10 Best Things to Stockpile | Easy Stockpiling Food List (2024)

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Want to figure out what the best food for stockpiling is? If so, check out this simple stockpiling food list to give you a good starting place when building a stockpile of food.

There are many excellent reasons to have a stockpile. Perhaps you are trying to save your family money or plan ahead for an emergency situation. Perhaps you don’t like grocery shopping and want a stockpile so you don’t have to grocery shop as often! Whatever your reason, remember that having a stockpile is like having a practical emergency fund for your family.

I know it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. It’s the reason I came up with these baby steps of stockpiling.If you are looking for an easy way to start, start with those baby steps and this basic stockpiling food list. It will help you make a plan to build your stockpile.

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What is a stockpile?

A stockpile is simply shopping ahead for items you use when these items are at their rock bottom prices. A stockpile should be full of items you will use – before they expire.

A stockpile should be built with money inside your budget. A stockpile is built over time and customized to fit the needs of your family so it will save you money.

I have a stockpile. My stockpile is in my small kitchen pantry as well as on a couple shelves in the basem*nt. You can store a stockpile wherever you have space.Someday, I’d like to get some simple can rotation systems like these but for now, I just stack things in rows and rotate the items myself.

Want to hear me talk about stockpiles, instead of reading? Check out this video instead!

How do you build a stockpile of food?

Make a list of the things you use regularly and watch for good deals to add those items to your stockpile. That is how you build a stockpile your family will really use on a budget.

Let me give you an example of what is in my stockpile and how I build it.November is a great time to stock up on canned goods like cream of chicken soup. Normally, this product (which I use fordelicious poppy seed chicken) costs $1.09. During Thanksgiving, by combining sales and coupons, I was able to get cans for $0.40 or less. I bought a case to last me through the year. By doing so, on this product alone, I saved at least $16.80. That’s a great savings and all I had to do was plan ahead a bit. This isthe rock-bottom price listI use as my guide so I know when to stockpile the best deals.

How did I learn to do this? For me, it is second habit but if you want to know all my tips and secrets you need tocheck out Crystal Paine’s Grocery Ebook! It is the best grocery guide around (and a cheap one too!) that describes my process exactly. Seriously, I could have written this book! It is that similar to what I do. If you want to find the best deals to build your stockpile on a budget, read Crystal’s ebook and watch the savings stack up!

Having a stockpile allows me to purchase items at their lowest possible prices when I plan ahead. There are certain items that I try to always have on hand. If there are no expiration dates (like on paper products and powdered laundry detergent), I will stock up as much as I have space for and can afford in my budget.

When stockpiling food items, my goal is to buy enough to get me through 6 months, depending on the seasonal sale cycles. Here’s a free printable of seasonal sale cycles, if you want to know what to buy and when. I don’t buy more food than I can use before it expires. That is my policy for when I find products on sale for a really great price. This is possible to do by stacking sales and coupons. Anyone can build a stockpile.

To start building a stockpile, I encourage you to think about what you use in your family. Do you have $5 a week to spend on stockpiling those items? Want to set aside more? Great, but know that even a small amount will make a big difference. Start here.

An Easy Stockpiling Food List

These are ten items that anyone can stockpile.

  1. Flour, sugar and baking ingredients
  2. Applesauce
  3. Canned vegetables and fruit
  4. Canned soups – creamed soups as well as regular soups
  5. Canned tomato products – diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, spaghetti sauce
  6. Pasta
  7. Peanut butter
  8. Condiments – salad dressing, ketchup, mustard
  9. Meat (in the freezer, unless you buy cans of shelf stable meat)
  10. Cheese (Did you know you can freeze cheese?)

That’s a basic list of what I stockpile and what I believe could work for any family. Of course, you can and should adapt that to what is right for you. If you don’t eat a lot of pasta, don’t stockpile it. If you don’t cook with cream of chicken soups, pick something else to stockpile instead. As I explain in the rules of stockpiling, you should store what you eat and eat what you store.

10 Best Things to Stockpile | Easy Stockpiling Food List (2)

Next, add these items to your stockpiling food list.

Stockpiles can be more than just food. The more things you buy now at lower prices, the more prepared you will be – and the more money you will save. Again, stockpile these as they apply to you and your family.

  1. Diapers (Here’s an in-depth post devoted to exactly how to stockpile diapers!)
  2. Soap – hand and for dishes
  3. Personal products – shampoo, conditioner, soap
  4. Chocolate chips
  5. Laundry detergent
  6. Paper products – toilet paper, paper towels

I have found my stockpile to be one of my greatest frugal savingsbecause mystockpile allows me to reap the benefits of my savings throughout the year.

What do you keep in your food stockpile?

What to learn more about stockpiling food?

  • 3 Ways to Prepare for Inflation on Food
  • 4 Important Reasons Everyone Needs a Stockpile
  • 5 Baby Steps to Building a Stockpile
  • 25 Things to Stockpile at Sam’s Club
10 Best Things to Stockpile | Easy Stockpiling Food List (3)
10 Best Things to Stockpile | Easy Stockpiling Food List (2024)


10 Best Things to Stockpile | Easy Stockpiling Food List? ›

What are the top 10 survival foods? Stock your pantry with these top 10 survival foods for maximum nutrition and convenience in any emergency: whole grains, canned goods, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and lean meats. Ensure your preparedness by having the necessary supplies on hand.

What are the most important foods to stockpile? ›

  • Meats & Beans. Canned meat, chicken, turkey, seafood. and other protein-rich foods, such as. ...
  • Vegetables. Canned vegetables and vegetable juices. ...
  • Fruits. Canned fruits and fruit juices. ...
  • Milk. Canned, boxed or dried milk and shelf- ...
  • Grains. Ready-to-eat cereal, crackers, pretzels, ...
  • Water. Enough for 1 gallon per day.

What are the top 10 survival foods? ›

What are the top 10 survival foods? Stock your pantry with these top 10 survival foods for maximum nutrition and convenience in any emergency: whole grains, canned goods, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and lean meats. Ensure your preparedness by having the necessary supplies on hand.

What to stock up on if there is a food shortage? ›

Canned juices, milk, soup (if powdered, store extra water) Staples " sugar, salt, pepper. High energy foods " peanut butter, jelly, crackers, granola bars, trail mix. Foods for infants, elderly persons or persons on special diets (for example, diabetics or those with allergies)

What should I stock up on in case of war? ›

A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items: Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation) Food (at least a several-day supply of non-perishable food) Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert.

What 2 foods can you survive on? ›

Survival foods should be low-maintenance and have a long shelf-life.
  • Potatoes. If we learned anything from Andrew Taylor, it's that potatoes can be essential for survival. ...
  • Kale. ...
  • Trail Mix. ...
  • Grains. ...
  • Beans. ...
  • What 5 Foods Can You Survive On? ...
  • What Food Can You Live On Alone? ...
  • What Meats Are Best for Long-Term Storage?
Apr 4, 2023

What foods never expire? ›

9 Foods That (Almost) Never Go Bad
  • 01 of 09. Soy Sauce. © Getty Images/iStockphoto. ...
  • 02 of 09. Worcestershire Sauce. © MCT via Getty Images. ...
  • 03 of 09. Honey. © Getty Images. ...
  • 04 of 09. Sugar. © Getty Images/iStockphoto. ...
  • 05 of 09. Rice. © Getty Images/iStockphoto. ...
  • 06 of 09. Dried Vegetables. ...
  • 07 of 09. Peanuts. ...
  • 08 of 09. Canned Fish.
Mar 15, 2023

Will there be food shortages in 2024 in usa? ›

This surge in demand, coupled with unpredictable weather patterns and climate change, sets the stage for an expected shortage in 2024.

What is the best food to stockpile long term? ›

Canned meats are a good selection. Rice and varieties of beans are nutritious and long-lasting. Ready-to-eat cereals, pasta mixes, rice mixes, dried fruits, etc. can also be included to add variety to your menus.

What single food can you survive on? ›

The only food which comes close to being something you could survive on long term as a sole ingredient is the potato. The fact that the potato has Vitamin C means that scurvy is not a risk like it would be with almost any other food source lacking in this nutrient.

What foods will be hard to find in 2024? ›

Food Items That Could Soon Be More Expensive and Harder to Find...
  • Eggs. In 2023, egg prices surged due to the highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak, a contagious viral disease among birds. ...
  • Wheat & Flour. ...
  • Rice. ...
  • Chicken. ...
  • Beef. ...
  • Cooking Oils, Seed Oils, & Olive Oil. ...
  • Food Shortages in 2024.
Mar 30, 2024

What is the best canned food to stockpile? ›

9 of the absolute best canned foods you should stock up on
  1. Canned tuna and salmon. These are great sources of protein. ...
  2. Canned sardines. ...
  3. Canned beans. ...
  4. Shelf-stable vegetables. ...
  5. Canned fruit. ...
  6. Mixed nuts. ...
  7. Milk options. ...
  8. Low-sodium veggie soups.

What canned foods last the longest? ›

High acid foods such as tomatoes and other fruit will keep their best quality up to 18 months; low acid foods such as meat and vegetables, 2 to 5 years. While extremely rare, a toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum is the worst danger in canned goods.

What do I need to prepare for ww3? ›

Start preparing your emergency survival kit. Now there are tons of stuff you can hoard for a bad day. This may include non-parishable goods, water, battery powered radio, secluded energy source, flashlights, batteries, etc.

Should we start stockpiling food? ›

Every American should have at least a three-day supply of food and water stored in their home, with at least one gallon of water per person per day. If you have the space, experts recommend a week's supply of food and water. Choose foods that don't require refrigeration and are not high in salt.

What items are hard to get during a war? ›

Even though thousands of items became scarce during the war, only those most critical to the war effort were rationed. Key goods such as sugar, tires, gasoline, meat, coffee, butter, canned goods and shoes came under rationing regulations.

What is the best food for long term storage? ›

Canned meats are a good selection. Rice and varieties of beans are nutritious and long-lasting. Ready-to-eat cereals, pasta mixes, rice mixes, dried fruits, etc. can also be included to add variety to your menus.

What is the most survival food? ›

Beans and Legumes as Long-Term Survival Foods

Beans and legumes are an excellent long-term survival food choice due to their high nutritional value, long shelf life, and versatility in cooking.

What are the most common food shortages? ›

These Foods Will Be In Short Supply In 2023, So Stock Up Now (Or Find Alternatives)
  1. Corn. Historically, Ukraine has been one of the world's leading providers of corn, but that's all changed since Russia's invasion — which has no end in sight. ...
  2. Bread. ...
  3. Vegetable Oil. ...
  4. Baby Formula. ...
  5. Champagne. ...
  6. Canned Pet Food.
Aug 2, 2023

What single food can you survive on the longest? ›

Unfortunately, there is no food that will provide all the nutrients you need to survive. However, one food has been of interest – human milk.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.