.


Enacted in 2015, the USA FREEDOM Act imposes restrictions on the bulk collection of metadata by intelligence agencies. It places the responsibility on telecommunication providers to retain phone records, which can be accessed by the NSA through proper channels.

PRISM Program

The PRISM program is a clandestine surveillance initiative that compels major tech companies, such as Facebook, Google, and Apple, to provide user data to the NSA. This program operates legally under certain regulations.

Tailored Access Operations (TAO)

TAO is the NSA's hacking unit, specializing in exploiting vulnerabilities in consumer electronics devices and IT systems. It plays a crucial role in the agency's efforts to gain unauthorized access.


Backdoors are hidden vulnerabilities deliberately inserted into software or hardware, allowing unauthorized access. The NSA has been accused of coercing manufacturers to include backdoors in products or intercepting shipments to install them.

Five Eyes

The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance comprising the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. These countries collaborate and share intelligence, with certain exemptions from each other's surveillance activities.

Prism (the program)

The Prism program, as revealed by Snowden, goes beyond its stated purpose of gathering information about foreign targets. It involves extensive mass data collection, including the communications of American citizens.


Encryption involves the use of algorithms to secure information, rendering it unreadable without the correct decryption key. It is recommended as a measure to protect data from unauthorized access, including surveillance.

VPN (Virtual Private Network) and Tor

VPNs and Tor are tools for enhancing online privacy. VPNs create secure, encrypted connections, while Tor anonymizes internet traffic by routing it through a series of volunteer-operated servers.

9/11 and USA Patriot Act

The 9/11 terrorist attacks prompted the passage of the USA Patriot Act, granting the NSA increased surveillance powers to counter terrorism. It facilitated monitoring of phone and email communications and internet activities.

Cell Phone Tracking

Cell phone towers can track the location of mobile devices. Although the NSA claims it no longer collects bulk data, providers are still required to retain such records, which can be accessed by the NSA through legal channels.

No-Spying Agreements

The Five Eyes countries, including the U.S., have agreements exempting them from mutual surveillance. However, the NSA has the authority to spy on 193 countries, with the aforementioned exemptions.

In conclusion, the pervasive surveillance activities of the NSA, as revealed by Edward Snowden, highlight the complex interplay between national security, privacy, and the use of advanced technologies in the modern era. Individuals can take measures, such as encryption and using privacy-focused tools, to enhance their online privacy in the face of such surveillance.

10 Ways the NSA Is Spying on You Right Now | ExpressVPN Blog (2024)


Is the NSA watching me through my camera? ›

Governments. Unless you're on an intelligence agency's watchlist, it's unlikely someone is actively watching you through your phone camera. However, governments are probably collecting and storing your data. Your phone might feel like a tool for personal freedom, but it's also the ultimate surveillance device.

How do I know if the government is watching me? ›

There are several warning signs regarding the potential government surveillance: Specific echoes or noises during phone calls could mean that somebody else is listening to your conversations. Strange technical problems and unusual behavior of your apps might be a sign of spyware introduced to your device.

What does the NSA spy on? ›

The FISA Amendments Act of 2008 (FAA) gives the NSA almost unchecked power to monitor Americans' international phone calls, text messages, and emails — under the guise of targeting foreigners abroad.

Can the NSA tap your phone? ›

BUT — individual NSA analysts can wiretap anyone they want if the data they're accessing in real-time includes the content of everyone's phone calls or emails.

Am I being watched through my phone? ›

Look for newly strange apps, photos, or video files that appear on your phone. If someone uses your phone's camera to spy on you, the saved video content must go somewhere. You may notice odd recordings, photos, screenshots, or other unexplained files appearing on your device.

How do you tell if the feds are watching? ›

Signs of Being Under Federal Investigation
  1. Unusual Financial Activities. ...
  2. Increased Surveillance. ...
  3. Legal Documents. ...
  4. Interviews and Interrogations. ...
  5. Target Letter. ...
  6. Grand Jury Subpoenas. ...
  7. Professional and Social Changes. ...
  8. Public Records and Reporting.
Nov 10, 2023

How do you know if you are under surveillance? ›

If you feel like someone is always nearby, or if it's hard to shake off someone who's been persistent in their attempts to get close to you, this could be a sign that you're under surveillance.

Can the government see your text messages? ›

Can the government see my texts? Yes, under certain circ*mstances. Government agencies may access text messages with legal authorization, such as a warrant, or national security reasons. Access depends on legal restrictions and the context of the investigation.

Does the NSA watch everyone? ›

The intelligence apparatus collects, analyzes and stores information about millions of (if not all) American citizens, most of whom have not been accused of any wrongdoing.

Can NSA see FaceTime? ›

Apple says iMessage, FaceTime are safe from NSA surveillance | LAist. This is an archival story that predates current editorial management. This archival content was originally written for and published on KPCC.org. Keep in mind that links and images may no longer work — and references may be outdated.

Does the NSA record all phone calls? ›

It is pretty widely believed in the security and civil liberties communities that the government is recording and automatically transcribing all calls, but not actually accessing the recording without at least a nominal legal justification.

What is the 3 digit number to see if your phone is tapped? ›

Fortunately, there's a code (netmonitor code) that helps you identify whether or not you're being tracked or tapped. To confirm this, dial any of the codes below for your phone's operating system: For Android devices, dial: *#*#197328640#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* For iPhones, dial: *3001#12345#*

How do you know if your phone is tapped by the feds? ›

How to know if your phone is tapped: 10 warning signs
  • Unusual sounds during calls. ...
  • Decreased battery performance. ...
  • Unusual phone activity when not in use. ...
  • Trouble shutting down. ...
  • Websites look different. ...
  • You battery is unusually hot. ...
  • You receive unusual texts. ...
  • Cameras and microphones turn on randomly.
Jun 25, 2024

Can the NSA see through your phone camera? ›

The government can read your messages and emails, take pictures of you, and even obtain the files on your phone. Government spying is nothing new in the US; anyone can be monitored through their phone, especially US citizens. Additionally, the government doesn't need physical access to watch you through your phone.

Can the government see you through your phone camera? ›

It's technically possible under certain circ*mstances, but it's not common. Accessing your device generally requires a warrant issued by a judge, so the chances are that if you aren't the subject of an investigation, the government isn't seeing your camera.

How do you prevent the NSA from tracking you? ›

Ways to stop NSA from spying on you
  1. Remove browser extensions.
  2. Keep devices and operating systems up to date.
  3. Avoid online shopping and social media apps.
  4. Search using a private browser.
  5. Browse with a VPN.
  6. Use encrypted chats.
  7. Pay with cash or bitcoins.
Nov 6, 2023

Can the NSA see me through my iPhone? ›

Yes, the NSA could possibly have spied on your iPhone, but they had to have physical access to it to do so. If they had physical access, they would be able to install the malware they created to do the spying. So if your phone is out of your hands for any length of time, you might think about doing a wipe and restore.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.